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The Ohio State University (Columbus, Ohio)
Doctor of Philosophy, Human Development and Family Science Major
Doctor of Philosophy, Human Development and Family Science Major
The Ohio State University (Columbus, Ohio)
Master of Science, Family Relations and Human Development Major
Master of Science, Family Relations and Human Development Major
The Ohio State University (Columbus, Ohio)
Bachelor of Arts, Psychology Major
Bachelor of Arts, Psychology Major
Work Experience
2022 - Present
Franklin University, Adjunct Faculty & Doctoral Faculty Advisor
2017 - Present
National University, Adjunct Faculty, La Jolla, California
2015 - 2021
University of Liverpool, Honorary Lecturer, Liverpool
2012 - 2015
Northcentral University, Dissertation Faculty Chair, Scottsdale, Arizona
2010 - Present
Walden University, Senior Core Faculty/Research Coordinator, Baltimore, Maine
2010 - 2012
Northcentral University, Director, Office of Assessment Institutional Research, Scottsdale, Arizona
2006 - 2010
Arizona State University, Clinical Associate Professor, Glendale, Arizona
2005 - 2010
Arizona State University, Director, The Rodel Community Scholars, Glendale, Arizona
2004 - 2005
Center for the Future of Arizona, Director, Arizona Dropout Initiative, Phoenix, Arizona
2002 - 2004
The Pennsylvania State University - Fayette, Assistant Professor & Director Diagnostic Research, Uniontown, Pennsylvania
Publications & Presentations
Hickman, G., Nwosu, K., & Unachukwu, G. (2021). Cooperative and Teacher Directed Learning Classrooms: Places for the Development of Metacognitive Skills for Reading Proficiency. Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, 19 (1) Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology.
Hickman, G., Camper, B., & Nwosu, K. (2020). The Predictive Nature of Mentoring Student Academic Progress, Mentor Educational Background, and Mentor Tenure among High School Dropouts Who Graduated from an Educational Management Organization. Journal of At-Risk Issues, 23 (1), pp. 15-24. Journal of At-Risk Issues,.
Hickman, G., & Anderson, S. (2019). The Perceived Impact of Educational Management Organization Mentors Among Former High School Dropouts Who Graduated from High School. Journal of At-Risk Issues, 22 (1), pp. 8-Jan. Journal of At-Risk Issues.
Hickman, G., Camper, B., & Jaeckle, T. (2019). A Case Study Analysis among Former Urban Gifted High School Dropouts. Journal of At-Risk Issues, 22 (2), pp. 23-30. Journal of At-Risk Issues.
Hickman, G., Heinrich, R., Nelson, L., Sabia, M., Travis, F., & Veri, T. (2018). Predicting High School Freshmen Dropout Through Attentional Biases and Initial Grade Point Average. The Journal of At-Risk Issues, 20 (2), pp. 45-54. The Journal of At-Risk Issues.
Hickman, G. (2017). Predicting Delinquency through Psychosocial and Environmental Variables among Immigrant and Native-Born Adolescents. SSRN SSRN. https://ssrn.com/abstract=2994920
Hickman, G., & Sloan, M. (2015). Differentiating Factors between Foster Youth and Non- Foster Youth in the Juvenile-Justice System. Journal of Human Services, pp. 53-56. Journal of Human Services.
Hickman, G., & White, T. (2015). The Perceptions of African American Clergy Regarding Beliefs and Stigmas of the African American Community Seeking Mental Health Services. Journal of Human Services, pp. 61-64. Journal of Human Services.
Hickman, G., Barkley, W., & Sabia, M. (2014). Delinquency Intervention Development: The Importance of Considering Immigrant Youths’ Adaptive Challenges. Journal of Human Services, 34 (1), pp. 169-173. Journal of Human Services.
Hickman, G., Heinrich, L., & Vincenzes, K. (2014). The Implications of Attachment Theory for Military Wives: Effects During a Post- Deployment Period. The Professional Counselor, 4 (2), pp. 30-36. The Professional Counselor.
Hickman, G., & Wright, D. (2011). Academic and school behavioral variables as predictors of high school graduation among at-risk adolescents enrolled in a youth-based mentoring program. Journal of At-Risk Issues, 16 (1), pp. 27-33. Journal of At-Risk Issues.
