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Bachelor's Degrees
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- Education
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- Financial Management
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- Forensic Accounting
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- Information Technology
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- Nursing (RN-BSN)
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- Psychology
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- Public Safety Management & Leadership
- Social Sciences
- Sport Management
- User Experience & Graphic Design
Master's Degrees
- Accounting
- Business Analytics
- Business Psychology
- Communications
- Computer Science
- Criminal Justice Administration
- Cybersecurity
- Data Analytics
- M.Ed. in Educational Leadership-Higher Education Leadership
- M.Ed. in Educational Leadership-K-12 Building Level Leadership
- M.Ed. in Educational Leadership-Principal Licensure
- M.Ed. in Instructional Design & Technology-Curriculum & Instruction in Higher Education Specialization
- M.Ed. in Instructional Design & Technology-Curriculum & Instruction in K-12 Education Specialization
- M.Ed. in Instructional Design & Technology-Training & Development Specialization
- Health Informatics
- Healthcare Administration (MHA)
- Human Resource Management
- Information Systems
- Information Technology
- MBA Programs
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- Public Administration (MPA)
Doctoral Degrees
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Online Degrees
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Microcredentials & Certificates
- Microcredentials
- Accounting Data Analytics
- Cyber Defense
- Cyber Governance
- Criminal Justice Leadership
- Data Analytics
- Nurse Educator
- Instructional Design
- Adult-Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner
- Family Nurse Practitioner
- Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner
- Ohio Superintendent License
- Adolescence to Young Adult Education (7-12)
- Primary Education (PK-5)
- Intervention Specialist: Mild-Moderate
- Intervention Specialist: Moderate-Intensive
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- Montgomery GI Bill® - Selected Reserves
- Montgomery GI Bill®
- Post-9/11 GI Bill®
- Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment VetSuccess Program
- Yellow Ribbon Program
- Spouses & Family
- Online Open House
- Associate Degrees
- General Bachelor's Degree
- Nursing (RN-BSN)
- Accounting
- Business Administration (MBA)
- Business Analytics
- Business Psychology
- Computer Science
- Criminal Justice Administration
- Cybersecurity
- Data Analytics
- Health Informatics
- Healthcare Administration (MHA)
- Human Resource Management
- Information Technology
- Instructional Design & Learning Technology
- Nurse Administrator (MSN-ADM)
- Nursing-Adult-Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner
- Nursing-Family Nurse Practitioner (MSN-FNP)
- Nursing-Generalist (MSN)
- Nursing-Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner
- Public Administration
- Business Administration (DBA)
- Healthcare Administration (DHA)
- Instructional Design Leadership (DPS)
- Nursing Practice-Family Nurse Practitioner (DNP-FNP)
- Nursing Practice-Leadership Track (DNP)
- Organizational Leadership (Ed.D.)
- Criminal Justice Leadership
- Instructional Design
Tuition & Financial Aid
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A Nonprofit University that Puts You First
Your education should be just that – yours. As a private, nonprofit online college invested solely in student success, Franklin University’s mission is to make higher education, personal growth and professional achievement possible for everyone.
Student Focused
Students matter -- profits don't.
Relevant Education
Benefit from continually updated degree programs.
Why Being a Nonprofit College Matters
Our commitment is always to you. Learn how our educational, research, and quality-minded investments yield better, more far-reaching benefits for you than just earning a college diploma.
Focused On Your Success
When it comes to for-profit vs. nonprofit universities, the most crucial difference is this: You. As a nonprofit online college, we invest in your success, not in making a profit or pleasing shareholders.
Leadership Committed To Your Learning
As a nonprofit school, we’re under the direction of an all-volunteer Board of Trustees with strong ties to local communities and industry leaders, as well as advisory boards that help shape each of our programs.
Career-Focused Academics
Unlike for-profits, we have no shareholders to please. That means Franklin has unique freedom and flexibility to innovate, respond to, and invest in new programs, technologies and trends. Our unwavering commitment is to creating highly responsive and relevant academic programs that prepare you for career success today and tomorrow.
Solid, 360-Degree Student Support
We continually invest in bringing our students the latest learning technologies, resources and tools. From advising, to academic support and career development, we’re here to help you, the busy working adult, earn your college degree.
Nonprofit vs. For-Profit Colleges & Universities
Learn how our status as a nonprofit university allows Franklin to serve you better.
Institutions like Franklin are free to focus on creating and delivering a high-quality education without having to concern themselves with turning a profit or answering to revenue-focused interests.
These institutions have a different focus and priority -- earning a profit for their shareholders and other stakeholders.
Online colleges like Franklin operate independently of any owner structure with free reign to decide what’s in their students’ best interests.
Shareholder-led schools are often subsidiaries of larger corporations or groups dedicated to serving multiple constituencies.
The leadership structure of nonprofits usually includes an accomplished staff under the direction of a Board of Trustees with strong ties to the local community. Many also seek active input from community leaders through advisory groups and alumni boards.
The majority of for-profit colleges are traded on a major stock exchange or owned by private equity firms concerned with profitability.
Until the latter part of the 20th century, colleges and universities historically were nonprofit with deeply rooted reputations for excellence in education.
First popular in the 1970s, for-profits have more recently been at the center of a national debate on funding, marketing and student outcomes, with some citing the need for more transparency, standards and accountability.
Nonprofit Schools Invest in Your Future
As a nonprofit institution, Franklin does not report to shareholders or private equity groups. That means we’re free to embrace change, and to recruit and retain accomplished staff and instructors to advance the scope and quality of your education.
We invest in a positive work environment and competitive benefits package to ensure that your learning experience is enhanced by qualified faculty and staff whose expertise is valued and respected.
We invest in analyzing educational trends so we can better respond to change and fortify our academic programs so that what you learn is relevant, meaningful, and immediately applicable.
We work closely with community colleges, employers, professional associations and other education providers to expand our reach, enhance our quality, and increase our impact. From maximizing transfer credits to providing tuition discounts, we help you save time and money toward your degree.
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Franklin University
201 S Grant Ave.
Columbus, OH 43215
Local: (614) 797-4700
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Copyright 2025 Franklin University
Franklin University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (hlcommission.org/800.621.7440) and authorized by the Ohio Department of Higher Education.
Franklin University is committed to being an inclusive community free from all forms of discrimination and harassment.