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Master's Degrees
- Accounting
- Business Analytics
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- Communications
- Computer Science
- Criminal Justice Administration
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- Data Analytics
- M.Ed. in Educational Leadership-Higher Education Leadership
- M.Ed. in Educational Leadership-K-12 Building Level Leadership
- M.Ed. in Educational Leadership-Principal Licensure
- M.Ed. in Instructional Design & Technology-Curriculum & Instruction in Higher Education Specialization
- M.Ed. in Instructional Design & Technology-Curriculum & Instruction in K-12 Education Specialization
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Information for Current Students
These are extraordinary times and we are dealing with an unprecedented national health emergency. As we identify all of the circumstances that may arise as a result of the University’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, a team of campus leaders representing all areas of operations has been working diligently to respond to the situation and will communicate any updates as they become available.
If you have a question that isn’t addressed on this page, please contact the University at covid19@franklin.edu.
COVID-19 Contact Information
Phone Hotline
Updates & Messages
With the goal of keeping our students informed of new updates in a timely manner, decisions resulting from the University’s response to the evolving COVID-19 pandemic have been communicated to students through email, the website, and on social media. The following provides a chronological compilation of COVID-19 student-focused updates.
Thursday, March 3, 2022
The University will resume regular on-site operations on Monday, March 7, 2022. As a result of the significant decrease in Omicron cases and in adherence to health experts, the University will no longer require face coverings while on campus. However, students, employees and visitors to campus may wear face coverings if desired. Further, any individual experiencing symptoms of COVID or illness, are encouraged to stay home and utilize the University’s virtual services. We will continue to monitor regularly and make any modifications as needed with a focus on providing a safe environment for our University community.
Monday, Jan. 31, 20221 Update
In order to do our part to help stop the spread of the Omicron variant while maintaining our usual high level of student service, we are extending the temporary move of University operations, onsite classes, advising, student financial services, Library access, the Learning Commons, and events to an online format through Sunday, March 6 with onsite classes and support services resuming the week of Monday, March 7.
This is a temporary shift that will allow us to continue to assess the situation as it evolves. To help with questions, FAQs have been developed and are available on this page. Should you have any additional questions or concerns about the shift to virtual courses, please contact advising@franklin.edu.
We will continue to monitor regularly and make any necessary modifications as needed with a focus on providing a safe environment for our University community. Please check https://www.franklin.edu/coronavirus for updates and other information related to the University’s response.
Wednesday, Feb. 2, 2022 Update
In order to do our part to help stop the spread of the Omicron variant while maintaining our usual high level of student service, we are extending the temporary move of University operations, onsite classes, advising, student financial services, Library access, the Learning Commons, and events to an online format through Sunday, March 6 with onsite classes and support services resuming the week of Monday, March 7.
This is a temporary shift that will allow us to continue to assess the situation as it evolves. To help with questions, FAQs have been developed and are available on this page . Should you have any additional questions or concerns about the shift to virtual courses, please contact advising@franklin.edu.
We will continue to monitor regularly and make any necessary modifications as needed with a focus on providing a safe environment for our University community. Please check https://www.franklin.edu/coronavirus for updates and other information related to the University’s response.
Monday, Jan. 10, 2021 Update
In order to do our part to help stop the spread of the Omicron variant while maintaining our usual high level of student service, we have decided to temporarily move University operations, onsite classes, advising, student financial services, Library access, the Learning Commons, and events to an online format through Monday, Feb. 7.
This decision is effective with the close of business today, January 10, 2022. This is a temporary shift that will allow us to calmly assess the situation as it evolves. To help with questions, FAQs have been developed and are available on this page. Should you have any additional questions or concerns about the shift from on-site courses that start in January, please contact advising@franklin.edu.
We will continue to monitor regularly and make any necessary modifications as needed with a focus on providing a safe environment for our University community. Please check https://www.franklin.edu/coronavirus for updates and other information related to the University’s response.
Sept. 10, 2021 Update
On September 10, 2021, Mayor Andrew J. Ginther signed an executive order declaring a State of Emergency in the City of Columbus and requiring that face masks be worn by individuals age 6 and older while in indoor spaces accessible to the public, including but not limited to city buildings, office buildings, retail establishments, bars and restaurants, and public transportation.
The order takes effect immediately and remains in place until it is rescinded by Mayor Ginther. Exemptions to the order include those younger than 6 years of age; individuals with medical or behavioral conditions that preclude them from wearing a face covering; and anyone actively eating and drinking, engaged in sports and recreational activities, and giving a speech or performance before a live audience.
