Faculty Profile

Yuerong Sweetland, Ph.D.

Director of Assessment



Dr. Yuerong Sweetland is Director of Assessment and Faculty of Evaluation, Assessment, and Research Methods and Design at Franklin University. She is also a doctoral faculty advisor and serves on dissertation committees. As the Director of Assessment, she oversees the design, collection, evaluation, and reporting for program and university assessment. She has been leading assessment at higher education institutions for over fifteen years and has presented at local, national and international conferences on various assessment topics, such as portfolio assessment, data informed instructional analysis to support student learning, general education assessment, integration of assessment and curricular planning and improvement, comparative analysis between face-to-face and online learning, and outcome maps. She has conducted research and evaluation in various areas of teaching, learning, instructional design and assessment. She is well versed in both quantitative and qualitative methods. Her most recent research interests include using a mixed-method approach, in particular a combination of surveys and focus groups, to explore factors impacting student learning and success. In addition to assessment and research, she is also an advocate for research ethics for having led and managed the Franklin University Institutional Review Board as the IRB Chair from 2012-2018. She contributes to the higher education community by being an active peer reviewer for the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) and serving as the Vice-Chair of the Knowledge Development Task Force for the Association of Assessment of Learning in Higher Learning (AALHE).


The Ohio State University (Columbus, Ohio)
Doctor of Philosophy, Educ. Teaching and Learning
Tsinghua University (China)
Master of Arts, English Education
Tianjin University (China)
Bachelor of Arts, English

Work Experience

2010 - Present
Franklin University, Director of Assessment
2010 - 2005
Franklin University, Director of Teaching & Learning Assessment
2007 - 2008
Franklin University, Lead Faculty
2005 - 2007
Franklin University, Faculty-Assessment
1992 - 1998
Tsinghua University, Lecturer, Beijing

