Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)
Credit Hours
Max Transfer Credit
Class Type
Next Start Date
May 19, 2025
Years To Complete
Finish in as few as 3 years

Advise, educate and innovate with an online doctor of business administration

A global economy combined with changes in accessibility, technology and consumer expectations have changed the way business is done – and administered. With increased prominence and greater responsibility, business administration practitioners are tasked with managing corporate-wide initiatives to competitive advantage and profitability. Educators, too, are pioneering in the field, bringing innovative business administration leadership practices to the classroom for the next generation of thought leaders, strategists and consultants.

Program Availability

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No-Fear Dissertation™

Get 360-degree support to take on (and finish!) your dissertation.

3-Year Completion

Finish your DBA faster -- including one year for your dissertation.

Personalized Program

Customize your program with a variety of electives.

100% Online Classes

Take classes that fit with your busy life.

In-Demand Skills

Develop advanced verbal competencies, technical abilities and interpersonal aptitude. 

Doctor of Business Administration Program Overview

Make a difference: Become a problem-solving business leader

Business and commerce as we knew it just a few years ago isn’t the same as business and commerce of today – and it certainly won’t be for tomorrow. Warp-speed changes in accessibility, technologies and consumer expectations, not to mention the global economy, have radically and dramatically altered the worldwide business landscape. 

As a result, those working in business administration are taking on new roles and new prominence at both organizational and educational levels.

Business practitioners, for example, are becoming essentially on-staff consultants who are charged with across-the-board innovation for profitability and competitive advantage. Responsibilities have shifted from mere oversight and management toward visionary leadership in everything from best practices, to process management and change, to operational methodologies.

Business instructors, meanwhile, are becoming pioneering educators and champions who are tasked with preparing up-and-coming practitioners to become tomorrow’s thought leaders, strategists and innovation consultants.

Set yourself apart in business or business education

Because the business world is experiencing such tremendous change, employers need (and want) higher levels of skills from both practitioners and educators. In-demand skills include verbal and written competencies, technical and technological abilities, and advanced interpersonal aptitude. Yet these sophisticated and relevant skills don’t come easily – or automatically. Instead, they require proficiencies beyond even a master’s-level degree; they require a degree of the highest level, a terminal degree.

The skills you will develop in earning a terminal degree in business administration will prepare you to make logical, relevant connections between classroom learnings and real-world operational effectiveness. Acquiring these skills in the content area of management and developing the ability to perform research will give you deeper insight, sharper senses and greater abilities to distinguish among all the factors at hand to decide what is merely important and what is critical to address the identified problem. Further, improving your writing by developing a clear, crisp and concise style will give your thoughts a voice that will be heard and heeded.

Achieve tactical and strategic goals through strong organizational leadership

Our transfer-friendly Doctor of Business Administration program reinforces the core technical aspects of quality research, yet also equips you with such sought-after skills as communication and technology. Franklin’s applied doctorate is a practical degree that enables both subject mastery and field application. That means you’ll be prepared to research and communicate complex issues as you solve organization-wide issues.

Franklin’s applied doctorate in Business Administration is a program designed to help you:

  • Differentiate yourself as a top performer or educator
  • Apply research in order to solve actual business problems
  • Assess and refine your own leadership competencies
  • Understand and apply leadership theories for organizational transformation

Drive business innovation and improvement

Through our online DBA program, you’ll focus on advanced research in the fields of organizational strategy and performance. Knowing how and having experience with investigating, using and applying the research of others will increase both the depth and breadth of your own analytical and critical-thinking skills.

For example, through your research, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of key business dynamics, such as:

  • Political and economic influence of global markets
  • Increased regulation and government intervention
  • Tension between public and private activities
  • Technological innovations
  • An increasingly diverse workforce

Armed with current research findings, you’ll be better prepared to:

  • Recognize and respond to opportunities
  • Form a vision for the future of your company or industry
  • Generate possible solutions across many fields
  • Address leadership issues
  • Institute continuous innovation
  • Improve customer satisfaction metric

All of which means that, with a Franklin DBA, you’ll be able to lead more strategically and focus innovative ideas to create competitive advantage.

Create a culture of effectiveness

Shaping corporate culture has never been more important. But it takes being intentional to create and sustain the right culture within your organization. Through Franklin’s applied DBA program, you’ll learn how to investigate, analyze and articulate organizational identity and behavior. You’ll also conduct substantive research into existing literature on organizational behavior, culture and effectiveness, culminating in the development of a research-ready proposal for cultural advancement or transformation.

Understand and manage organizational responsibility and integrity

It’s a modern-day business imperative: evaluate, assess and apply ethical constructs of business to provide more responsible management and leadership. From understanding theoretical principals, to developing ethical decision-making processes, to cultivating a social responsibility-minded corporate culture, Franklin DBA students will explore, assess and apply a full range of ethical theories and practices.

Get 360-degree support as you earn your DBA online

We’ve taken a comprehensive and systematic approach to our online DBA program, which includes team-based curriculum development, doctorally qualified faculty, and student-centered activities designed for the working adult. You’ll receive robust academic support from a variety of resources, including a graduate advisor, faculty advisor, personal librarian and peers, as well as the Student Learning Center staff and your Dissertation Committee members. You’ll also enjoy a cohesive and robust graduate culture and cohort. Together, our practice-minded faculty and your fellow students will support, mentor, encourage and keep you accountable to the program – and to yourself. At Franklin, you’re never alone on your doctoral journey.

Transfer up to 24 credit hours & finish your DBA faster

Want to complete your terminal degree in less than three years? Franklin grants up to 24 hours of prior-learning credit for previous doctoral work. We honor your prior-learning and make it easier to get credit for what you already know. Transfer credit can help you earn your applied doctorate degree faster, as well as reduce your overall tuition expenses.

Succeed with our unique dissertation structure

If there’s such a thing as a no-fear dissertation process, Franklin has it. We’ve intentionally designed a dissertation structure to help you complete your dissertation step-by-step, beginning with your enrollment in the program. We’ve also built-in faculty mentoring and guidance, and peer-to-peer support so you’re never left to “figure it out” on your own.

