- Program Finder
Bachelor's Degrees
- Accounting
- Analytics
- Applied Management
- Business Administration
- Business Forensics
- Cloud Computing
- Communications
- Computer Science
- Criminal Justice Administration
- Cybersecurity
- Education
- Exercise Science
- Financial Management
- Financial Planning
- Forensic Accounting
- Healthcare Administration
- Human Resources Management
- Information Systems
- Information Technology
- Management & Leadership
- Marketing
- Nursing (RN-BSN)
- Operations & Supply Chain Management
- Psychology
- Public Health
- Public Safety Management & Leadership
- Social Sciences
- Sport Management
- User Experience & Graphic Design
Master's Degrees
- Accounting
- Business Analytics
- Business Psychology
- Communications
- Computer Science
- Criminal Justice Administration
- Cybersecurity
- Data Analytics
- M.Ed. in Educational Leadership-Higher Education Leadership
- M.Ed. in Educational Leadership-K-12 Building Level Leadership
- M.Ed. in Educational Leadership-Principal Licensure
- M.Ed. in Instructional Design & Technology-Curriculum & Instruction in Higher Education Specialization
- M.Ed. in Instructional Design & Technology-Curriculum & Instruction in K-12 Education Specialization
- M.Ed. in Instructional Design & Technology-Training & Development Specialization
- Health Informatics
- Healthcare Administration (MHA)
- Human Resource Management
- Information Systems
- Information Technology
- MBA Programs
- MSN Programs
- Professional Sales Leadership
- Public Administration (MPA)
Doctoral Degrees
- Associate Degrees
Online Degrees
- Online Learning at Franklin
- Accounting Programs
- Business & Leadership Programs
- Computer Science Programs
- Criminal Justice & Public Safety Programs
- Cybersecurity Programs
- Data & Analytics Programs
- Education Programs
- Finance Programs
- Healthcare Programs
- Human Resources Programs
- Information Technology Programs
- STEM Programs
- Marketing & Communications Programs
- Nursing Programs
- Operations & Project Management Programs
- Psychology Programs
- Public & Social Sciences Programs
- Online Learning Facts
- Degrees By Location
- Degrees By College
- Minors
- Bachelor’s & Master’s Combined Programs
- Degree Completion Programs
- Second Bachelor's Degrees
- STEM Degrees
Microcredentials & Certificates
- Microcredentials
- Accounting Data Analytics
- Cyber Defense
- Cyber Governance
- Criminal Justice Leadership
- Data Analytics
- Nurse Educator
- Instructional Design
- Adult-Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner
- Family Nurse Practitioner
- Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner
- Ohio Superintendent License
- Adolescence to Young Adult Education (7-12)
- Primary Education (PK-5)
- Intervention Specialist: Mild-Moderate
- Intervention Specialist: Moderate-Intensive
- Middle Childhood Education (4-9)
- Undergraduate Students
- Master's Students
- Doctoral Students
- Partnership Students
- Study in the U.S.
- Earn Your Degree Online
- Community College Students
- College Credit Plus
- Air Force
- Army
- Coast Guard
- Marines
- Navy
- Montgomery GI Bill® - Selected Reserves
- Montgomery GI Bill®
- Post-9/11 GI Bill®
- Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment VetSuccess Program
- Yellow Ribbon Program
- Spouses & Family
- Online Open House
- Associate Degrees
- General Bachelor's Degree
- Nursing (RN-BSN)
- Accounting
- Business Administration (MBA)
- Business Analytics
- Business Psychology
- Computer Science
- Criminal Justice Administration
- Cybersecurity
- Data Analytics
- Health Informatics
- Healthcare Administration (MHA)
- Human Resource Management
- Information Technology
- Instructional Design & Learning Technology
- Nurse Administrator (MSN-ADM)
- Nursing-Adult-Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner
- Nursing-Family Nurse Practitioner (MSN-FNP)
- Nursing-Generalist (MSN)
- Nursing-Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner
- Public Administration
- Business Administration (DBA)
- Healthcare Administration (DHA)
- Instructional Design Leadership (DPS)
- Nursing Practice-Family Nurse Practitioner (DNP-FNP)
- Nursing Practice-Leadership Track (DNP)
- Organizational Leadership (Ed.D.)
