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University of Nebraska (Lincoln, Nebraska)
Doctor of Philosophy, Psychological Studies in Education
Doctor of Philosophy, Psychological Studies in Education
Boise State University (Boise, Idaho)
Bachelor of Science, Psychology
Bachelor of Science, Psychology
Work Experience
2021 - Present
Franklin University, Adjunct Faculty and Doctoral Faculty Advisor
2006 - 2011
University of Nebraska, Graduate Assistantship, Lincoln, Nebraska
Publications & Presentations
McKim, C. (2021). Knowledge, use, and perceived value of university students services: International and domestic students perceptions. . .
McKim, C. (2017). Modification and revalidation of the M-Learning Acceptance model. Computer-Assisted Language Learning-Electronic Journal, 18(2), 60 – 74
McKim, C. (2017). Using wordle in addictions education. Journal of Creativity in Mental Health
McKim, C. (2017). Using wordle in counseling ethics education. VISTAS, 44, 1 – 12. VISTAS, 44, 1 – 12.
McKim, C. (2016). Using graphical techniques from discriminant analysis to understand and interpret cluster solutions. International Journal of Data Analysis Techniques and Strategies, 9, 189 – 206. doi: 10.1504/IJDATS.2017.086633
McKim, C. (2016). Problem-based learning: Preparing doctoral students for dissertation research. American Educational Research Association. American Educational Research Association.
McKim, C. (2016). Using the literature to create a scale: A methodological piece. The Journal of Educational Foundations. The Journal of Educational Foundations.
McKim, C. (2016). What are principals’ perceptions? Recommendations for improving the supervision and evaluation of principals. Educational Administration Quarterly. Educational Administration Quarterly.
McKim, C. (2015). Principal’s perceptions regarding their supervision and evaluation. The American Association of School Administrators (AASA) Journal of Scholarship and Practice, 12, 20 – 29
McKim, C. (2015). The views of novice and late career principals concerning instructional leadership and organizational leadership within their evaluation. Planning and Changing, 46, 109 – 126
McKim, C. (2014). Understanding undergraduate statistical anxiety. Journal of Research in Education
McKim, C. (2014). An integrative model of recovery: A qualitative study of the perceptions of six counseling doctoral students. Research in Psychology and Behavioral Sciences, 2, 17 – 23, doi: 10.12691/rpbs-2-1-14
McKim, C. (2014). Managaing statistics anxiety: An investigation of computer software and web 2.0 technologies to alleviate student anxiety in the statistics classroom. American Educational Research Association. American Educational Research Association.
McKim, C. (2012). Examining dimensions of self-efficacy for writing. Journal of Educational Research. Online First Publication, doi: 10.1037/a0029692
McKim, C. (2012). School leaders’ perceptions of incompetent teachers: Implications for supervision and evaluation. NASSP Bulletin, 96, 302 – 322, doi: 10.1177/0192636512459554. NASSP Bulletin, 96, 302 – 322, doi: 10.1177/0192636512459554.
McKim, C. (2010). Community in three undergraduate university science courses: An analysis of student perception. Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education, 39, 157 – 164. doi: 10.4195/jnrlse.2009.0039u
McKim, C. (2010). Exploring teaching presence in both online and face-to-face learning environments. eChallenges, Issue 27 – 29, 1 – 7. ISBN: 978-1-4244-8390-7. eChallenges, Issue 27 – 29, 1 – 7. ISBN: 978-1-4244-8390-7.
McKim, C. (2008). Faculty perceptions of undergraduate students’ participation in regional psychology conferences. Psychological Reports, 103, 426 – 430.
McKim, C. Using the mirror story to understand self. Journal of Creativity in Mental Health, 12, 62 – 81. doi: 10.1080/15401383.2016.1211497
McKim, C. The value added by mixed methods research: A mixed methods study. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 1-21. doi: 10.1177/1558689815607096
McKim, C. Understanding statistical anxiety in undergraduate students: A mixed methods study. Northern Rocky Mountain Educational Research Association, Big Sky, MT.
McKim, C. How do principals perceive their own supervision and evaluation. National Conference of Professors of Educational Administration.
McKim, C. What do principals think about their own supervision and evaluation?. Professional Studies Research Symposium: University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY.
McKim, C. The supervision and evaluation of principals: Recommendations for improving the process. Northern Rocky Mountain Educational Research Association, Boulder, CO.
McKim, C. Graduate students� view of the value of mixed methods research: A explanatory sequential mixed methods design. American Educational Research Association.
McKim, C. Understanding graduate students� perceptions of statistics. Professional Studies Research Symposium: University of Wyoming,, Laramie, WY.