In compliance with this new mandate, all faculty, staff, students, and visitors visiting Franklin University will be required to wear masks when indoors, with the exception of when sitting at a workstation that provides social distancing.
August 26, 2021 Update
Franklin University officials have been closely monitoring the spread of COVID-19 and Delta variant to guide decisions that help protect the health and safety of our students, faculty, and staff, and the greater community. Accordingly, until further notice, all students, staff, faculty, and visitors will be required to wear face masks in areas that cannot maintain a 6’ distance or are high traffic areas where 6’ distance cannot be consistently maintained.
Designated areas where masks will be required are:
• Student Affairs advising rooms
• Student Affairs welcome center
• Learning Commons Testing area
• Learning Commons Tutoring area
The University maintains its existing policy in all other areas of campus, which strongly encourages everyone to wear a mask indoors and in crowded areas regardless of vaccine status until further notice.
August 5, 2021 Update
In accordance with the advisory issued by Columbus Public Health and Franklin County Public Health, Franklin University strongly encourages everyone to wear a mask indoors and in crowded areas regardless of vaccine status until further notice.
July 15, 2021 Update
As a result of the widespread availability of COVID-19 vaccines and the subsequent changes in pandemic-related restrictions, Franklin University will resume on-site services and classes for the Fall 21 Trimester. We will continue to keep the health and safety of the campus community a top priority by adhering to current CDC and local health guidelines.
Jan. 7, 2021 Update
As we continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation in Franklin County, Franklin University has made the decision to continue online only courses through the end of the Spring 2021 term. Current students should contact their academic advisors with any questions related to scheduling courses for the remainder of spring term.
Academic support and other services will continue to be available in remote format through the end of the current term.
For the Summer 2021 term, which begins in May, Franklin University is planning to offer select courses on-site. The list of on-site courses will be published in early February and registration for summer term opens on Feb. 22.
Dec. 15, 2020 Update
Out of ongoing care for our campus community amidst continued statewide concerns around COVID-19, Franklin University plans to offer all courses, support and services in a remote format through at least January 2021. This means that all Spring 2021 courses beginning in January will remain online only. A decision regarding a return to onsite classes for course sections beginning in February or later is still being discussed and will be shared as soon as a determination has been made.
Oct. 29, 2020 Update
The health and safety of our campus community are of the utmost importance. Therefore, amid growing concerns surrounding the current surge in COVID-19 cases, Franklin University will continue to offer coursework, support and services in a remote format throughout the remainder of the Fall 2020 term.
For students who have scheduled or are considering scheduling on-site classes for the Spring 2021 term: At this time, we are still accepting registrations for these courses. As the start date approaches, we will continue to monitor the situation and our ability to provide a safe campus experience and you will be contacted by your academic advisor if your options change.
Oct. 2020 Update
Amid continued concerns about the spread of COVID-19, Fall Commencement, has been transitioned to a virtual event and will be held Friday, Jan. 29 at 7 p.m.
Degrees will be conferred on Dec. 31, 2020 and diplomas will be mailed on Jan. 12, 2021. Caps and gowns will also be mailed to students who ordered them, so that you will have them prior to the virtual ceremony.
July 2020 Update
Amid continued concerns about the spread of COVID-19, Summer Commencement, which was to be held on Sept. 11, has been rescheduled and transitioned to a virtual event, which will be held Friday, Sept. 18 at 7 p.m.
Degrees will be conferred on Aug. 16 and diplomas will be mailed on Aug. 19. Caps and gowns will also be mailed to students who ordered them, so that you will have them prior to the virtual ceremony.
June 10, 2020 Update
Amid concerns and predictions about the spread of COVID-19, all face-to-face classes will be moved online for the Fall 2020 term. This course of action is intended to minimize disruptions to learning during the term and enable students to plan other life commitments with more certainty.
Students registered for a face-to-face course for fall will be moved to an online equivalent. Student questions or concerns about the elimination of on-site course options for fall, should be sent to advising@franklin.edu.
May 4, 2020 Update
Spring Commencement, which was to be held on May 15, has been rescheduled and transitioned to a virtual event, which will be held Friday, June 12 at 7 p.m.
Degrees will be conferred officially on May 15. On May 21, diplomas and caps and gowns will be mailed to students who ordered them, so that you will have them prior to the virtual ceremony.
Mar. 17, 2020 Update
Spring Commencement, which was to be held on May 15, has been postponed amid growing health concerns related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Commencement is an important milestone and as such, the decision to postpone the spring Commencement ceremony was a difficult one since we, like you, look forward to celebrating this day with you, and your family and friends.
It is our plan that the ceremony can be held at a later, yet to be determined date. In the meantime, graduates will still have their degrees conferred on May 15, and diplomas will be mailed shortly thereafter.
Mar. 13, 2020 Update
As the COVID-19 situation evolves, the University continues to monitor updates and guidance provided by government and health officials. Following this advice, all access to University buildings has been restricted to select staff. We anticipate the closures of buildings to be short term and once this status changes, we will communicate to the entire campus community.
To provide continuity of support and operations, all student support services, including advising, student financial services, the Library, and Learning Commons access has been moved online.
Please visit www.franklin.edu for updates.
Mar. 10, 2020 Update
With a focus on maintaining a safe environment, the university has been closely monitoring the coronavirus outbreak (COVID-19). A task force of senior leadership and subject matter experts has convened, focused on our university’s preparations and response.
We continue to align our recommendations with and follow guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the World Health Organization, and the Ohio Department of Health.
While there are no campus-associated cases of COVID-19, at least three confirmed cases have been identified in the state of Ohio, and the experts predict that there will be more. Earlier today, we participated in a phone call with Governor DeWine who addressed members of the Association of Independent Colleges and Universities of Ohio (AICUO). Following his recommendations, the series of updates below is provided related to classes, work arrangements, travel and campus events that will allow us to continue the education of our students while protecting our community. These changes are being implemented with the safety of our campus community as our top priority.
Direction for students regarding classes
- All students in face-to-face classes will be moved to an online format, effective tomorrow, Wednesday, March 11 through the end of the term, May 9. Over 90% of Franklin University classes this term are held online, limiting the amount of disruption that may be experienced.
- FAQs are being developed to help navigate these changes.
- All events scheduled through the end of the term will be postponed until further notice and no new events will be scheduled. The University is reviewing options for the upcoming commencement and will provide further information when a final decision has been made.
We will provide updates and any deadline extensions for the above guidelines as more information becomes available.
Due to the rapidly evolving nature of the current situation, guidelines are subject to change as new information emerges. We will continue to monitor regularly and make any necessary modifications as needed with a focus on providing a safe environment for our University community. Please check www.franklin.edu for updates and other information related to the University’s response.
Sincerely, David R. Decker, President
Student Information & FAQs
Is Franklin University offering on-campus classes for Spring 2022?
Franklin University has moved University operations, onsite classes, advising, student financial services, Library access, the Learning Commons, and events to an online format through Sunday, March 6, 2022. Onsite classes will remain virtual through March 6 with onsite classes and support services resuming the week of March 7. Due to the rapidly evolving nature of the current situation, guidelines are subject to change as new information emerges. We will continue to monitor regularly and make any necessary modifications as needed with a focus on providing a safe environment for our University community. Please check https://www.franklin.edu/coronavirus for updates and other information related to the University’s response.
Current On-Campus Safety Protocols
Franklin University has temporarily moved University operations, onsite classes, advising, student financial services, Library access, the Learning Commons, and events to an online format through Sunday, March 6. When onsite operations resume on Monday, Feb. 7, the University will rely on the guidance of the CDC and the Ohio Department of Health.
In accordance with the advisory issued by the City of Columbus, Columbus Public Health and Franklin County Public Health, Franklin University strongly encourages everyone to wear a mask indoors and in crowded areas regardless of vaccine status until further notice. All employees, students, and visitors will be required to wear a mask while in public or common campus areas, such as lobbies and student advising.
If you are fully vaccinated, quarantine or testing after exposure is not necessary unless symptoms develop.
For the purposes of this guidance, people are considered fully vaccinated for COVID-19 ≥2 weeks after they have received the second dose in a 2-dose series (Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna), or ≥2 weeks after they have received a single-dose vaccine (Johnson & Johnson [J&J]/Janssen); there is currently no post-vaccination time limit on fully vaccinated status. Unvaccinated people refers to individuals of all ages, including children, that have not completed a vaccination series or received a single-dose vaccine.
Hours of Operation Through March 6, 2022
All University operations have been temporarily moved to online operations through March 6, 2022. During this time, students can access the following student support areas during the following normal hours of business:
Academic Advising
Center for Career Development
Community Standards/Conduct
Disability Services
Title IX
Welcome Center/Call Center
Virtual Service Hours:
Monday-Thursday: 8 a.m.-7 p.m. (ET)
Friday: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. (ET)
Student Financial Services
Virtual Service Hours
Monday-Thursday: 8 a.m.-6 p.m.
