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- M.Ed. in Instructional Design & Technology-Curriculum & Instruction in K-12 Education Specialization
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Completer Impact and Effectiveness
The School of Education monitors the impact teachers, who completed our licensure programs, have on P-12 student learning and development, classroom instruction, and in their schools to ensure the effectiveness of our licensure programs. To ensure the teachers who completed our licensure programs positively apply their professional knowledge, skills, and dispositions to P-12 student-learning and growth, the School of Education tracks data from Ohio's Teacher Evaluation System, Value-Added Data, as well as data concerning the Resident Educator Summative Assessment. From an analysis of these data points, the School of Education is able to evaluate the effectiveness of the teachers who have completed our licensure programs, providing valuable feedback about areas of strength and improvement within our licensure programs.
Satisfaction of Employers and Stakeholder Involvement
The School of Education works to monitor the satisfaction of educational organization within Ohio that employ teachers who completed a Franklin University School of Education licensure program, specifically their satisfaction concerning the teachers’ preparation they received while in their licensure program. To do so, the School of Education administers an employer satisfaction survey and compares its results to the most recent state-wide survey results, which the School of Education survey is based upon. Additionally, the School of Education monitors the involvement of various stakeholders. Specifically, it seeks to track the size of its P-12 partnership network, as well as how it can utilize the feedback and insight provided by its advisory board for continuous improvement. By analyzing this data and insights, the School of Education is able to gain valuable feedback about areas of strength and improvement within its licensure programs.
Measure 2: Satisfaction of Employers and Stakeholder Involvement (April 2024)
Candidate Competency at Program Completion
To be classified as a Program Completer and be eligible for licensure, the School of Education requires that candidates successfully complete all program requirements that apply to their licensure program. Once a candidate has completed all of these program requirements, they are classified as a Program Completer and are eligible to be recommended for licensure. By completing these requirements, a candidate has demonstrated that they possess the minimum required level of competency to be considered an entry level teacher. Therefore, to evaluate overall competency at completion, the School of Education seeks to compare the performance of its program completers with that of those across the state in key assessments. To do so, the School of Education compares the competency levels of those completing the Final Candidate Preservice Assessment of Student Teaching (CPAST) Evaluation, as well as the OAE Applied Professional Knowledge Assessments, the OAE Content Assessments, and the OAE Foundations of Reading Assessment, in order to see how they compare to those across the state. From an analysis of these data points, the School of Education is able to evaluate the competency level of completers, providing valuable feedback about areas of strength and improvement within our licensure programs.
Measure 3: Candidate Competency at Program Completion (April 2024)
Ability of Completers to be Hired in Education Positions for Which They Have Been Prepared
The School of Education monitors the ability of teachers who completed our licensure programs and are classified as a completer by CAEP to be hired in educational positions for which they have been prepared. The School of Education primarily prepares individuals for employment within an Ohio Department of Education (ODE) recognized Educational Organization, where they will work under the license/licensure program they completed in a 204 (Remedial Specialist Assignment), 208 (Tutor/Small Group Instructor (Serves Students Without Disability Conditions)), 212 (Supplemental Service Teaching Assignment (Serves Students with Disability Conditions Only), 225 (Full-time (Permanent) Substitute Teacher Assignment), or 230 (Teacher Assignment) position code. To do so, the School of Education tracks data concerning Employment by licensure area, licensure effective year, and Ohio Educational Organization Type. From an analysis of these data points, the School of Education is able to evaluate the ability of teachers who completed our licensure program(s) and are classified as a CAEP Completer to be hired in educational position for which they have been prepared, providing valuable feedback about areas of strength and improvement within our licensure programs.
Measure 4: Ability of Completers to be Hired in Education Positions (April 2024)
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