McKim, C. Understanding emotional safety for people living in various geographical locations. Northern Rocky Mountain Educational Research Association, Jackson Hole, WY.
McKim, C. What are principals� perceptions? Recommendations for improving their own supervision and evaluation. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Council of Professors of Educational Administration.
McKim, C. Now I am hired: What is expected of an assistant professor. Northern Rocky Mountain Educational Research Association, Boulder, CO.
McKim, C. Understanding value-added assessment: Research, models, and policy. Northern Rocky Mountain Educational Research Association, Jackson, WY.
McKim, C. Usefulness of cognitive and motivational principles for algebra instructors. Issues in Math and Science Education Group.
McKim, C. Value added by mixed methods research: A multiphase mixed methods design. the Quantitative, Qualitative, and Psychometric Methods Research Group.
McKim, C. A monte carlo simulation of meditational processes in parallel process latent growth curve modeling. American Psychological Association.
McKim, C. Undergraduate students perceptions of an introductory statistics course: A mixed methods study. American Educational Research Association.
McKim, C. The proof is in the cookie: Examining approaches to research. annual Student Research Conference, Lincoln, NE.
McKim, C. The value of quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods: The value researchers report in their studies. Northern Rocky Mountain Educational Research Association, Jackson Hole, WY.
McKim, C. Understanding graduate students� perceptions of statistics. Northern Rocky Mountain Educational Research Association, Park City, UT.
McKim, C. Implicit beliefs about writing, liking writing, and writing performance of 8th-graders, 11th-graders, and college students. American Educational Research Association, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
McKim, C. Principal's self-reflection of differentiated supervision and evaluation: A metacognitive process for principals in light of reform efforts for educational leaders. Professional Studies Research Symposium, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY.
McKim, C. Measuring students statistical motivation and confidence throughout an introductory statistics course. Rocky Mountain Psychological Association, Denver, CO.
McKim, C. Achieving a faculty position: What to expect when applying for a faculty position. Northern Rocky Mountain Educational Research Association, Boise, ID.
McKim, C. Understanding secondary algebra teachers� motivation for entering the profession: An examination of personal math biographies. American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA.
McKim, C. How professional development focused on cognition and motivation impacts high school algebra teachers. Northern Rocky Mountain Educational Research Association,, Jackson, WY.
McKim, C. Examining the relationship between the value, affect, and anxiety of statistics in undergraduates. Northern Rocky Mountain Educational Research Association, Park City, UT.
McKim, C. Principal perceptions regarding critical elements in the evaluation process. Northern Rocky Mountain Educational Research Association, Park City, UT.
McKim, C. Understanding success factors among nontraditional students: An investigation of perceptions and realities. Quantitative, Qualitative, and Psychometric Methods Research Group.
McKim, C. Aspiring principals� perspectives about teacher supervision and evaluation: Insights for principal preparation programs. National Conference of Professors of Educational Administration.
McKim, C. The supervision and evaluation cycle of principals: Perspectives from principals. Council of Professors of Instructional Supervision.
McKim, C. School leaders� perceptions about incompetent teachers: Implications for supervision and evaluation. National Conference of Professors of Educational Administration.
McKim, C. How do principals perceive their own supervision and evaluation?. Professional Studies Research Symposium, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY.
McKim, C. Faculty attitudes toward undergraduate submissions to regional conferences. Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
McKim, C. Principal evaluation: Implications for improving principal performance.
McKim, C. Your very own career GPS: Guidance and directions from measurement and research methodology professionals. American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.
McKim, C. Principals� perceptions regarding principal supervision and evaluation. Educational Leadership (WyCEL) and the University of Wyoming ECHO Project.
McKim, C. A look at principal evaluation. Wyoming Association of Secondary School Principals, Lander, WY.
McKim, C. Principals� perceptions regarding an ideal principal evaluation and supervisory feedback. National Conference of Professors of Educational Administration.
McKim, C. A look at principal evaluation. Wyoming Association of Secondary School Principals Conference, Lander, WY.
McKim, C. Effects of response order on salient and non salient issues. Northwest Nazarene University, Nampa, ID.
McKim, C. Using multilevel models for educational research: Introduction and application to growth modeling and value-added models. Northern Rocky Mountain Educational Research Association, Big Sky, MT.
McKim, C. A validation study of the modified mlearning model. Northern Rocky Mountain Educational Research Association, Boulder, CO.
McKim, C. The perception of mixed methods research: Graduate students response to a survey. Northern Rocky Mountain Educational Research Association, Rapid City, SD.
McKim, C. The value of mixed methods. Mixed Methods Group.
McKim, C. Simulations in the statistics classroom: Using visual graphs to explain basic statistical concepts. annual showcase of the College of Education and Human Science, Lincoln, NE.
McKim, C. Examining students� sense of belonging in the college classroom: A mixed method study. Society for Research in Child Development, Denver, CO.
McKim, C. Value added by mixed methods research: A multiphase mixed methods design. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry.
McKim, C. Finding and landing a university faculty position: All the things you should know. Northern Rocky Mountain Educational Research Association, Jackson Hole, WY.
McKim, C. Students' perception of belongingness, engagement, and motivation in the college classroom. American Psychological Society, San Diego, CA.
McKim, C. Principals� perceptions regarding their evaluation cycle. National Conference of Professors of Educational Administration.
McKim, C. Aspiring principals� perspectives about teacher supervision and evaluation: Insights for educational leadership preparation programs. National Conference of Professors of Educational Administration.
McKim, C. The impact of course delivery on graduate students� perceptions of statistics. Northern Rocky Mountain Educational Research Association, Reno, NV.
McKim, C. Student perceptions of educational debt. Northern Rocky Mountain Educational Research Association,, Rapid City, SD.
McKim, C. The evaluation and supervision of principals: What do principals think about the process?. Northern Rocky Mountain Educational Research Association, Boise, ID.
McKim, C. The use of problem based learning in a graduate research methods course. Northern Rocky Mountain Educational Research Association, Boise, ID.
McKim, C. Principals� perceptions regarding supervisory feedback and their evaluation. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Council of Professors of Instructional Supervision.
McKim, C. I can�t picture that: Stats help. American Psychological Society, Chicago, IL.
McKim, C. The value of various methodologies: An examination of quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods articles. International Journal of Social Research Methodology. International Journal of Social Research Methodology.
McKim, C. Changes in college students’ readiness to change scores following a substance abuse assessment-interview with a counselor-in-training. Ideas and Research You Can Use: Vistas Online (Article 71). Retrieved from http://www.counseling.org/knowledge-center/vistas/vistas-2013/page/3/. Ideas and Research You Can Use: Vistas Online (Article 71). Retrieved from http://www.counseling.org/knowledge-center/vistas/vistas-2013/page/3/.
McKim, C. Supporting the construction of mathematical knowledge for teaching: The case for learning cognition and motivation for algebra teachers. . .
McKim, C. Understanding graduate students’ perceptions of statistics. . .
McKim, C. Academic issues of international and domestic students. . .
McKim, C. Describing the meaning teachers ascribe to the value of standardized tests: A phenomenology. . .
McKim, C. An analysis of superintendent and principal perceptions regarding the supervision and evaluation of principals. . .
McKim, C. Implicit beliefs about writing: Relationships to writing performance. . .
McKim, C. Relationship between perceived value, statistical anxiety, perceived relevance, and difficulty in an introductory statistics course. International Journal of Educational Research. International Journal of Educational Research.
McKim, C. can’t picture that!: Integrating technology in the classroom to help students understand statistical concepts. . .
McKim, C. Impact of play therapy training on students in counseling preparation programs. . .
McKim, C. What are superintendents’ perceptions? Recommendations for improving their own supervision and evaluation. . .
McKim, C. Superintendents’ perceptions regarding the supervision and evaluation of principals. . .
Professional Service
Reviewer/Paper Reader
American Educational Research Association
American Educational Research Association
Officer, President/Elect/Past
Northern Rocky Mountain Educational Research Association (NRMERA)
Northern Rocky Mountain Educational Research Association (NRMERA)
Officer, President/Elect/Past
Northern Rocky Mountain Educational Research Association (NRMERA)
Northern Rocky Mountain Educational Research Association (NRMERA)
Officer, Secretary
American Educational Research Association.
American Educational Research Association.
Session Chair
American Educational Research Association.
American Educational Research Association.
Reviewer/Paper Reader
American Educational Research Association.
American Educational Research Association.
Reviewer/Paper Reader
American Educational Research Association.
American Educational Research Association.
Reviewer/Paper Reader
American Educational Research Association.
American Educational Research Association.
Northern Rocky Mountain Educational Research Association (NRMERA)
Northern Rocky Mountain Educational Research Association (NRMERA)
Northern Rocky Mountain Educational Research Association (NRMERA)
Northern Rocky Mountain Educational Research Association (NRMERA)
American Educational Research Association
Northern Rocky Mountain Educational Research Association
Northern Rocky Mountain Educational Research Association (NRMERA)
Northern Rocky Mountain Educational Research Association (NRMERA)
American Educational Research Association