Throughout the online DBA program, you’ll develop important research skills and the necessary writing prowess to publish a dissertation or a dissertation in practice as a capstone project to your studies. Your dissertation will showcase your ability to identify a topic of interest within the workplace, develop a proposed solution to a problem, and test your hypotheses in the real world.

Read more >

Dr. Augustine O.

DBA Graduate

"From the initial orientation class to the final dissertation defense, Franklin's faculty and staff were consistently ready to provide support. The availability of resources like the library commons, writing, and technology workshops made the return to school more accessible, especially for individuals who had been away from academic settings for decades. With the guidance of a dedicated and supportive dissertation committee, I carried out innovative management and finance research."

International Accreditation Council for Business Education (IACBE)

The Ross College of Business at Franklin University has received specialized accreditation for its business programs through the International Accreditation Council for Business Education (IACBE) located at 11960 Quivira Road in Overland Park, Kansas, USA. For a list of accredited programs please view our IACBE member status page

Click here to see our IACBE Public Disclosure of Student Achievement. 

For more information about the International Accreditation Council for Business Education, please click here or visit

Future Start Dates

Start dates for individual programs may vary and are subject to change. Please request free information & speak with an admission advisor for the latest program start dates.

Summer 2025
Recommended Register By:
May 9
Summer 2025
Recommended Register By:
Jun 6
Fall 2025
Recommended Register By:
Aug 8
Fall 2025
Recommended Register By:
Sep 12
Fall 2025
Recommended Register By:
Oct 17
Spring 2026
Recommended Register By:
Dec 26
Spring 2026
Recommended Register By:
Jan 30
Spring 2026
Recommended Register By:
Mar 6
Summer 2026
Recommended Register By:
May 8
Summer 2026
Recommended Register By:
Jun 5
Fall 2026
Recommended Register By:
Jul 31
Fall 2026
Recommended Register By:
Aug 7
Fall 2026
Recommended Register By:
Sep 11
Fall 2026
Recommended Register By:
Oct 16
Spring 2027
Recommended Register By:
Dec 25
Spring 2027
Recommended Register By:
Jan 29
Spring 2027
Recommended Register By:
Mar 5

Your Best Value Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)

Choose Franklin's DBA and get an applied doctorate that fits your budget and your ambition. 

The Finish Formula


2 years of coursework + 1 year for the dissertation.

Transfer MORE Credits, Pay LESS tuition*

Avg. Transfer Credit
Total Tuition

This is only an estimate of tuition costs after average or max transfer credits are applied. Pricing may be higher or lower depending on actual transfer credits and tuition discounts.


Faculty Support

Be mentored + guided by doctoral faculty advisor from first term through candidacy. 

Highly Recommended


98% of graduating students would recommend Franklin to their family, friends and/or colleagues.

Source: Franklin University, Office of Career Development Student Satisfaction Survey (Summer 2023)


Non-Profit = Student Focused

Unlike for-profit universities, Franklin invests in student success, not shareholder gain.

Source: Internal research of leading programs (May 2022)


Affordable Tuition


Get ahead without going broke. 


Doctor of Business Administration Courses & Curriculum

60 Semester Hours
Research Core
ENG 8010 - Introduction to Doctoral Studies, Writing, and Research (3)

This course will establish the doctoral program structure and associated expectations, requirements, and support resources, as well as prepare students to be active participants in advanced professional and academic discourse by examining and practicing the writing conventions associated with their chosen field of study. As part of an intentional learning community, students will become familiar with the varied conventions of disciplinary writing and analyze the ongoing scholarly conversations pertinent to their academic interest by identifying common scholarly writing conventions, composing knowledge base articles, and responding to both their peers? works in progress and published scholarly writing.

ENG 8020 - Doctoral Writing & Research (3)

This course will build on the foundational work of ENG8010 to ensure that students continue to compose in academic and professional genres in order to compose and communicate scholarly arguments and perspectives in their chosen field of study. In addition to applying scholarly writing conventions associated both with doctoral scholarship and with their chosen field of study, students will continue to cultivate a learning community and develop field-specific research in order to compose knowledge-base articles, annotated bibliographies, literature reviews and analytical research papers.

MTHD 8003 - Introduction to Qualitative Methods (2)

Through this course, students will gain an overview of qualitative research methods. The course starts with successful completion of the CITI training - the protection of human research participants, then move on to introduce some of the critical works in qualitative research methods and design as well as give an overview of the historical progression of the field. Students will become familiar with the various approaches to qualitative methods, including narrative approach, phenomenology, grounded theory, ethnography, and case studies. Students will gain hands-on experience with qualitative sampling design, observations, and qualitative data collection. They will also get some introduction in qualitative data analysis, validity, reliability, and researchers' bias in qualitative work. At the end of this course, students will be introduced to the research proposal to get a start on the guidelines required for their dissertation proposal.

MTHD 8004 - Introduction to Quantitative Methods & Research Design (2)

Through this course, students will gain an overview of quantitative research designs and methods, including experimental, quasi-experimental, and non-experimental designs. The course will also introduce students to quantitative sampling techniques, data collection approaches, and data analysis. Students will also engage in practical hands-on experience with formulating a research question or hypotheses, discussing important ethical issues, designing sampling methods, collecting data, and analyzing data. They will learn how to examine validity and reliability issues and will be introduced to available software for conducting quantitative design. At the end of this course, students will be introduced to the research proposal to get a start on the guidelines required for their dissertation proposal.

MATH 8070 - Statistical Reasoning and Interpretation (2)

This course will introduce students to the concepts underlying basic data collection, analysis, and interpretation. Core topics include descriptive statistics, selection and operationalization of variables, scales of measurement, data types, sampling techniques, and means of collecting data. Using a current statistical analysis program, students will learn to describe data sets using measures of dispersion and relative position, to compute probability of occurrence of events, to compute measures of relationship, and to convey and interpret results of various analyses in written form.

