Nursing Documents Repository

Doctoral Documents + Forms

Adult Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner (DNP-AGPCNP)

Family Nurse Practitioner (DNP-FNP)

Leadership Track (DNP-D)

Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (DNP-PMH)

The Nursing Handbooks provide a robust overview of the program, processes and requirements, ensuring that students are well-informed and prepared for their academic journey. 

In addition to completing the online admission application and submitting all support documents (transcripts and résumé), all applicants must download the DNP Handbook (Nurse Practitioner applicants must also download the Nurse Practitioner Handbook) and sign all forms within the DNP Programs Packet below before your application will be reviewed. 

Master's Documents + Forms

Generalist (MSN)

Nurse Administrator (MSN-ADM)

Nurse Educator (MSN-NE)

Nurse Educator Graduate Certificate (MNEC)

The MSN Handbook provides a robust overview of the program, processes and requirements, ensuring that students are well-informed and prepared for their academic journey.

In addition to completing the online admission application and submitting all support documents (transcripts and résumé), applicants must download the MSN Handbook and sign all forms within the MSN Programs Packet below before your application will be reviewed. 



Adult Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner (MSN-AGPCNP)

Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (MSN-PMHNP)

Family Nurse Practitioner (MSN-FNP)

The Nurse Practitioner Handbook provides a robust overview of the program, processes and requirements, ensuring that students are well-informed and prepared for their academic journey. 

In addition to completing the online admission application and submitting all support documents (transcripts and résumé), applicants must download the Nurse Practitioner Handbook and sign all forms within the MSN Programs Packet below before your application will be reviewed. 


BSN Documents + Forms

Nursing (RN-BSN)

The BSN Handbook provides a robust overview of the program, processes and requirements, ensuring that students are well-informed and prepared for their academic journey.

Certificate Documents + Forms

Adult Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner

Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner

Family Nurse Practitioner

The Nurse Practitioner Handbook provides a robust overview of the program, processes and requirements, ensuring that students are well-informed and prepared for their academic journey.

In addition to completing the online admission application and submitting all support documents (transcripts and résumé), applicants must download the Nurse Practitioner Handbook and sign all forms within the Nursing Certificates Packet below before your application will be reviewed. 

Contact Us


From the online application through student orientation, our dedicated team of admissions advisors will get you started on the admission process -- and keep you on track. To schedule an appointment with an Admission Advisor: 

Click here for our Bachelor's program. 

Click here for our Master's programs, graduate certificate and post-graduate certificates.

Click here for our Doctoral programs.


With a team of support in your corner, Franklin provides you with the freedom to choose a preceptor and/or preceptor site, creating a customized professional experience that aligns with your professional nursing goals and priorities.

Contact the Clinical Coordination Team:

Email for MSN and certificate questions.

Email for DNP practicum questions.