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Master's Degrees
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I serve as the Dean of the College of Arts, Sciences, and Technology, the Dean of Faculty for the Urbana Branch Campus, the Director of STEM, and the Program Chair for the B.S. Environmental Science Program and Graduate Certificate in Sustainability Management. I also serve as Lead Faculty for several Natural Sciences courses, and courses at all academic levels. I teach a number of different science courses including biology, chemistry, environmental science, and general education science at Franklin and Urbana University. I received my PhD from the Department of Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology at The Ohio State University with an emphasis in molecular systematics, phylogeography, and conservation biology. Prior to joining Franklin University, I taught and developed a variety of science courses at several central Ohio universities and colleges with programs focused at both majors and non-majors. These courses include introductory biology, animal diversity, human biology, human anatomy and physiology, microbiology, chemistry, natural science, environmental science, science and society, ecology, evolution, and several organismal-based courses.
Doctor of Philosophy, Evolution Ecology + Biology
Master of Science, Zoology
Bachelor of Science, Wildlife Biology
Work Experience
Publications & Presentations
Professional Service
Metro Governing Board
(Columbus, 157)
Lead Faculty Math Search Committee - Department of CSM
(Columbus, 157) End Date: 2014
Curriculum Review Committee - Faculty Senate
(Columbus, 157) End Date: 2017
Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy Review Committee - Ohio Division of Wildlife
(Columbus, 157)
Department Chair Search Committee - College of Business
(Columbus, 157) End Date: 2013
Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society
(Guntersville, 118) End Date: 2013
International Student Recruitment Taskforce
(Columbus, 157)
Math 215 ReDesign Task Force
(Columbus, 157) End Date: 2013
SV 20/20 Refocus: Academic Partnerships & Collaboration Subcommittee
(Columbus, 157) End Date: 2013
Sabbatical Leave Committee
(Columbus, 157)
Program Review Task Force
(Columbus, 157) End Date: 2013
Content Editor Search Committee - Department of SNS
(Columbus, 157) End Date: 2013
University Foundations Committee
(Columbus, 157) End Date: 2015
University Administrators Meeting
(Columbus, 157)
Presidents Advisory Council
(Columbus , 157)
Academic Advising and Faculty Communication Team
(Columbus, 157)
Faculty Constitution Review Committee - Faculty Senate
(Columbus) End Date: 2011
Green Your Routine Committee
(Columbus, 157)
Academic Technology Committee - Faculty Senate
(Columbus, 157) End Date: 2013
Hilliard Girls Softball Association
(Hilliard, 157)
Policy Review Committee
(Columbus, 157)
Office of Teaching Effectiveness - Position Search Committee
(Columbus, 157) End Date: 2010
Instructional Design Search Committee - Department of HCA
(Columbus, 157) End Date: 2010
National Society of Collegiate Scholars - Franklin Chapter
(Columbus , 157)
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Teacher Advisory Committee (STEM-TAC)
(Columbus, 157) End Date: 2010
Personell Committee - Faculty Senate
(Columbus , 157) End Date: 2011
General Education Task Force
(Columbus, 157)
Faculty Senate
(Columbus, 157)
Molecular Ecology
St. Pius Catholic School
End Date: 2008
Mathematical Biosciences Institute Graduate
End Date: 2007
Communications Committee/OSU
End Date: 2008
Beechcroft High School
End Date: 2008
Columbus Public Schools
End Date: 2006
Conservation Biology
Art and the Environment/OSU
End Date: 2007
Museum of Biological Diversity Open House/OSU
End Date: 2007
Women in Science Day/OSU
End Date: 2007
Graduate Evolution and Ecology Student Organization
End Date: 2005
104th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society
St. Agatha Catholic School
End Date: 2008
St. Andrew Catholoic School
End Date: 2008
Freshwater Mussel Conservation
End Date: 2008
Fisheries Society
End Date: 2000
Environmental Educators and Naturalists Society
End Date: 2000
Residence Hall Executive Board
End Date: 1997
Aquatic and Marine Bilogy Association
End Date: 2000
The Wildlife Society
End Date: 2000
The Society for Freshwater Science (SFS) is an international scientific organization whose purpose is to promote further understanding of freshwater ecosystems (rivers, streams, lakes, reservoirs, and estuaries) and ecosystems at the interface between aquatic and terrestrial habitats (wetlands, bogs, fens, riparian forests and grasslands). The society fosters exchange of scientific information among the membership, and with other professional societies, resource managers, policy makers, educators, and the public. Society members study the genetics to community structure of freshwater organisms, freshwater ecosystem function, physical processes that affect freshwaters, and linkages between freshwater ecosystems and surrounding landscapes. Applied aspects of their science include habitat and water quality assessment, conservation, fisheries and invasive species management, integrated water resource management, and restoration.
The Hennig Society was founded in 1980 with the expressed purpose of promoting the field of Phylogenetic Systematics. Hennig's idea that groups of organisms, or taxa, should be recognized and formally named only in cases where they are evolutionarily real entities, that is ""monophyletic"", at first was controversial. It is now the prevailing approach to modern systematics. The Society has a strong international character meeting once a year, typically only every other year in North America. The journal Cladistics is the official publication of the Willi Hennig Society comprising a rich mixture of theortical and empirical peer-reviewed contributions to phylogenetic systematics.
The AAAS seeks to ""advance science, engineering, and innovation throughout the world for the benefit of all people."" To fulfill this mission, the AAAS Board has set the following broad goals: �?Enhance communication among scientists, engineers, and the public; �?Promote and defend the integrity of science and its use; �?Strengthen support for the science and technology enterprise; �?Provide a voice for science on societal issues; �?Promote the responsible use of science in public policy; �?Strengthen and diversify the science and technology workforce; �?Foster education in science and technology for everyone; �?Increase public engagement with science and technology; and �?Advance international cooperation in science.
The Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society (FMCS) is dedicated to the conservation of and advocacy of freshwater mollusks, North America's most imperiled animals. Membership in the society is open to anyone interested in freshwater mollusks who supports the stated purposes of the Society which are as follows: 1) Advocate conservation of freshwater molluscan resources, 2) Serve as a conduit for information about freshwater mollusks, 3) Promote science-based management of freshwater mollusks, 4) Promote and facilitate education and awareness about freshwater mollusks and their function in freshwater ecosystems, 5) Assist with the facilitation of the National Strategy for the Conservation of Native Freshwater Mussels (Journal of Shellfish Research, 1999, Volume 17, Number 5), and a similar strategy under development for freshwater gastropods.