MATH 8090 - Statistical Techniques for Research Inquiry (3)

This course will emphasize the alignment of statistical procedures with research methods, including selection and application of appropriate statistical analyses given a data set and a problem statement, including comparison tests, tests of prediction/relationships, and tests of predicting group membership. Moreover, students will develop skills of data set manipulation, including ?cleaning and screening? data, and assessing conditions in order to choose between parametric and non-parametric tests. Additional emphasis will be placed upon conveying and interpreting results of analyses in written form.


MTHD 8015 - Questionnaires & Scale Development (2)

This is a hands-on course designed to equip student with skills and knowledge necessary to develop new, valid and reliable instruments as well as help improve existing ones. In particular, the course looks at the evolution of measurement development, the different types of tests used in various settings, the psychometric properties and the process involved in developing reliable and valid measurement instruments. The course includes creation of a reliable and valid measurement that can be readily applied in a given context and/or field.

OR MTHD 8016 - Qualitative Data Analysis (2)

The qualitative data analysis course focuses on qualitative coding, analysis, and interpretation of findings, and writing of the qualitative results. These skills will prepare students for the doctoral candidacy journey. The goal of this course is to collect readily available text data, work on mapping, memoing, coding, analyzing, interpreting, and writing qualitative results.

OR MTHD 8017 - Critical & Social Theory (2)

In this course, students will be introduced to the main schools of critical and social theory: structuralism, post-structuralism, cultural theory, queer theory, gender theory, critical race theory, disability studies, and post-colonialism among others. Students will analyze foundational theoretical scholarship, examine how critical and social theory has developed over time, and consider the ways in which theory might inform their own research. Throughout the course, students will complete short papers as well as a major writing assignment at the end of the term.

OR MTHD 8018 - Research Design (2)

The aim of this course is for students to learn about and be able to apply key research design frameworks in quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods approaches. In particular, students will learn conditions under which each design and/or approach would be most appropriate and effective. Additionally, students will learn how to formulate research questions, critically evaluate various research designs in order to select a suitable one for a given research problem, develop appropriate data collection and analysis procedures and plans as well as ethical conduct of research studies. During the course, students will learn to craft a research propose integrating critical components, namely background of study, purpose statement, research question, theoretical framework, significance of the study, critical review and synthesis of key literature underpinning the study, appropriate research design, and data collection and analysis procedures.


MTHD 8020 - Advanced Quantitative Research & Design (3)

This is an advanced course in statistics that covers analyses used in multivariate statistical techniques. The course is designed to broaden and deepen learners understanding of advanced statistics in multivariate techniques. As such, several multivariate techniques are covered, including their appropriateness to given situations, analysis, and interpretation. The emphasis of the course is on practical application of concepts learnt to given research problems and/or opportunities. The course is developed to balance theory and application and provides numerous opportunities for application to practical problems. Learners also complete a draft research proposal integrating sound research plans and procedures.

OR MTHD 8022 - Advanced Qualitative Research & Design (3)

The advanced qualitative research course builds on the knowledge and skills students acquire in MTHD 803 and MTHD 804. This course leads students on an in depth treatment of qualitative research methodology, exploring its theoretical underpinnings and associated methods for design, data collection, interpretation, and reporting of results. Ethics are emphasized for each stage of research. This course will also guide students to develop the methodology and data analysis for their dissertation proposal and research.

OR MTHD 8024 - Advanced Mixed Methods Research & Design (3)

Through this course, students will familiarize with mixed-methods research and design. They will gain knowledge on the four different types of mixed-methods: triangulation design, embedded design, explanatory design, and exploratory design. Students will learn how to conceptualize their own study in terms of these different design types. They will gain hands-on experience on how to formulate a research question fitted for a mixed-methods design, collect some data, and analyze it. They will discuss and learn about challenges and advantages of mixed-methods designs. At the end of this course students will be able to work on their dissertation proposal.

Major Area Required
MGMT 8145 - Organizational Behavior, Culture & Effectiveness (4)

This course is an advanced research seminar in the field of organizational culture and behavior. The seminar allows you to begin the process of substantive academic research and formal inquiry into these important theories and the implications of these for managers. The seminar will require the synthesis of critical thinking, analysis, research writing and evaluation. Students will develop a key deliverable that involves a research proposal in the fields of organizational culture and behavior and then conduct substantive research into the literature developed by others. The final project in the seminar is the development of a research ready proposal utilizing at minimum one research methodology.

MGMT 8150 - Organizational Leadership (4)

This course addresses historical and current leadership concepts, theories and constructs. An emphasis will be on the application and assessment of transformational, servant and authentic leadership theories for us by both leaders and followers in 21st century business and academic settings. The course will challenge students to assess their own leadership strengths and weaknesses and produce an in-depth plan of action to develop and refine leadership competencies. Students will conduct substantive scholarly research to address and capture relevant and cutting edge leadership theoretical work for application in course assignments.

MGMT 8155 - Org Sys Perspect Theory & Application (4)

Organizational Systems Perspectives Theory and Applications. This course focuses on the theory and practice of organizations as open and adaptive systems. Students will address the implications of systems theory for organizational sense-making, learning, innovation and transformation. The complexity of organizations as integrated participants in while systems will be addressed through research and presentations.

MGMT 8175 - Change Mgmt & Organizational Development (4)

This course focuses on research and evaluation of the key theoretical concepts and practices central to the leading of organizational change initiatives. Students will evaluate real-world situations, cases and scenarios in order to recommend and justify theoretically-based change management practices to ensure ongoing organizational acceptance and effectiveness of these programs. Students will conduct scholarly research to explore, evaluate and interpret state-of0the-art change concepts for their viability in today's organizations. Students will assess the role of change agents as key players in the overall change process.

Major Electives

16 credits from levels 8000-8999 in the following subjects: ACCT, CJAD, EDUC, HCM, HIM, HRM, IDL, ITEC, MGMT, MKTG, MTHD, PUAD.


Students can also select from: FINA 737, FINA 750, or FINA. 773.

