Applying for Aid

How to Apply for Financial Aid

Franklin can help make the financial aid process aggravation free. Keep reading for our simple, step-by-step instructions about applying for financial aid, including eligibility, deadlines and more.

Student Financial Services


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File Your FAFSA

Submit a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)

If you’re interested in getting financial aid to help pay for college, you first must file a FAFSA. The FAFSA is used to determine your eligibility for aid, so you must file a new FAFSA every school year. Be sure to include Franklin’s school code, 003046, on your FAFSA. New students who plan to use financial aid to assist in financing their education are required to complete the FAFSA before registering for their first semester

FAFSAs are accepted on a rolling basis; however, we do encourage you to apply by the priority deadline to have the best opportunity for federal and state grants. Funding may be limited for those who complete the FAFSA after these priority deadlines. 

File the 2025-26 FAFSA by the Priority Processing Deadlines

TermPriority Date*
Summer 2025March 15, 2025
Fall 2025June 15, 2025
Spring 2026October 1, 2025
                                                                                                                                       *FAFSAs accepted on a rolling basis; these are priority dates


Preparing to file your FAFSA? Download this free report and get insider tips to help you avoid common FAFSA mistakes and receive the maximum benefit possible.

Review Your FSS

Check the Accuracy of Your FAFSA Submission Summary (FSS)

Once you’ve filed your FAFSA, it takes about two weeks for the Department of Education's Central Processor to notify you by email that your FAFSA Submission Summary (FSS) is available on the FAFSA website. If, after two weeks, you do not receive your FSS notification, please call FAFSA customer service at 1-800-433-3243.

Once you’ve received notification, sign into the FAFSA website using your FSA ID (username and password). Review your FSS for accuracy. If you need to make changes or updates to any of the information you reported on your FAFSA, make the necessary corrections and submit them. 

Your FSS will not tell you how much financial aid, if any, you’ll get. Franklin, however, uses the information to calculate your aid and send you an Offer Letter.

Sign & Submit Your Offer Letter

Your Offer Letter 

Once you’ve completed enrollment and all other documentation is received, Franklin’s Financial Aid office will determine your financial aid eligibility and calculate your award. The Financial Aid Office’s review process usually takes about 15 days. 

If you’ve applied for financial aid from Franklin, you’ll receive an official Offer Letter. Offer Letters are sent electronically through your Self-Service.

Your Offer Letter shows the type(s) and amount of college financial aid you are eligible for within a specific school term or academic year.

Accepting Your Offer

Please review your Offer Letter. Sign and click to send your acceptance. Your financial aid or student loan will not be processed until we receive your signed Offer Letter. Please contact Student Financial Services with any questions or concerns. 

Additional Information

Because Franklin University wants to make sure you maximize all available financial aid resources while minimizing your debt obligations, we’ve compiled some other information you should know about federal financial aid and student loans.

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