Friday: 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Virtual Service Hours
Monday-Friday: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. (ET)
Learning Commons
Virtual Service Hours
Monday to Thursday: 9 a.m.-8 p.m.
Friday: 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
Saturday: 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
Sunday: 1 p.m.-5 p.m.
Help Desk
Virtual Service Hours
Monday-Thursday: 8 a.m-8 p.m. (ET)
Friday: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. (ET)
Saturday: 9 a.m. -1 p.m. (ET)
Sunday: 1 p.m.- 5 p.m. (ET)
Technology Support
Students experiencing technical difficulties in their online courses should use the Technology Help Desk. The Help Desk will help you get the most out of your online experience.
For Help Desk hours and contact methods, please visit: helpdesk.franklin.edu
For common support questions and self-help, please visit: support.franklin.edu
Academic Support & Tutoring
Academic support is available in a remote format.
Students experiencing technical difficulties in their online courses should use the Technology Help Desk. The Help Desk will help you get the most out of your online experience.
For Help Desk hours and contact methods, please visit: helpdesk.franklin.edu
For common support questions and self-help, please visit: support.franklin.edu
Where do I find the campus-based and online tutoring schedules?
Visit the Learning Commons Website to view current tutoring schedule.
I’ve never done a tutoring session; how do I sign up for tutoring appointment?
Students are required to book both campus and online tutoring appointments via the WC Online system. For online tutoring appointments, links are sent out with a confirmation email upon booking to access the Zoom session.
Will there still be workshops and SLA offered in the fall?
Workshops and SLA will remain in the online format.
I have questions regarding academic support services. How can I talk to someone?
We are committed to continuing to provide support to our students. Students can contact the Learning Commons for more information on academic support by phone at 614.947.6800 or via email at slc@franklin.edu.
*For FAQs regarding class testing, click here >
- All exams will still be available on ProctorU for students test from home. Students will want to schedule exams 72 hours in advance to avoid any additional fees listed as “Take It Soon” or “Take it Now” fees. All proctoring fees are at the responsibility of the student.
- Students may still submit a distance proctor if they are able to find an HR person at their work or someone they have a professional relationship only and a professional setting to take the exam in. Home offices are not acceptable options at this time.
Tips for ProctorU
Read the tips below to ensure the best possible outcome for your exams:
Please schedule your exams at least 72 hours in advance.
- It is a good idea to schedule your exam for earlier in your testing window. This will allow for time for any needed extensions or any help from instructors or the Testing Center.
- It is recommended that students avoid canceling their appointment, as they are not guaranteed they will be able to find another time when they try to reschedule.
- If you have not yet tested your computer equipment out, please do so now.
Placement Testing
- For placement testing needs, please provide email Testing with your full name and date of birth and you will be created a testing voucher that will allow you take your placement tests at home with Examity (Accuplacer’s preferred proctor platform). Online testing is free, but still requires an appointment. Students will need a webcam and high-speed internet.
- Students taking a retest, must pay for their retest and will not be issued a voucher until they have paid the $15 fee.
Proficiency Testing
- In person testing for proficiency testing will be available in the Testing Center once again toward the end of August. Appointments can be made here.
- Please contact testing@franklin.edu if you need to take a Franklin University Proficiency Exam. Tests can be proctored through ProctorU or at a physical proctoring location that meets our proctoring guidelines depending on which exam you need to take.
- Contact your instructor for course testing questions
- The best way to contact Testing is by email at testing@franklin.edu.
- A live proctor will start your proctoring session to check your identity and make sure you get started. You may expect slightly longer wait times during this period. You can watch a video walking you through the process here.
- It’s important to check your technology out prior to the start of your exam. This will ensure a smoother testing experience. Your personal technology can be checked by following these steps. Please note, tablets or Chromebooks cannot be used with ProctorU.
ProctorU has tips to help you be successful when preparing for your exam:
- Have your desk clear before connecting with your proctor.
- Have your testing environment ready to go.
- Have your ID ready before you connect with your proctor.
- Know the login information for your learning management system.
- Use the restroom.
To get started with ProctorU, you’ll need to create an account here. Make sure to schedule your exam at least 72 hours in advance to avoid any late fees. It’s best to schedule at the beginning of the exam window. There is live tech support available both while you are setting up your exam and during the testing session.
Students and faculty with questions can reach out to testing@franklin.edu at any time.