Dissertation/Dissertation in Practice Requirements
DISS 9000 - Comprehensive Exam (1)

This course is designed for students to prepare for, take and complete their comprehensive exam. Remedial strategies and actions will also be provided for students who do not successfully pass their comprehensive exam on the first attempt, with the opportunity for a retake during the six weeks of the course if the student chooses to do so. A third attempt on taking the Doctoral Comprehensive Examination will not be automatically provided to doctoral students failing to successfully pass the examination after two attempts. Any third attempt will only be considered upon receiving a written petition by the student requesting a final attempt. The request may or may not be approved based on review by the Dean of Doctoral Studies and the student's doctoral Program Chair. Students who fail the comprehensive examination two times, or fail the examination three times when a third attempt was granted through appeal, are dismissed from doctoral studies at Franklin University.


At least 6 credits from the following courses:

DISS 9100 - Dissertation (1-4)

In consultation with the Dissertation Chair and Committee Members, the doctoral candidate will design and conduct research to complete the aims identified in their research prospectus, proposal and IRB application or as subsequently modified in line with recommendations from the Chair and Committee Members. This course may be repeated as necessary to earn sufficient credit or to finalize the Dissertation to fulfill requirements to earn the doctorate.


DISS 9400 - Defense of Dissertation (1)

Doctoral candidates will finalize all aspects of the Dissertation/Dissertation in Practice and make an oral defense of their design, methods and findings.

Optional Focus Areas

Students may complete 8 credit hours of a focus area to count within the Major Elective requirement.


Accounting Focus:

At least 8 credits from the following courses:

ACCT 8240 - Advanced Financial Accounting (4)

This course is an advanced accounting research seminar in financial reporting. The seminar allows you to begin the process of substantive academic research and formal inquiry into important financial reporting theories and the implications of these for accountants. The seminar will require the synthesis of critical thinking, analysis, research writing and evaluation. Students will develop a key deliverable that involves a research proposal in financial accounting thought and then conduct substantive research into the literature developed by others. The final project in the seminar is the development of a research ready proposal utilizing at minimum one research methodology.

ACCT 8250 - Advanced Managerial Accounting (4)

This course is an advanced accounting research seminar in managerial accounting. The seminar allows you to begin the process of substantive academic research and formal inquiry into these important theories and the implications of these for managerial accountants. The seminar will require the synthesis of critical thinking, analysis, research writing and evaluation. Students will develop a key deliverable that involves a research proposal in managerial accounting and then conduct substantive research into the literature developed by others. The final project in the seminar is the development of a research ready proposal utilizing at minimum one research methodology.

ACCT 8260 - Advanced Auditing (4)

This course is an advanced accounting research seminar in auditing. The seminar allows you to begin the process of substantive academic research and formal inquiry into important auditing theories and the implications of these for accountants. The seminar will require the synthesis of critical thinking, analysis, research, writing and evaluation. Students will develop a research proposal in auditing based on their substantive research into the accounting, auditing and business literature. The final project in the seminar is the development of a research ready proposal, including an appropriate research methodology that describes an issue, problem or proactive need as documented in the literature, for which the student will formulate, describe and defend an appropriate solution.


Criminal Justice Focus:

At least 8 credits from the following courses:

CJAD 8205 - Criminal Justice Leadership (4)

In order to effectively lead a criminal justice organization, one must understand the principles and practices of effective leadership. Having the ability to inspire, challenge, and encourage subordinates toward a shared mission and goal is a critical skill that criminal justice leaders must possess. Additionally, having the tools to assess, evaluate and make critical decisions in extreme situations is necessary for all criminal justice leaders. This criminal justice leadership course equips students with the skills necessary to ethically and effectively lead a criminal justice organization. They will also be challenged to create practical leadership policies for criminal justice organizations.

CJAD 8206 - Advanced Seminar in the Administration of Justice (4)

This course examines administration of justice agencies and processes from a historical and contemporary context. It includes an in-depth analysis of contemporary issues and challenges in justice organizations. It also explores policies and procedures that impact the administration of justice.

CJAD 8207 - Advanced Seminar in Race, Class, and Gender in the Administration of Justice (4)

This course explores the role of race, class, and gender in the administration of justice. It provides an in-depth analysis of historical and contemporary research on race, class, gender, and crime. Special emphasis is placed upon social, economic, and political factors that impact crime and the administration of justice policy and planning.


Education Focus:

At least 8 credits from the following courses:

EDUC 8101 - Leadership of Organizational Principles (4)

This core course focuses on leadership and followership skills and attributes through the lens of traditional and 21st century leadership theories, constructs and concepts as applied to institutions. Students will apply transformational and other state-of-the-art leadership theoretical underpinnings to real-world cases, scenarios and situations that involve optimal practices in leading individuals and organizations through leadership challenging scenarios and other situations. The course concentrates on the application of critical thinking to optimal practices in leading institutions, their stakeholders and culture for optimal effectiveness.

EDUC 8102 - Teaching in Higher Education (4)

The course will study the teaching and learning philosophies, methods, and techniques in higher education. Topics will cover learning theories, instructional design models, instructional strategies, and evaluation of student performance. By the end of this course, students will develop their own teaching philosophy along with an instructional unit demonstrating their mastery of learning theories and instructional design models, selection of proper learning technologies in designing the instruction, and incorporation of appropriate instructional and assessment methods. In addition, students will also explore faculty careers in higher education.

EDUC 8105 - Leadership of Organizational Resources (4)

This core course focuses on state-of-the-art leadership skills necessary for the effectiveness of today's leaders and managers. The course concentrates on the specific transformational, servant-leadership, and other leadership competencies and skills necessary for providing sound management of institutional resources, projects, and performance. Students will apply leadership theoretical underpinnings to real-world cases, scenarios and situations that involve effective and ineffective resource and performance management practices. The course concentrates on the application of critical thinking and decision-making in optimal practices for providing highly effective leadership in today's organizations.

EDUC 8140 - College & University Leadership Structures (4)

This course provides an examination of leadership theories and structures in institutions of higher education. Focusing on major theories of leadership of higher education organizations that inform leadership practices, students will develop skills as practitioners in university leadership. By the end of the course, students will be able to understand the structure and function of university leadership structures from multiple theoretical perspectives. Students will gain an understanding of the management, leadership, and administrative roles of academic and student affairs offices in colleges and universities including personnel, program definition, research and teaching issues, and other functions of academic and programming oversight. Additional consideration to the roles, responsibilities, and leadership styles required will be examined for different organizational contexts. Through the linking of theory to practice, the class activities will lead students to develop skills as campus leaders and to empower them to make conscious, deliberate decisions, utilizing multiple, and at times divergent, theoretical frames.

