Application & Review Process

Application & Review Process

This page is intended to guide investigators through Franklin University’s Institutional Review Board (IRB) application process. Please review the content carefully to ensure all components of your submission are complete and accurate. Submissions that have missing documents or require additional information will take longer to review and approve.


Franklin University uses Cayuse, a cloud-based software, for protocol submission and management. Doctoral candidates will be added to Cayuse once enrolled in DISS 9100. Please refer to the Cayuse page for more information.

IRB Application

The IRB’s job is to assess risk and to ensure there are adequate measures in place to protect the rights and welfare of human subjects recruited to participate in research activities conducted under the auspices of Franklin University. The IRB submission process focuses on these concerns. 

The application addresses issues that help the IRB make its assessment. The IRB collects information about an investigator's plans regarding access, recruitment, informed consent, compensation, data security, and any and all interactions and interventions with human subjects participating in research. Remember, the IRB likely does not have prior knowledge of the study. The more detail included in an application, the better! Details make all the difference and can expedite or delay review and approval. Please read this page thoroughly and consider questions in the application carefully as you work through the process. 

You should be prepared to answer questions about the following topics:

Additional Materials

Throughout the IRB application process, you will be required to provide detailed study information and provide supplemental materials. In addition to the application, you will need to prepare and upload the following documents:

Submitting the IRB Application & Next Steps

Once you have completed your IRB application and uploaded all required, supplemental documentation to Cayuse, you are ready to submit your protocol.

The Principal Investigator (PI) will submit and certify the protocol; please make sure you complete both steps! If you are a doctoral candidate, your dissertation chair also will review and certify your submission. Check Cayuse for status updates and remind your chair to complete this step.

The IRB Office will contact you with any questions, comments, or concerns about your submission. If changes, clarification, or elaboration are required, the submission will be returned to the PI for corrections and resubmission. 

The review process varies by application type, but generally the IRB Office conducts reviews of exempt protocols while IRB members review non-exempt protocols. Once a protocol has been determined to meet federal, state, and institutional criteria (i.e., laws, regulations, and policies) for approval, the PI will receive an approval letter via email. You will then be able to begin data collection. 

Processing times vary by application type. The following is a guide only and may take more or less time depending on the completeness of the application and the complexity of the research:

  • Exempt: 1-2 weeks
  • Expedited: 2-4 weeks
  • Full Board: 4-8 weeks

Additional Guidance

  • Investigators cannot begin ANY data collection until a formal approval letter from the Franklin University IRB has been received. This includes submitting any formal requests for secondary data. If data are collected prior to receiving IRB approval, you may not use that data in your dissertation or research. The IRB does not retroactively issue IRB approval!
  • If there are significant changes to the study (e.g., new investigator, additional data collection procedure, different consent form used), you are required to submit a 'Modification' through Cayuse prior to implementing the change. Opening and completing a 'Modification' submission is the same process as opening and completing the 'Initial' submission.
  • If there are significant changes to the study that are implemented without prior IRB review and approval (i.e., protocol violations), you are required to contact the IRB Office and complete an ‘Incident Report’ through Cayuse. Opening and completing an 'Incident Report' submission is the same process as opening and completing the 'Initial' submission. 
  • If there are adverse events, unanticipated problems, or complaints about the research, you are required to contact the IRB Office and complete an ‘Incident Report’ through Cayuse. Opening and completing an 'Incident Report' submission is the same process as opening and completing the 'Initial' submission.
  • All doctoral candidates are required to close their IRB protocols prior to graduating. You will do this by submitting a ‘Closure’ report through Cayuse. Opening and completing a 'Closure' submission is the same process as opening and completing the 'Initial' submission.

Common Application Issues

Going through the IRB is the final step before an investigator can begin data collection. To prevent delays in starting your project, please read and follow the guidance above. Also review the most common application problems that delay IRB approval: