A.A.S. Business Administration
Credit Hours
Max Transfer Credit
Class Type
100% online
Next Start Date
May 19, 2025
Cost Per Credit

Put your prior learning credit to work with an A.A.S. in Business Administration

Build on the knowledge and skills you’ve gained through professional training, certificates, certifications or licenses and take the next step in your career with the 100% online Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.) in Business Administration. 

Moreover, if your long-term goals include a bachelor’s degree, the credits you’ll earn as part of your A.A.S. program position you for seamless transition into a number of Franklin’s in-demand bachelor’s degree programs including Accounting, Business Administration, Human Resources Management, Marketing, and Management & Leadership.

Program Availability

On Site

Max Credit for Work + Life

Get up to 30 credits for professional training + certificates.

Balance Life + Learning

Take one 6-week online class at a time.   

Keep Moving Forward

Seamlessly transfer your A.A.S. credits toward a Franklin bachelor’s.

IACBE Accredited

Our program follows best-practice standards for business education.

Program Overview

Build your knowledge in management, business law and entrepreneurship

You’ll find the curriculum for the A.A.S. in Business Administration to be highly customizable to your interests. Designed to provide the freedom to explore a range of business topics and employment opportunities, the program is anchored by three courses in management, business law and entrepreneurship that will provide foundational knowledge that is applicable to any organization or industry. 

As part of these three required major area courses, you’ll gain understanding of concepts and principles across all the functional areas of business - management, finance, marketing, accounting and economics. You’ll be able to define and recognize legal and ethical obligations related to work in the business environment and you’ll develop an entrepreneurial mindset that will help you spot and evaluate new opportunities.   

Leverage your prior learning to help you go further in your career

Imagine being two-thirds of the way to the finish line before you even start the race. Thanks to Franklin’s long-standing tradition of honoring the experience our students bring into the University, you can get credit toward your degree even before you register for your first class.

The A.A.S. Business Administration is designed to help you maximize your previous learning by accepting up to 40 hours of college credit. Up to 30 hours of the 40 hour maximum can be collected through prior learning credit, which is awarded for the completion of  professional training or industry-aligned certificates. You can also supplement prior learning credit with transfer credit for previously completed coursework at a community or technical college.  

Earn a degree that benefits you now and in the future

As a student in the A.A.S in Business Administration, you’ll develop both the technical and applied knowledge necessary to excel in various administrative, operational and managerial roles. You’ll also earn a degree that is highly transfer-friendly into numerous Franklin bachelor’s degrees. So when the time is ready, you can build on your associate degree credits to save time and money toward your bachelor’s. 

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International Accreditation Council for Business Education (IACBE)

The Ross College of Business at Franklin University has received specialized accreditation for its business programs through the International Accreditation Council for Business Education (IACBE) located at 11960 Quivira Road in Overland Park, Kansas, USA. For a list of accredited programs please view our IACBE member status page

Click here to see our IACBE Public Disclosure of Student Achievement. 

For more information about the International Accreditation Council for Business Education, please click here or visit www.iacbe.org.

Get College Credit for What You Already Know

The certificates and training listed below are relevant to this degree program. Search our database to view pre-evaluated credentials and see how a license, certification or professional training saves you time and money toward your degree.

Future Start Date

Start dates for individual programs may vary and are subject to change. Please request free information & speak with an admission advisor for the latest program start dates.

Summer 2025
Recommended Register By:
May 9
Summer 2025
Recommended Register By:
Jun 20
Fall 2025
Recommended Register By:
Aug 8
Fall 2025
Recommended Register By:
Sep 19
Fall 2025
Recommended Register By:
Oct 31
Spring 2026
Recommended Register By:
Dec 26
Spring 2026
Recommended Register By:
Feb 6
Spring 2026
Recommended Register By:
Mar 20
Summer 2026
Recommended Register By:
May 8
Summer 2026
Recommended Register By:
Jun 19
Fall 2026
Recommended Register By:
Aug 7
Fall 2026
Recommended Register By:
Sep 18
Fall 2026
Recommended Register By:
Oct 30
Spring 2027
Recommended Register By:
Dec 25
Spring 2027
Recommended Register By:
Feb 5
Spring 2027
Recommended Register By:
Mar 19

Your Best Value

Choose Franklin's A.A.S. Business Administration and get a high-quality degree that fits your life and your budget.  

Keep the Credit You've Earned


Transfer up to 66% of required credits to finish faster and spend less.

Partner? Pay Less.

Search below to see if you could save tuition through an employer or professional 
organization partnership.

Total Tuition
(After Partner Discount)

Tuition Guarantee

Inflation-proof your degree cost by locking-in your tuition rate from day one through graduation.

Highly Recommended


98% of graduating students would recommend Franklin to their family, friends and/or colleagues.

Source: Franklin University, Office of Career Development Student Satisfaction Survey (Summer 2023)


Full-Time, One-Class-at-a-Time

Focus on one 6-week class at a time and maintain full-time status by taking 3 courses per term.

Non-Profit = Student Focused

Unlike for-profit universities, Franklin invests in student success, not shareholder gain.


Curriculum & Course Descriptions

60 Semester Hours
Non-technical Curriculum
General Education

Applied General Education


PF 121 - Basic Learning Strategies (2)

This course prepares students to be successful lifelong learners both academically and in their chosen careers. Franklin courses require a high level of self-directed learning and focus on the skills required in the workplace and the classroom that are easily transferrable between the two environments. The course includes strategies for time management, goal setting, reading comprehension, and advancing communication skills, including the use of electronic tools to participate in virtual environments.

OR PF 321 - Learning Strategies (2)

This course prepares students to be successful lifelong learners both academically and in their chosen careers. Franklin courses require a high level of self-directed learning and focus on the skills required in the workplace and the classroom that are easily transferable between the two environments. The course includes strategies for advancing communication skills, including the use of electronic tools to participate in virtual environments. The assignments and activities in the course are created to closely simulate teamwork found in the workplace.


SPCH 100 - Speech Communication (4)

This basic public-speaking course intends to improve the student's ability to think critically and to communicate orally. Theory and practice are provided in various speaking situations. Each student is required to speak before an audience, but class work also involves reading, gathering and organizing information, writing, and listening.

OR COMM 150 - Interpersonal Communication (4)

By using applied critical and creative thinking, students in this course will develop a set of communication skills that will enhance their personal and professional relationships and endeavors. This course will focus on skill development in key areas such as self, perception, listening, verbal messages, conversations, relationships, conflict management, persuasion, and presentation skills.


9 credits from the following types of courses:
Complete any course at the 100 or 200 level

English Composition
ENG 120 - College Writing (4)

In this course, students acquire the writing competencies necessary for completing analytical and argumentative papers supported by secondary research. A variety of assignments, beginning with personal reflections, build upon one another, as students develop ideas that respond to, critique, and synthesize the positions of others. Students systematize and organize knowledge in ways that will help them in all their courses. The course also emphasizes the elements of critical reading, effective writing style, appropriate grammar and mechanics, clarity of language, and logical and cohesive development. It culminates in submission of an extended, documented research paper.


At least 3 credits from the following courses:

MATH 105 - Fundamentals of Mathematics (3)

This course is a survey of pre-college algebra. An intuitive approach using practical examples is emphasized to help students understand and use mathematics. Topics include sets, logic, probability, statistics, number theory, algebra, consumer mathematics, and the metric system. This course is designed for students enrolled in programs that do NOT require College Algebra. Prerequisite: Math 040 or Placement by examination; PF 121 or PF 321. Course used as a part of the Associate of Applied Science curriculum.

MATH 140 - Introduction to Quantitative Reasoning (4)

This is the first course in algebra specifically designed for students who are enrolled in programs that DO NOT require College Algebra. The course will include traditional beginner algebra topics, including basic numeric/algebraic skills and reasoning, solving linear equations, systems and inequalities, basic functions, basics of graphing (including algebraic and statistical graphs), and some data literacy. The topics will be addressed in a contextualized format incorporating a pedagogy that promotes problem solving and critical thinking skills through collaborative work and technology tools.

MATH 150 - Fundamental Algebra (4)

This course will address the outcomes of introductory and intermediate algebra. Topics include: basic algebraic properties, integers, simplifying and factoring polynomials, solving and graphing linear equations and inequalities, solving systems of equations in two variables, functions, rational expressions, quadratic and rational equations, absolute value, radicals, graphing systems of equations, and other selected topics. Applications will be emphasized, and numeric, algebraic, and graphical modes will be used.

MATH 215 - Statistical Concepts (4)

This course introduces you to statistics with applications to various areas. The course covers both descriptive and inferential statistics. Topics included are: sampling techniques, data types, experiments; measures of central tendency, measures of dispersion, graphical displays of data, basic probability concepts, binomial and normal probability distributions, sampling distributions and Central Limit Theorem; confidence intervals, hypothesis tests of a mean, or a proportion for one or two populations, and linear regression.

MATH 160 - College Algebra (4)

This course is designed to prepare students for Applied Calculus and Discrete Mathematics and to provide the mathematical background needed for the analytic reasoning used in other courses. Topics include functions and their graphs, including exponential and logarithmic functions; complex numbers; systems of equations and inequalities; matrices; basic principles of counting and probability; and other selected topics. Note, this course has proctored exam(s).


Choose either MATH 140 Introduction to Quantitative Reasoning or MATH 150 Fundamental Algebra as the prerequisite to MATH 215. Course can count as a University Elective.


Related Bachelor's degrees will require MATH 215.


4 credits from the following types of courses:
Any Science course

Social and Behavioral Sciences

4 credits from the following types of courses:
Any Social and Behavioral Science course (Anthropology, Geography, History, Political Science, Psychology, or Sociology disciplines)

Technical Curriculum
Major Area Required
MGMT 312 - Principles of Management (4)

This course explores the basic concepts and processes of management. Students will explore the functional roles and processes of planning, leading, organizing, and controlling comprising the manager role. Students develop skills related to the manager function that are required in today's competitive environment.

BSAD 220 - Business Law (4)

A study of the everyday legal problems encountered in business with emphasis on the areas of legal procedure, contracts, agency, employment law, business organizations and torts, with cases relating to these and other areas.

ENTR 395 - Foundations of Entrepreneurship (4)

Foundations of Entrepreneurship is an introductory course that examines the theory, practice, and tools of entrepreneurship. Various entrepreneurship structures and how such structures result in different unique pathways to success are explored. Students will focus on the importance of developing an entrepreneurial mindset as they assess their individual values and determine their affinity for entrepreneurial thinking, while also reviewing the risks and rewards of entrepreneurial businesses in the context of their chosen entrepreneurial philosophy. Finally, students will identify and evaluate opportunities for new ventures, and consider a strategic approach for successful business plan development.

Major Elective

12 credits from the following subjects: ACCT, AMGT, BSAD, BUSA, DATA, ECON, EGMT, ENTR, FINA, FPLN, HCM, HIM, HRM, MGMT, MKTG, OSCM, PBRL, PSYC, RMI, SPM


Or transfer related coursework, certificates, micro-credentials, certifications, credentials, licenses, or career and technical programs (AMGT).

University Electives

6 credits from the following types of courses:
Any undergraduate courses offered by the University except developmental education courses.


Or transfer any college-level coursework, certificates, micro-credentials, certifications, credentials, licenses, or career and technical programs.

Additional Requirements

All students are required to pass College Writing (ENG 120), and either Basic Learning Strategies (PF 121) or Learning Strategies (PF 321) prior to enrolling in any course at the 200 level or above. Students who enroll at Franklin with 30 or fewer hours of transfer credit are required to pass PF 121 Basic Learning Strategies in place of PF 321 Learning Strategies. Interpersonal Communication (COMM 150) or Speech Communication (SPCH 100) must be taken prior to enrolling in any course at the 300 level or above. Students completing an AAS degree are not required to meet the University algebra competency requirement. 