EDUC 8145 - History of U.S. Higher Education (4)

The purpose of this course is to explore critical, challenges facing American higher education. The course explores the history of higher education, with an emphasis on the development of higher education in the United States, to present day challenges facing intuitions. It includes issues of access, accountability, academic freedom, financial aid, state and federal government policy, changing legal structures, teaching and learning in a digital age, student issues, diversity, and the influence of business models and values on institutional strategy and practice. This course also covers different educational systems (Community Colleges, Private Colleges, and Public Colleges) and the critical issues affecting their institutional type. Students will gain an understanding of their responsibilities, critical thinking, and explore current issues that affect managers in institutions of higher education. This course addresses interdisciplinary influences on leadership practice within learning organizations and focuses on recent developments that have broad implications for research and practice in educational leadership.


Finance Focus:

At least 8 credits from the following courses:

FINA 737 - Corporate Finance (4)

Financial decisions made at the higher levels of a business organization can have far-reaching effects. Intended to achieve firm operating goals and create shareholder value, they must be made judiciously, with a thorough understanding of all the factors involved. In this course, you will learn to apply the analytical techniques required for developing effective and workable financial solutions at the executive level. You will gain an overall understanding of the workings of the U.S. financial system. In addition, you will study the concepts of financial risk, return, and the valuation of bonds, common and preferred stock, cost of capital, capital budgeting, capital structure, and the evaluation of investment opportunities.

FINA 750 - Advanced Investment (4)

This course provides students with advanced knowledge of the capital markets, financial institutions, financial products, and analytical tools and skills needed for investments portfolio management. The objective is to provide students with a solid foundation of advanced concepts, tools, and techniques for making informed decisions in the highly dynamic investment environment. Students will utilize computer software, simulations, and internet tools to understand the viewpoint of professional investors more fully. The course will adopt an application-oriented approach so that students will be able to explain their financial decision under conditions of uncertainty. The course will provide students with a framework that will be useful in business settings where such analyses are routinely made.

FINA 773 - Global Finance (4)

No longer are only mammoth corporations concerned with the complexities and nuances of multinational financial operations. Today the leaders of companies of even moderate size often must have at least a fundamental knowledge of the global financial environment. In this course, you will be introduced to the workings of international finance as it relates to business operations. You will gain an understanding of such international macroeconomic topics as the balance of payments and models of exchange rate determination, while at the same time focusing on institutional issues such as the choice of exchange rate regime and growth of offshore currency markets. You will examine business and investor decisions involving exchange rate risk management, cross-border investment strategies, and participation in international money and capital markets.


Health Informatics Focus:

At least 8 credits from the following courses:

HIM 8202 - Advanced Health Information Governance (4)

In this course students will evaluate an organizations current health information governance infra-structure and will make recommendations for improvement that will cover the broad spectrum of strategic issues in healthcare including policies, guidelines, standards, processes and controls required to manage and implement enterprise-level information. Students will research how health data and organizational information systems are utilized as a strategic asset to healthcare organizations, process to manage various risks to the quality of information and ensure its appropriate use.

HIM 8210 - Advanced Clinical Workflow & Applications (4)

In this course students will evaluate an organizations existing clinical workflows to include a variety of inpatient, outpatient and emergency healthcare environments. Material in the course covers the documentation, review, mapping and diagramming of clinical workflow information and processes. Students will also assess and make recommendations for improvement of patient care to workflow mapping and change management, as part of evidence based decision making in healthcare.

HIM 8261 - Advanced Healthcare Analytics (4)

In this course students will evaluate an organizations existing process of retrieving, analyzing and reporting intelligence to make healthcare decisions. Student will assess and make recommendations for improvement on the techniques of extracting, transforming and loading data from a myriad of operational databases into corporate data warehouses, as well means to ensure that decision making is based on clean and reliable information. Students will also develop skills for reporting the healthcare intelligence gathered.


Healthcare Management Focus:

At least 8 credits from the following courses:

HCM 8110 - Organizations, Community & Global Health (4)

This science of epidemiology is essential for projecting the population health needs, and appropriate allocation of public and private resources. This course focuses on the utilization of epidemiologic studies and techniques as a basis for organizational policy and administrative decision-making. Students will examine the connection between organizational leadership and social health. Students will create and recommend organizational strategies that enhance organizational, community, and global health.

HCM 8120 - Healthcare Policy, Regulations & Reform (4)

This course will explore various aspects of corporate, state and federal policy making. Students will examine the impact of existing health policies on healthcare organizations, providers and patients. Students will develop skills to influence and change existing healthcare policies. Students will also create and propose a new healthcare policy.

HCM 8130 - Healthcare Economics, Resources & Finance (4)

This course will examine the importance of resource and financial management in a healthcare organization. Students will determine the financial status of a healthcare organization and create strategic plans to sustain healthcare services. This course will also explore the various concepts driving healthcare economics. This course will also critique the use of organizational supplies, human resources, and technology.

HCM 8140 - Healthcare Quality, Process & Improvement (4)

This course will examine various aspects of patient safety, quality improvement and risk management in healthcare. Students will compare and contrast several process improvement models with the goal of improving organizational efficiency, patient safety, and service quality. Students will also research governmental agencies driving quality improvement in healthcare organizations.

HCM 8250 - Business of Healthcare (4)

Healthcare Leaders, more than ever, are facing challenging opportunities with the changing dynamics of the industry. During this course students will explore how executive-level leaders can manage complex health systems using strategic planning, risk management and innovative business practices.

HCM 8260 - Social Determinants of Health (4)

The science of epidemiology and population health concepts are essential for addressing and projecting the health needs of communities and the allocation of public and private resources. This course focuses on the utilization of epidemiologic findings and population health data to support and aid health care policy development and administrative decision making. Students will be able to apply these concepts to analyze public health and population health data for epidemics, chronic health conditions, or diseases to develop data supported strategies as healthcare administrators.

HCM 8270 - Ethics and Technology in the Changing Healthcare Delivery Models (4)

With the changing landscape of disease concerns the healthcare industry has had to pivot to use innovative ways to reach patients in uncertain times. This has raised many issues such as HIPAA, access to care, and healthcare workers competencies. This class will explore the new and changing landscape of the future delivery models and how to ethically address patient, family, healthcare professionals and government concerns.


Human Resource Management Focus:

At least 8 credits from the following courses:

HRM 8240 - Foundations of Human Resource Management (4)

Organizations across the globe are composed of groups of people working together to achieve goals that include organizational success, employee growth and contribution, and contribution to the larger community. The defining factor that differentiates the most successful companies from those that struggle to survive is the people who make up the employee base. While the Human Resources function has the specific task of planning for and resolving many employee issues and needs, individual managers and employees have direct responsibility and accountably for achieving sustained organizational success. Organizations that invest in their employees and develop workplace environments that encourage full employee engagement are rewarded with a competitive advantage in the marketplace. This course provides students with an opportunity to learn the knowledge and skills needed to enhance the contributions of all employees in support of an organization's purpose. Student's research will analyze trends and issues influencing the development and application of these elements within contemporary organizations. Additionally, students will come to understand the benefits afforded to organizations that create, craft and maintain a rich, empowering culture.

HRM 8250 - Strategic Human Resource Management (4)

In Strategic Human Resource Management, students will analyze workforce management processes in light of their strategic importance. This will include an examination of the relationships between traditional human resource functions and the various business functions so that efficiency and effectiveness are balanced and optimized. Students will also review these processes and relationships in both the domestic and global environments now and in the future. Further, students conduct research to explore trends within the discipline of Human Resource Management that have a positive impact upon employee engagement as well as the productivity and profitability of an organization.

HRM 8260 - Leading Organizational Transformation (4)

In this course, students will evaluate the process of change as related to the principles and practices of various types of organizations. Students will conduct research into the area of total rewards to determine what influences are leading many organizations to implement progressive human resource practices. Students will apply this learning to examine change processes and techniques used to facilitate transformational change in order to enhance employee engagement and organizational success. Students will also understand the business case supporting why companies should invest in their employees and internal cultures, regardless of industry affiliation, company size and/or revenue generation and apply this research to examine the processes and techniques for facilitating transformational change.


Information Technology Focus:

At least 8 credits from the following courses:

ITEC 8240 - IT Management and Strategy (4)

This course critically analyzes the current state of IT strategy practices and demonstrates how an IT strategy serves as a strong foundation for competitive IT management. Several tools and methods are synthesized to assess internal and external environments for formulating a strategy, execute a strategy based on environmental factors, and improve a strategy. The course brings the current academic and business literature to the class. It examines emerging IT strategy and management issues such as hyper-automation, AI, cybersecurity mesh, anywhere operations, and the internet of behaviors.

ITEC 8250 - IT Policy and Governance (4)

This course aims to improve critical thinking and decision-making skills in the IT policy and governance field. The course brings forth today's complex and cutting-edge computing environment by taking threats, vulnerabilities, and cyber controls into account. Course provokes the questions of how the GRC (Governance, Risk Management, Compliance) practices should be applied in today's complex IT environments to make the most out of the cutting-edge technology and how critical assets should be protected from adversarial actions of advanced persistent threats. The course brings various essential processes and services to the table, including but not limited to supply chain risks, innovation, and resilience. Research papers and discussion assignments help students obtain pertinent information and improve research & academic writing skills within the field.

ITEC 8260 - IT Vision and Leadership (4)

This course aims to improve critical thinking and decision-making skills while building your capabilities as an IT leader. The course helps you build a strong foundation on how to internally and externally lead others in a complex IT environment. This course will challenge you to create a leadership style that will bring the best out of people and yourself. Research papers and discussion assignments help students obtain pertinent information and improve research & academic writing skills within the field.


Instructional Design Leadership Focus:

At least 8 credits from the following courses:

IDL 8100 - Strategic Examination of Trends & Technology (4)

Leaders of instruction and learning must stay abreast of continual changes in technology and leverage them to ensure the competitiveness and health of their organization. However, not all technologies and emerging processes are worth adopting. In this course, students will examine pedagogical trends and emerging technologies. Students will learn how to evaluate theories and incorporate designs, processes, and technologies in strategic and tactical decisions for instruction and learning in the organization.

IDL 8110 - Innovative Learning Environment Design (4)

In this course, students will be exposed to new and innovative approaches for designing effective learning and instruction. This course will equip students with knowledge of applicable frameworks and strategies for implementation at the organizational level. Students will review learning environments such as e-learning, blended and hybrid learning, mobile learning, game-based learning, and informal and social learning, to determine the appropriate learning environment based on the learning and training needs of an organization.

IDL 8120 - Strategic Assessment & Decision Making (4)

Today's researchers, leaders and managers in the instructional design field must be able to use data to make decisions, as well as to influence others in their organizations. In this course, students will learn how to apply relevant tools, techniques, theories, and principles of strategic assessment and decision-making to address the learning and performance needs to continuous improvement for learning problems or a learning organization.

IDL 8130 - Organizational Learning & Knowledge Management (4)

Learning and knowledge management is crucial to the success of organizations. In this course, students will go beyond the design of learning environments and acquire skills to lead and manage the learning organization at a strategic level. Students will be able to recognize and meet the evolving learning needs of an organization within the framework of the organization's strategic goals. Multicultural awareness and how to lead multi-functional and cross-cultural instructional design teams and projects will also be addressed in this course.

IDL 8140 - Instructional Design Leadership Coaching and Consulting (4)

In this course, you will learn leadership, coaching, and consulting theories, specifically for leading in the instructional design and training industries. You will learn to identify the knowledge, skills, and qualities needed in your development to become a successful instructional design leader. Toward this end, you will develop a personal instructional design leadership philosophy and plan.

