No-Fear Dissertation

Finish your dissertation with confidence

Few people have the ambition to begin a doctorate and unfortunately, even fewer finish. When we introduced doctoral studies at Franklin, we set out to change that with our No-Fear Dissertation®, a supportive approach to helping doctoral candidates navigate the complexities of the dissertation process.


For working professionals pursuing doctoral degrees, Franklin University’s No-Fear Dissertation® unites people, processes and resources to provide support and guidance that enables confident program completion. Unlike other online programs, Franklin’s applied doctorate programs are designed to minimize common barriers to completion.

We’re with you - every step of the way

Passing your comprehensive exam is a life-changing experience. Now an official doctoral candidate, you’re in uncharted territory. Without a syllabus to prompt assignments and deadlines, it’s easy to feel lost but, working  with your dissertation committee chair, you’ll determine an order and timeline for dissertation completion.

Along the way, you’ll gain insights on how to approach the writing and research components of the dissertation. Administrative support through the Office of Doctoral Studies keeps you moving forward, while Franklin’s Doctoral Student Association, a peer-to-peer network, provides both emotional and moral support.

Once your dissertation is successfully defended and  formally approved by your Dissertation Committee, it will be published in the OhioLINK dissertation database, as well as on the Franklin University Scholarly Exchange (FUSE), a digital collection of works by Franklin faculty, staff and students.

No-Fear Dissertation® Overview

Find out how the dissertation experience at Franklin differs from experiences at other universities. 

Faculty Support

Learn what you can expect from doctoral faculty advisors, as well as from the faculty members who serve on your dissertation committee. 

Writing Support

Gain essential skills for completing complex writing projects with support embedded in curriculum as well as co-curricular opportunities like the Dissertation Bootcamp, workshops and tutoring services.

Research Support

Set yourself up for success by taking advantage of research coaching and live chat, as well as tools like RefWorks that are available to help you streamline the research process.

Academic Support

Discover how the Office of Academic Scholarship can help you shine as an aspiring researcher and scholar. 

Administrative Support

Count on administrative support to facilitate a seamless transition from the coursework to dissertation phases of the program.  

Doctoral Student Association

Benefit from the personal, professional and emotional support Franklin doctoral students provide one another through the Doctoral Student Association. 

No-Fear Dissertation FAQs