M.S. in Communications Programs

Implement comprehensive communication strategies with a master’s in communication

Build applied knowledge and skills to connect communication strategy and organizational goals. Choose from specializations in Strategic Communication or Health Communication and earn your M.S. in Communications online in as few as 16 months.

Real-World Experts

Learn best practices from in-field professionals.

Convenient Classes

Take 100% online courses that fit your life.

No GRE/GMAT Required

Bypass expensive, time consuming tests and get started sooner.

Available M.S. in Communications Programs

With a theory-to-practice approach, the M.S. in Communications program familiarizes you with communication theory and equips you with relevant skills to apply concepts in real-world scenarios. Earn your master’s in communication 100% online and balance learning with your life.

M.S. in Communications - Strategic Communications

Deepen your understanding of communication principles and become a strategic communication planner and manager.

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M.S. Communications - Healthcare

Build applied skills in strategic communication alongside valuable insights into healthcare industry leadership and policy.

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Future Start Dates

Start dates for individual programs may vary and are subject to change. Please request free information & speak with an admission advisor for the latest program start dates.

Spring 2027
Recommended Register By:
Dec 25

Your Best Value M.S. in Communications

Affordable Tuition


Affordable tuition rates for the M.S. in Communications provide value and quality.

Finish Faster


Realize your career goals sooner and reap the benefits.

Highly Recommended


98% of graduating students would recommend Franklin to their family, friends and/or colleagues.

Info Copy: Source: Franklin University, Office of Career Development Student Satisfaction Survey (Summer 2023).


Tuition Guarantee

Inflation-proof your degree cost by locking-in your tuition rate from day one through graduation.

Partner? Pay Less.

Search below to see if you could save tuition through an employer or professional organization partnership.

Total Tuition
(After Partner Discount)

Instructor Led

Online courses taught by in-field experts = a winning combo for you.