IDL 8150 - Curriculum Design, Development & Evaluation (4)

This course examines the theoretical framework and practice of curriculum design, development, and evaluation in educational settings. Students will learn the theories that are being used to guide curriculum design in educational settings. Students will apply those theories and processes in creating a curriculum and planning teaching & learning activities accordingly.


Marketing Focus:

At least 8 credits from the following courses:

MKTG 8240 - Contemporary Issues in Marketing Management (4)

This course is an advanced research seminar in contemporary marketing management. The seminar relies on critical inquiry and analysis as the foundation for substantive academic research involving current marketing issues that shape and are shaped by society. Upon successful completion of this course, students will have completed a comprehensive research study proposal.

MKTG 8250 - Consumer & Behavioral Research (4)

This course is an advanced seminar in consumer behavior and market-driven applied research. Readings and assignments will synthesize prior knowledge of consumer behavior, research methodologies, methods, and theories with critical analyses of how these are used to inform marketing decision-making. Upon successful completion of this course, students will have developed a plan to conduct and analyze a research study.

MKTG 8260 - Marketing Quantitative & Qualitative Analysis (4)

This course is an advanced seminar in the use of quantitative and qualitative data in the marketing process. Upon successful completion of this seminar, students will have an understanding of how quantitative and qualitative analyses are used by marketing academicians and practitioners for academic and applied research, assessment, and decision- making.


Methodology Focus:

At least 8 credits from the following courses:

MTHD 8020 - Advanced Quantitative Research & Design (3)

This is an advanced course in statistics that covers analyses used in multivariate statistical techniques. The course is designed to broaden and deepen learners understanding of advanced statistics in multivariate techniques. As such, several multivariate techniques are covered, including their appropriateness to given situations, analysis, and interpretation. The emphasis of the course is on practical application of concepts learnt to given research problems and/or opportunities. The course is developed to balance theory and application and provides numerous opportunities for application to practical problems. Learners also complete a draft research proposal integrating sound research plans and procedures.

MTHD 8022 - Advanced Qualitative Research & Design (3)

The advanced qualitative research course builds on the knowledge and skills students acquire in MTHD 803 and MTHD 804. This course leads students on an in depth treatment of qualitative research methodology, exploring its theoretical underpinnings and associated methods for design, data collection, interpretation, and reporting of results. Ethics are emphasized for each stage of research. This course will also guide students to develop the methodology and data analysis for their dissertation proposal and research.

MTHD 8024 - Advanced Mixed Methods Research & Design (3)

Through this course, students will familiarize with mixed-methods research and design. They will gain knowledge on the four different types of mixed-methods: triangulation design, embedded design, explanatory design, and exploratory design. Students will learn how to conceptualize their own study in terms of these different design types. They will gain hands-on experience on how to formulate a research question fitted for a mixed-methods design, collect some data, and analyze it. They will discuss and learn about challenges and advantages of mixed-methods designs. At the end of this course students will be able to work on their dissertation proposal.


Public Administration Focus:

At least 8 credits from the following courses:

PUAD 8240 - Cross-Sector Collaboration (4)

This course focuses on theories and practices for leading cross-sector collaborations to accomplish public policy goals and objectives of mission-driven organizations. Students evaluate different collaborative approaches for delivering government and nonprofit services and assess the risks and benefits of engaging in cross-sector collaborations. Students learn analytical approaches, principled negotiation skills, and best practices for initiating and managing effective cross-sector collaborations.

PUAD 8250 - Innovations in Service Delivery and Stakeholder Engagement (4)

The course examines the latest technologies that can be used to improve service delivery, engage stakeholders, and solve problems. Students learn the technologies and best practices for using web-based applications, e-commerce solutions, geographic information systems, crowd-sourcing, social media and other e-tools to make government and nonprofit organizations more efficient and effective. Ethical, legal, and implementation, aspects of these approaches are assessed.

PUAD 8260 - Program Evaluation and Policy Analysis (4)

This course examines concepts, tools, and techniques for evaluating government policies, philanthropic, and social programs to assess the performance of mission-driven organizations. The course focuses on evaluating different approaches to program evaluation and applying methods for performance evaluation, including needs assessments, logic models, evaluation designs, quantitative and qualitative evaluation techniques, ethics, and reporting.

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Doctor of Business Administration Degree Program Details

Steven M.

Doctor of Business Administration '21

"Never stop learning - this was a lifelong dream and I am excited to continue growing."

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Employment Outlook


From 2023-2033, jobs in Business & Leadership are expected to increase by 11%

Occupation Median Salary (2023) Job Postings (2023) Projected Growth (2023-2033)
Chief Executives $206,690 56,511 -4%
Chief Executives
Median Salary: $206,690
Job Postings: 56,511
Projected Growth: -4%
Job Titles

Chief Executives determine and formulate policies and provide overall direction of companies or private and public sector organizations within guidelines set up by a board of directors or similar governing body. Plan, direct, or coordinate operational activities at the highest level of management with the help of subordinate executives and staff managers.

Projected Growth
Job TitleJob Postings% of Job Postings
Chiefs of Staff8,10014%
Chief Executive Officers4,6478%
Chief Operating Officers5,0549%
Assistant Managers7,66214%
Equipment Associates3,8617%
Show More
SkillJob Postings% of Total Postings
Project Management10,17812%
Show More
Industry% of Occupation in Industry
Local Government, Excluding Education and Hospitals8%
Management of Companies and Enterprises7%
Computer Systems Design and Related Services5%
Management, Scientific, and Technical Consulting Services5%
Education and Hospitals (Local Government)5%
State Government, Excluding Education and Hospitals4%
Marketing Managers $157,622 187,107 12%
Marketing Managers
Median Salary: $157,622
Job Postings: 187,107
Projected Growth: 12%
Job Titles

Marketing Managers plan, direct, or coordinate marketing policies and programs, such as determining the demand for products and services offered by a firm and its competitors, and identify potential customers. Develop pricing strategies with the goal of maximizing the firm’s profits or share of the market while ensuring the firm’s customers are satisfied. Oversee product development or monitor trends that indicate the need for new products and services.