Publications & Presentations

Sweetland, Y., & , K. (2024, Apr. 14). Health of Program Review: Change Makers with vision and Agility. Higher Learning Commission, Chicago.
Sweetland, Y., & , K. (2023, Jun. 07). HoP for Health of Program: Using change management strategies to develop and implement an innovative program review system. AALHE, New Orleans, LA.
Sweetland, Y., & Evans-Wilson, K. (2021, Oct. 26). ). Curriculum mapping 2.0. Assessment Institute, Virtual. https://assessmentinstitute.iupui.edu/program/presentations.html
Sweetland, Y., Bartholomew, T., Flateby, T., & Gregg, P. (2021, Jun. 18). Institutional Characteristics of Integrated Assessment Practices. AALHE, Online.
Sweetland, Y., Burrack, F., Phillips, G., & Teahen, R. (2021, Jun. 17). Accreditation and Assessment: What you need to know!. AALHE, Online.
Sweetland, Y., Burrack, F., & Chung, R. (2021, Feb. 04). Assessment Basics: How to implement effective student learning assessment. Academic Chairperson Conference.
Sweetland, Y., & Flateby, T. (2020, Jan. 01). Institutional Characteristics for Integrated Assessment: A Multi-Case Study. AALHE.
Sweetland, Y. (2020, Jan. 01). Developing and assessing institutional learning outcomes for institutional effectiveness. AALHE.
Sweetland, Y. (2018). Constructing Surveys. Survey Research: Methodology and Practices for Institutional Researchers.
Sweetland, Y., Fennema, B., Miner-Romanoff, K., & Yang, Y. (2018). Assessment of professional development and research-based instructional strategies for instructors of online undergraduate STEM courses. International Journal of Online Pedagogy and Course Design, 9 (1), pp. 51-61.
Sweetland, Y., & Christin, N. (2017, Dec. 31). Using the first year survey to explore student transition into college. Ohio Association of Institutional Research and Planning (OAIRP) Conference, Columbus, Ohio.
Sweetland, Y., & Barclay, M. (2017, Dec. 31). Data Informed Instructional Analysis: How to use your student surveys to enhance teaching and learning. Innovative Teaching and Learning Symposium 2017, Columbus, Ohio.
Sweetland, Y. (2016, Dec. 31). Comparative Analysis of Online and Face-to-face Education: A Case Study. China Association of Institutional Research Conference, Changsha, China.
Sweetland, Y., & Winterwood, F. (2016, Dec. 31). Measuring Teaching Quality: One Institution's Journey. The 17th Annual Midwest SoTL Conference, South Bend, Indiana.
Sweetland, Y., & Ni, X. (2016, Dec. 31). Knowledge Building through Authentic Learning and Peer Review. 20th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE), Hong Kong.
Sweetland, Y., Barclay, M., & Duryee, P. (2016, Dec. 31). A Collaborative Assessment Framework for Student Success. Innovate in Teaching and Learning Conference, Columbus, Ohio.
Sweetland, Y. (2016, Dec. 31). Learning Outcome Assessment. China Association of Institutional Research Conference, Changsha, China.
Sweetland, Y. (2015, Jun. 05). Five things you need to know about program assessment. TPAC(Teaching of Public Administration Conference)2015, Columbus Ohio.
Sweetland, Y., & Sweetland, y. (2014, Nov. 14). Assessment of learning outcomes and processes: A comprehensive system. Learning Showcase 2014, United States.
Sweetland, Y., & Sweetland, y. (2014, Jun. 30). Assessment for improvement and accountability: An integrative model. 2014 Conference on Teaching & Learning, United States.
Sweetland, Y. (2014, Jun. 03). Using curriculum mapping to bridge the gap for general education assessment. AALHE 2014 (Association for the Assessment of Learning in Higher Education), Albuquerque NM.
Sweetland, Y. (2013, Jun. 30). Assessment for Improvement and Accountability: An Overview of Franklin University's Academic Program Assessment System. Franklin Teaching and Learning Conference 2013, Columbus Ohio.
Sweetland, Y., Chongwony, L., & N/A, N. (2013, Jun. 03). Travelling the Journey of Outcome Mapping: From Theory to Practice. AALHE Third Annual Conference, Lexington, Kentucky.
Sweetland, Y., & Reymann, T. (2012, Oct. 09). Using outcome maps to help ""close the assessment loop. IACBE Conference Region IV, Flint Michigan.
Sweetland, Y. (2012, Jun. 15). Connecting the dots and seeing the whole: Outcome maps as a nexus for data-based decision making. National Institute on the Assessment of Adult Learning Annual Conference 2012, Atlantic city, NJ.
Sweetland, Y. (2012). Assessment and IRA Tale of TWO Cities?. , pp. 24-26. Overseas Chinese Association for Institutional Research. http://ocair.org/files/Newsletter/Newsletter16.pdf
Sweetland, Y. (2011, Jun. 15). A tale of two methods: Comparative assessment of face-to-face and online learning. National Institute on the Assessment of Adult Learning Annual Conference 2011, Atlantic City, NJ.
Sweetland, Y. (2011, Jun. 03). Assessing and Comparing Learning: Face-to-face and Online. AALHE 1st Annual Conference, Lexington, KY.
Sweetland, Y. (2011, Jan. 31). Comparative Assessment of Online and Face-to-Face Learning: One University's Experience. Ohio Educational Technology Conference 2011, Columbus OH.
Sweetland, Y. (2010, Oct. 03). Improving Student Success: Development and Implementation of a Learning Outcome Assessment Program for Comparative Examinations of Face-to-face and Online Learning. IACBE Annual Conference Region IV 2010, Chicago.
Sweetland, Y., & Shay, P. (2010, Jun. 30). Technology: A Pillar for Strengthening and Sustaining Assessment Culture. National Institute on the Assessment of Adult Learning Annual Conference 2010, Atlantic City NJ.
Sweetland, Y. (2009, Jun. 23). Building a Triangulated Assessment System: Using Multiple Measures for Learning Outcome Assessment. Student Success Assessment Summit, Columbus OH.
Sweetland, Y. (2008, Oct. 15). A comparative study of online and on-campus students' written communication skills. Mid-western Educational Research Association Conference 2008, Columbus OH.
Sweetland, Y., Alan, H., & N/A, N. (2005). Two case studies of L2 writers experiences across learning-directed portfolio contexts. (3), pp. 192-213. Assessing Writing. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/10752935/10
Sweetland, Y., Raehll, M., & Wanstreet, C. Data-informed holistic student support. Franklin University Innovations in Teaching and Learning Conference 2019.
Sweetland, Y. Developing a comprehensive general education assessment system to promote teaching and learning improvement: Challenges and solutions. AALHE.
Sweetland, Y., Hyatt, N., Ni, D., & Wanstreet, C. Winding Up for improved learning in a doctoral core course: Integrating a spiral approach with strong scaffolding. Franklin University Scholars Showcase: Innovations in Leadership and Learning.
Sweetland, Y., & Chaloupka, E. Exploring scholarly writing needs of students in applied doctoral programs: Faculty perspectives. Franklin University Innovations in Teaching and Learning Conference 2019.
Sweetland, Y., Flateby, T., Gregg, P., & Hernandez, A. An institution-wide integration of assessment, curricular and instructional planning and improvement: It takes the whole campus. AALHE.
Sweetland, Y., & , K. Outcome mapping 3.0: Using quantifiable alignment data to help inform curriculum improvement. AALHE.
Sweetland, Y., & , T. Are you integrating assessment, curriculum and instructional practices and processes. AALHE.
Sweetland, Y., & , C. Readiness to Teach and Learn in College: Faculty and Adult Learner Perspectives. The Journal of Continuing Higher Education. The Journal of Continuing Higher Education.
Sweetland, Y., & , B. Adaptive Advising Through Text Messaging: Adviser Motives and Institutional Support for Texting Students. Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration (OJDLA). Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration (OJDLA).
Sweetland, Y., & , K. Assessment of professional development and research-based instructional strategies for instructors of online undergraduate STEM courses. International Journal of Online Pedagogy and Course Design. International Journal of Online Pedagogy and Course Design.
Sweetland, Y. Establishing Alternative Credentials as the New Form of Transfer Credit. Evolllution (https://evolllution.com/establishing-alternative-credentials-as-the-new-form-of-transfer-credit). Evolllution (https://evolllution.com/establishing-alternative-credentials-as-the-new-form-of-transfer-credit).

Professional Service

HLC Peer Reviewer
Higher Learning Commission
Vice Chair
AALHE Knowledge Development TaskForce
(Columbus, 157)
Assessment Committee
(Columbus, 157)
Institutional Review Board
(Columbus, 157)
Committee Member
National Institute on the Assessment of Adult Learning
(Atlantic City , 153) End Date: 2012
Officer, Other Officer
Ohio Association of Institional Research and Planning
(Columbus, 157)
Association of Institutional Research
Committee Member
Assessment Committee


Association of Institutional Research
The Association for Institutional Research (AIR) is the world's largest professional association for institutional researchers. The organization provides educational resources, best practices and professional development opportunities for more than 4,000 members. Its primary purpose is to support members in the process of collecting, analyzing, and converting data into information that supports decision-making in higher education.
Association for the Assessment of Learning in Higher Education
AALHE is a professional association for assessment practitioners at colleges, universities, and higher education support organizations. It provides resources and a forum to support assessment practitioners’ professional development and the open discussion of issues, strategies, policies, and processes associated with higher education’s use of assessment as a tool to improve student learning and institutional effectiveness in fostering student success.