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Master's Degrees
- Accounting
- Business Analytics
- Business Psychology
- Communications
- Computer Science
- Criminal Justice Administration
- Cybersecurity
- Data Analytics
- M.Ed. in Educational Leadership-Higher Education Leadership
- M.Ed. in Educational Leadership-K-12 Building Level Leadership
- M.Ed. in Educational Leadership-Principal Licensure
- M.Ed. in Instructional Design & Technology-Curriculum & Instruction in Higher Education Specialization
- M.Ed. in Instructional Design & Technology-Curriculum & Instruction in K-12 Education Specialization
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- Data Analytics
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- Adult-Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner
- Family Nurse Practitioner
- Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner
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- Nursing (RN-BSN)
- Accounting
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- Business Analytics
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- Criminal Justice Administration
- Cybersecurity
- Data Analytics
- Health Informatics
- Healthcare Administration (MHA)
- Human Resource Management
- Information Technology
- Instructional Design & Learning Technology
- Nurse Administrator (MSN-ADM)
- Nursing-Adult-Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner
- Nursing-Family Nurse Practitioner (MSN-FNP)
- Nursing-Generalist (MSN)
- Nursing-Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner
- Public Administration
- Business Administration (DBA)
- Healthcare Administration (DHA)
- Instructional Design Leadership (DPS)
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Anti-Hazing Policy
Franklin University is an intentional learning community, whose mission is to provide high quality, relevant education, enabling the broadest possible community of learners to achieve their goals and enrich the world. The University is committed to its educational mission and to ensure the rights of its community members. Each community participant has a right to a safe and respectful learning environment and work setting. As such, conduct that diminishes the dignity and worth of the community members is prohibited.
The University does not tolerate hazing as defined by this policy. Conduct by students, student organizations, staff, faculty, administrators, trustees, volunteers, visitors, contractors, and vendors which violates this policy is considered disruptive to the educational environment and work setting.
Policies & Procedures
As members of an academic community, students share responsibility with the faculty and administration of the University for creating and maintaining an atmosphere that is conducive to learning and personal growth, and respectful of the rights of others. Staff, faculty, and students are obligated to comply with its regulations and procedures, which they are expected to read and understand.
Regardless of the status of the parties involved, this policy applies to students, staff, faculty, administrators, trustees, volunteers, and any student or other organization recognized by or operating under the sanction of the University. This policy apples to conduct that occurs on or off-campus, between two or more people who are affiliated with the University, or any student or other organization recognized by or operating under the sanction of the University.
Individuals continue to be subject to city, state, and federal laws while at the University, and violations of those laws may also constitute violations of University policies. In such instances, the University may proceed with an investigation under these policies independently of any criminal proceeding involving the same conduct and may impose sanctions for violation of these policies even if such criminal proceeding is not yet resolved or is resolved in the person’s favor.
Reporting is vital. The University is committed to creating a culture of reporting by stressing the critical importance of the members of its community and the University’s dependence on them as reporters. The University is obligated to follow up on all allegations and is able to respond formally to all alleged incidents of hazing that have occurred.
All University employees are considered to be mandated reporters and are obligated to report instances of hazing to appropriate office. Allegations against students and student organization or groups may be made to the Office of Community Standards at advocate@franklin.edu, and any allegations of hazing made against an employee or employee organizations made be made to the Office of Human Resources at hr@franklin.edu.
No person shall recklessly participate in the hazing of another. Hazing means doing any act or coercing another, including the victim, to do any act of initiation into any student or other organization or any act to continue or reinstate membership in or affiliation with any student or other organization that causes or creates a substantial risk of causing mental or physical harm to any person, including coercing another to consume alcohol or a drug of abuse, as defined in section 3719.011 of the Revised Code. Violations of this Policy are subject to referral to appropriate law enforcement agency. Sanctions imposed by the University for violations of this regulation may be in addition to any penalty imposed for violation of the criminal laws of the State of Ohio and for violation of any other University regulations or policies.
The Office of Community Standards shall coordinate the investigation of all hazing charges against students and student organization and groups. The Office of Human resources will handle any hazing charges made against faculty and staff members.
Additionally, the appropriate office will assess the need for interim measures. Every effort will be taken to complete the investigation in a timely manner. The hazing allegation will be investigated and resolved in keeping with University policies and procedures.
Lastly, depending on the outcome of the investigation, the appropriate office will dispense sanctions and disciplinary actions. Not all forms of hazing are equally serious offenses, and the University reserves the right to impose varying sanctions, ranging from verbal warning to expulsion/termination, depending on the severity of the offense. Sanctions and disciplinary actions can include but are not limited to:
• Writing warning
• Letter of Corrective Action
• Loss of Privileges
• Restriction from Campus
• Probation
• Suspension (for students)
• Paid or Unpaid Administrative Leave (for employees)
• Dismissal (for students)
• Termination (for employees)
Appeals to an investigation outcome made be made to the appropriate office under the governing policies and procedures.
The University shall provide annual programming on hazing prevention education to all students and employees. All students seeking membership in a registered student organization or student group must complete the anti-hazing training provided by the University. Failure to complete the training will result in the student being denied the ability to join any student organization or group at the University.
- Office of Student Life - studentlife@franklin.edu
- Office of Community Standards - advocate@franklin.edu
- My SSP University Counseling Services
- University Wellness Resources
- The Gordie Center - The mission of the Gordie Center is to end hazing and substance misuse among college and high school students nationwide.
- HazingPrevention.org - HazingPrevention.Org is a national nonprofit dedicated to empowering people to prevent hazing. Our goal is to educate people about the dangers of hazing, advocate for change, and engage the community in strategies to prevent hazing.
- Stop Hazing - StopHazing’s mission is to promote safe and inclusive school, campus, and organizational environments through research, resource sharing, and the development of data-driven strategies for hazing prevention and the promotion of positive group climates.
Franklin University does not discriminate on the basis of age, religion, race, ethnicity, color, national origin, ancestry, immigration status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital or familial status, disability, or veteran or military status. For inquiries about the University’s non-discrimination policies, please contact the Interim Equity & Title IX Coordinator, Brandon Perry at 614-947-6913, TitleIX@franklin.edu.
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Franklin University
201 S Grant Ave.
Columbus, OH 43215
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Copyright 2025 Franklin University
Franklin University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (hlcommission.org/800.621.7440) and authorized by the Ohio Department of Higher Education.
Franklin University is committed to being an inclusive community free from all forms of discrimination and harassment.