Projected Growth
Job TitleJob Postings% of Job Postings
Product Managers49,07926%
Marketing Managers35,29319%
Directors of Marketing11,7006%
Product Marketing Managers9,2365%
Digital Marketing Managers9,7585%
Show More
SkillJob Postings% of Total Postings
Product Management95,16937%
Project Management70,77327%
New Product Development66,06225%
Marketing Strategies41,79716%
Show More
Industry% of Occupation in Industry
Management of Companies and Enterprises12%
Management, Scientific, and Technical Consulting Services9%
Computer Systems Design and Related Services7%
Software Publishers4%
Advertising, Public Relations, and Related Services3%
Insurance Carriers3%
Financial Managers $156,104 412,722 19%
Financial Managers
Median Salary: $156,104
Job Postings: 412,722
Projected Growth: 19%
Job Titles

Financial Managers plan, direct, or coordinate accounting, investing, banking, insurance, securities, and other financial activities of a branch, office, or department of an establishment.

Projected Growth
Job TitleJob Postings% of Job Postings
Branch Managers51,49213%
Tax Managers52,48213%
Accounting Managers42,03010%
Finance Managers24,5216%
Show More
SkillJob Postings% of Total Postings
Financial Statements119,52433%
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles72,67220%
Show More
Industry% of Occupation in Industry
Depository Credit Intermediation11%
Management of Companies and Enterprises10%
Accounting, Tax Preparation, Bookkeeping, and Payroll Services6%
Insurance Carriers5%
Other Financial Investment Activities4%
Securities and Commodity Contracts Intermediation and Brokerage3%
Sales Managers $135,158 357,878 9%
Sales Managers
Median Salary: $135,158
Job Postings: 357,878
Projected Growth: 9%
Job Titles

Sales Managers plan, direct, or coordinate the actual distribution or movement of a product or service to the customer. Coordinate sales distribution by establishing sales territories, quotas, and goals and establish training programs for sales representatives. Analyze sales statistics gathered by staff to determine sales potential and inventory requirements and monitor the preferences of customers.

Projected Growth
Job TitleJob Postings% of Job Postings
Sales Managers73,48421%
Business Development Managers56,63816%
Regional Sales Managers28,0858%
Territory Sales Managers30,9669%
Directors of Business Development26,0957%
Show More
SkillJob Postings% of Total Postings
Selling Techniques106,57332%
Sales Management105,71732%
Business Development89,12727%
Sales Prospecting77,60724%
Show More
Industry% of Occupation in Industry
Computer Systems Design and Related Services6%
Management of Companies and Enterprises6%
Automobile Dealers5%
Professional and Commercial Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers3%
Agencies, Brokerages, and Other Insurance Related Activities3%
Management, Scientific, and Technical Consulting Services3%
Advertising and Promotions Managers $131,872 8,779 11%
Advertising and Promotions Managers
Median Salary: $131,872
Job Postings: 8,779
Projected Growth: 11%
Job Titles

Advertising and Promotions Managers plan, direct, or coordinate advertising policies and programs or produce collateral materials, such as posters, contests, coupons, or giveaways, to create extra interest in the purchase of a product or service for a department, an entire organization, or on an account basis.

Projected Growth
Job TitleJob Postings% of Job Postings
League Managers97911%
Advertising Account Managers1,74520%
Advertising Managers5006%
Advertising and Marketing Managers6748%
Advertising Sales Managers6157%
Show More
SkillJob Postings% of Total Postings
Project Management1,25616%
Digital Advertising96212%
Digital Marketing7279%
Data Analysis6358%
Show More
Industry% of Occupation in Industry
Advertising, Public Relations, and Related Services42%
Management of Companies and Enterprises11%
Management, Scientific, and Technical Consulting Services5%
Newspaper, Periodical, Book, and Directory Publishers4%
Media Streaming Distribution Services, Social Networks, and Other Media Networks and Content Providers3%
Web Search Portals, Libraries, Archives, and Other Information Services3%
Job Titles

General and Operations Managers plan, direct, or coordinate the operations of public or private sector organizations, overseeing multiple departments or locations. Duties and responsibilities include formulating policies, managing daily operations, and planning the use of materials and human resources, but are too diverse and general in nature to be classified in any one functional area of management or administration, such as personnel, purchasing, or administrative services. Usually manage through subordinate supervisors. Excludes First-Line Supervisors.

Projected Growth
Job TitleJob Postings% of Job Postings
Operations Managers98,41118%
Management Trainees60,82811%
General Managers51,9559%
Shift Supervisors39,7507%
Operations Supervisors53,85910%
Show More
SkillJob Postings% of Total Postings
Operations Management76,41114%
Project Management47,4239%
Show More
Industry% of Occupation in Industry
Restaurants and Other Eating Places4%
Management, Scientific, and Technical Consulting Services4%
Management of Companies and Enterprises3%
Computer Systems Design and Related Services3%
Building Equipment Contractors2%
Agencies, Brokerages, and Other Insurance Related Activities2%
Job Titles

Postsecondary Teachers aggregate category equivalent to SOC group 25-1000. Teach undergraduate and graduate level courses in their specialized field of study. Include both teachers primarily engaged in teaching and those who do a combination of both teaching and research. Alternate titles: College Professor.

Projected Growth
Job TitleJob Postings% of Job Postings
Adjunct Faculties20,60720%
Adjunct Instructors7,0397%
Assistant Professors10,88310%
Assistant/Associate Professors6,6426%
Nursing Faculties8,0618%
Show More
SkillJob Postings% of Total Postings
Curriculum Development26,98012%
Learning Management Systems14,7247%
Show More
Industry% of Occupation in Industry
Education and Hospitals (State Government)44%
Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools36%
Education and Hospitals (Local Government)15%
Technical and Trade Schools3%
Junior Colleges1%
General Medical and Surgical Hospitals1%
Show More

Employment outlook data is provided by Lightcast and represents labor market trends in the United States. It is not specific to Franklin University graduates or any particular degree level. Franklin University cannot guarantee employment placement, salary level, or career advancement.

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