- Criminal Justice Leadership
- Instructional Design
Tuition & Financial Aid
- Tuition & Fees
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- Tuition Guarantee
- Undergrad Tuition Comparison
- Federal Aid & State Aid
- Institutional Aid & Private Loans
- Applying for Aid
- Community College Students
- Scholarships
- Payment Options
- Financial Aid Resources
Transferring Credit
- Estimate Your Transfer Credit
- How to Transfer Credits
- Previously Earned College Credit
- Certificates + Professional Training Credit
- Military Training Credit
- Testing Credit
- Partner Schools
- Pathway Portal
- Transfer into a Bachelor’s Degree
- Transfer into a Master’s Degree
- Transfer into a Doctoral Degree
- Transfer into an Associate Degree
The Franklin Experience
- Built For Working Adults
- Transfer Friendly
- Accredited University & Quality Degrees
- Fast & Affordable
- Student Success Stories
- Valued By Employers
- Nonprofit
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About Us
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- Saudi Electronic University
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- Franklin Intervention & Awareness Team
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Educational Philosophy
As an accredited, nonprofit institution dedicated to helping working adults earn their college degrees, we operate under a single-minded mission to make college accessible and affordable to everyone. To ensure that we operate in the best interests of our students, we’re guided by a set of very specific principles we call The Four Cornerstones. Here’s where you can learn more about what the Cornerstones are and, more importantly, how they impact you and your learning experience.
Ensuring Academic Quality
Franklin University expands the term “academic quality” beyond its conventional definition to include elements specific to our nontraditional student body. From the students’ perspective, quality largely equates to the experience they have in the classroom, whether on campus or online.
Franklin’s decisions and resource allocations reflect a commitment to developing high-quality curricula and instruction in professional fields of study. As educators, we are responsible for ensuring an excellent learning experience by providing the planning, resources, and assessment that culminate in courses that contribute to the achievement of program outcomes in support of students’ overall educational and professional goals.
Providing Access to Educational Opportunities
Responding to the needs of students and society, Franklin makes it possible for individuals with a wide variety of prior academic experiences, work-life circumstances, and/or financial constraints to reach their education goals.
The course formats, admissions policies, and support services enhance educational opportunity and include multiple physical locations, online learning, flexible scheduling, maximized transfer of college credit, affordable tuition, rolling admission, and class-section accommodation.
Adapting to the Needs of Students
Franklin University students are diverse in many respects, including work and life experience. Working adults can find a traditional full-time academic schedule to be restrictive, and therefore their needs are different from those of a traditional student.
Because many of the students at Franklin work full time, the institution demonstrates its ability to respond and adapt to real-world needs by making the attainment of bachelor’s and master’s degrees possible for anyone so motivated.
Franklin promotes student success through a variety of formats, academic resources, and student support services – all designed around the needs of the busy, working adult. Keeping the needs of students at the forefront of Franklin’s operations is reflected in the following strategic objectives:
- Make educational opportunities widely accessible through flexible delivery systems and schedules
- Provide educational programs that will increase students’ employment or promotion potential
- Offer undergraduate and graduate degree programs, general education, services, and activities to enhance the academic and personal development of students
Therefore, the University is committed to providing what the students need, when they need it. This includes receiving timely responses for admission decisions, transfer credit evaluations, and financial aid eligibility notices, as well as providing multiple options for where and how courses are delivered – in both face-to-face and online formats.
Responding to Changes in Society, Professions and the Business Community
Because it is part of Franklin University’s operating philosophy to anticipate and prepare for the future, the institution continuously engages with internal and external constituencies to gain insight into their educational needs and expectations, now and into the future.
Franklin continually adapts its curricular offerings to meet the needs of current and future students, as well as those of their current and potential employers. Over the past decade, the University has identified significant societal and economic trends such as:
- A movement toward a knowledge economy focused on the production, management, and use of knowledge for economic gain
- A dramatic increase in the mobility of labor and capital in world markets
- An ever-increasing reliance on technology and the resulting interconnection of the global market
- A trend of American students away from math, science, and technology-related careers, compromising the nation’s ability to compete on a global scale
Consequently, Franklin works to define and to respond to trends by providing students with an education that prepares them to accept the inevitability of change and develop the mindset and skills to adapt to those changes through their careers.
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Franklin University
201 S Grant Ave.
Columbus, OH 43215
Local: (614) 797-4700
Toll Free: (877) 341-6300
Copyright 2025 Franklin University
Franklin University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (hlcommission.org/800.621.7440) and authorized by the Ohio Department of Higher Education.
Franklin University is committed to being an inclusive community free from all forms of discrimination and harassment.