Effective August 16, 2021, face-to-face human subjects research activities in the United States may resume on a limited basis. Any international face-to-face human subjects research activities will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. This notice applies to activities involving Franklin University researchers (faculty, student, and staff) with new and existing IRB protocols.
You may review the updated policy here.
We recognize the continued volatility of COVID-19 and strongly encourage all research teams to design face-to-face research projects only when virtual data collection methods seriously threaten the feasibility or integrity of a study. We encourage all investigators to discuss their face-to-face projects with the IRB prior to finalizing research designs and proposals. Doctoral candidates should discuss in-person projects with their dissertation chair and work with their committee to determine if face-to-face data collection is appropriate.
Please contact the IRB Office at irb@franklin.edu with any questions.
Please contact the IRB Office at irb@franklin.edu with any questions.
Schedule an appointment with the Center for Career Development.
Sarah Lathrop, Assistant Director
Tim Goetz, Senior Specialist
Monday-Fridays 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
Virtual appointments may be available beyond these times upon request
OhioLINK: OhioLINK lending and borrowing will resume fall term. Checked out OhioLINK items will be extended until the end of summer term, and can then be dropped off at the book drop outside of Phillips Hall or mailed back to campus. Normal lending periods will resume in fall, and items will need to be quarantined briefly upon return.
Research Coaching: All Research Coaching appointments will be held online via Zoom. Appointments can be scheduled at https://librarysmr.franklin.edu/appointments/
Chat and Reference: Any library questions can be answered via chat on the library website (franklin.edu/library) and email (library@franklin.edu). Students can also refer to Research Guides and the video tutorial library, the Learning Commons Passport.
Databases and Journals: Remote access to the library’s databases and journals will continue to be available on the library’s website, research guides and within courses.
How will I be able to access databases and articles?
Our library resources are all available online except for our print books. Please use franklin.edu/library and use the main search bar in the middle of the page.
How can I get in touch with the library to ask questions?
Contact us with you question via:
- Chat on franklin.edu/library
- Phone: 614.947.6550
- Email: Library@franklin.edu
Can I pick up books that are in the Franklin Library if I need one?
During the temporary move to remote operations, books will be available in an electronic format. Having trouble accessing one or want help searching? Contact the Library.
I wanted an instruction session for my course. How can I request that to be done?
Professors can still request instruction sessions to be held via Zoom by filling out a form on franklin.edu/library and choosing Faculty and Staff Services.
How do I obtain additional information for questions not addressed above?
During this time, Franklin remains committed to student success and providing the necessary support services. As such, during the move to online operations, students are encouraged to reach out to the University with questions.
I am a Military or VA Education Student. How will my benefits be impacted due to Franklin University changing the modality?
VA Educational Benefits
VA Education Service has created guidance for schools in response to changes in training modalities and operation statuses due to COVID-19. On March 21, the president signed into law S.3503, giving VA temporary authority to continue GI Bill payments uninterrupted during an emergency.
The new law allows the VA to pay education benefits regardless of the fact that a program has been converted from resident training to online training, even if online training hasn’t been or approved or is not approvable. GI Bill students will continue to receive housing allowance payments at the resident training until Dec. 21, 2020, or until the school resumes normal operations of resident training, for programs converted solely to online training. Franklin University’s VA School Certifying Officials can assist you in identifying in-person courses that were cancelled and assist you in answering questions about course options in order to maximize housing allowance payments, when applicable.
Federal Tuition Assistance (FTA)
If a student was approved to use FTA for an in-person class, but that class modality changed to online due to COVID-19 school closures, FTA will not be impacted. This approval was seamless over the spring and summer semesters. However, fall semester closures were not as sudden nor as common and schools had time to plan ahead in the best interest of students and campus community safety. Please continue to work with your education center or academic advisor for more information on fall semester FTA class modality changes to ensure your FTA will be approved.
Ohio National Guard Scholarship (ONSGP)
Currently, there is no impact to educational benefits for students using the state level tuition assistance program and have had their course modality changed due to COVID-19.
You can reach Franklin University’s Office of Military and Veteran Affairs team for additional questions or concerns at OMVA@franklin.edu.
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Franklin University
201 S Grant Ave.
Columbus, OH 43215
Local: (614) 797-4700
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Copyright 2025 Franklin University
Franklin University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (hlcommission.org/800.621.7440) and authorized by the Ohio Department of Higher Education.
Franklin University is committed to being an inclusive community free from all forms of discrimination and harassment.