A.A.S. Business Administration Program Details

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Employment Outlook


From 2023-2033, jobs in Business & Leadership are expected to increase by 11%

Occupation Median Salary (2023) Job Postings (2023) Projected Growth (2023-2033)
Administrative Services Managers $106,475 32,278 10%
Administrative Services Managers
Median Salary: $106,475
Job Postings: 32,278
Projected Growth: 10%
Job Titles

Administrative Services Managers plan, direct, or coordinate one or more administrative services of an organization, such as records and information management, mail distribution, and other office support services. Medical records administrators are included in Medical and Health Services Managers (11-9111).

Projected Growth
Job TitleJob Postings% of Job Postings
Business Office Managers17,00353%
Administrative Managers2,7008%
Executive Administrators2,0496%
Assistant Business Office Managers2,1977%
Administrative Services Managers9023%
Show More
SkillJob Postings% of Total Postings
Office Management9,44337%
Accounts Receivable5,67822%
Accounts Payable4,82419%
Show More
Industry% of Occupation in Industry
Local Government, Excluding Education and Hospitals8%
State Government, Excluding Education and Hospitals7%
Management of Companies and Enterprises5%
Education and Hospitals (State Government)4%
Education and Hospitals (Local Government)3%
Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools3%
General and Operations Managers $101,275 553,579 10%
General and Operations Managers
Median Salary: $101,275
Job Postings: 553,579
Projected Growth: 10%
Job Titles

General and Operations Managers plan, direct, or coordinate the operations of public or private sector organizations, overseeing multiple departments or locations. Duties and responsibilities include formulating policies, managing daily operations, and planning the use of materials and human resources, but are too diverse and general in nature to be classified in any one functional area of management or administration, such as personnel, purchasing, or administrative services. Usually manage through subordinate supervisors. Excludes First-Line Supervisors.

Projected Growth
Job TitleJob Postings% of Job Postings
Operations Managers98,41118%
Management Trainees60,82811%
General Managers51,9559%
Shift Supervisors39,7507%
Operations Supervisors53,85910%
Show More
SkillJob Postings% of Total Postings
Operations Management76,41114%
Project Management47,4239%
Show More
Industry% of Occupation in Industry
Restaurants and Other Eating Places4%
Management, Scientific, and Technical Consulting Services4%
Management of Companies and Enterprises3%
Computer Systems Design and Related Services3%
Building Equipment Contractors2%
Agencies, Brokerages, and Other Insurance Related Activities2%
Management Analysts $99,424 157,111 15%
Management Analysts
Median Salary: $99,424
Job Postings: 157,111
Projected Growth: 15%
Job Titles

Management Analysts conduct organizational studies and evaluations, design systems and procedures, conduct work simplification and measurement studies, and prepare operations and procedures manuals to assist management in operating more efficiently and effectively. Includes program analysts and management consultants.

Projected Growth
Job TitleJob Postings% of Job Postings
Business Analysts82,04352%
IT Business Analysts10,1296%
Program Analysts9,4876%
Business Data Analysts6,1864%
Business Process Analysts5,2363%
Show More
SkillJob Postings% of Total Postings
Project Management61,84029%
Business Process46,16222%
Data Analysis45,85022%
Business Requirements37,22318%
SQL (Programming Language)34,89417%
Show More
Industry% of Occupation in Industry
Management, Scientific, and Technical Consulting Services26%
Federal Government, Civilian9%
Computer Systems Design and Related Services7%
State Government, Excluding Education and Hospitals5%
Management of Companies and Enterprises5%
Insurance Carriers5%

Employment outlook data is provided by Lightcast and represents labor market trends in the United States. It is not specific to Franklin University graduates or any particular degree level. Franklin University cannot guarantee employment placement, salary level, or career advancement.

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