Hickman, G. (2008). Differential developmental pathways of high school dropouts and graduates. Audio Education Journal Audio Education Journal.
Hickman, G., Bartholomew, M., & Mathwig, J. (2008). Differential developmental pathways of high school dropouts and graduates. The Journal of Educational Research, 102 (1), pp. 14-Mar. The Journal of Educational Research.
Hickman, G., & Garvey, I. (2006). Academic and school behavior variables as predictors of program completion among at-risk inner-city children and youth in a youth-based mentoring program. Journal of At-Risk Issues, 12 (1), pp. 9-Jan. Journal of At-Risk Issues.
Hickman, G., & Crossland, G. (2005). The predictive nature of humor, authoritative parenting style, and academic achievement on the initial personal-emotional, social, academic, and commitment to college adjustments among male and female college freshmen. Journal of College Student Retention, 6 (2), pp. 219-239. Journal of College Student Retention.
Hickman, G., Burgoyne, J., & Cole, J. (2003). The relationship between humorous coping skills and the initial personal-emotional adjustment of college freshmen in a small southwestern evangelical Christian university. Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences, 17, pp. 8-Jan. Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences.
Hickman, G. (2003). The effects of extreme religiosity on academic achievement and indices of college adjustment among college students enrolled at a southwestern Evangelical Christian university. Family Focus, 26, pp. 13-Dec. Family Focus.
Hickman, G., & Andrews, D. (2003). Influence of humor and family on the initial adjustment of male and female college freshmen. Journal of The First-Year Experience and Students in Transition, 15 (2), pp. 61-82. Journal of The First-Year Experience and Students in Transition.
Hickman, G., & Starr, M. (2001). The influence of family on the development of humorous coping skills of college freshmen. National Council of Family Relations Report, 46 (2), pp. 13-Dec. National Council of Family Relations Report.
Hickman, G., Andrews, D., & Toews, M. (2001). The differential influence of authoritative parenting on the initial adjustment of male and female traditional college freshmen. Journal of The First-Year Experience and Students in Transition, 13 (1), pp. 23-48. Journal of The First-Year Experience and Students in Transition.
Hickman, G., Bartholomae, S., & McKenry, P. (2000). Influence of parenting styles on the adjustment and academic achievement of traditional college freshmen. Journal of College Student Development, 41 (1), pp. 15-Jan. Journal of College Student Development.
Hickman, G., & Andrews, D. (1998). Family involvement in juvenile diversion and the prevention of problem behaviors. Family Science Review, 11 (3), pp. 259-276. Family Science Review.
Hickman, G. Everybody�s problem: The driving forces behind high school graduation rates. East Valley Think Tank, Mesa, Arizona.
Hickman, G., Burgoyne, J., & Cole, J. The relationship between humorous coping skills and the initial personal-emotional adjustment of college freshmen in a small southwestern evangelical Christian university. The Pennsylvania State University Undergraduate Research Conference, The Pennsylvania State University.
Hickman, G., & Immel, J. The differential influence of maternal and paternal acceptance and rejection towards initial commitment to college among college freshmen. The Pennsylvania State University Undergraduate Research Conference, University Park, PA.
Hickman, G. The Normal-abnormal developmental continuum of children three to five-years of age. Fayette County Head Start, Uniontown, PA.
Hickman, G. The impact of staggered vs. non-staggered course delivery methods on student learning outcomes in distance education. The Sloan Consortium, Orlando, FL.
Hickman, G. The differential influence of extreme religiosity on the academic achievement and adjustment of college students. The annual meeting of the National Council on Family Relations, Houston, TX.
Hickman, G., Bowers, J., & Boyard, C. The differential impact of paternal authoritative and authoritarian parenting styles on the aptitude, GPA, and overall adjustment to college among college freshmen. The Pennsylvania State University Undergraduate Research Conference, University Park, PA.
Hickman, G., & Starr, M. Influence of humor and family on the initial adjustment of male and female college freshmen. The annual meeting of the National Council on Family Relations, Houston, TX.
Hickman, G. Attention-Deficit/Hyperactive Disorder: Myths and Realities. Fayette County Teachers Association (FCTA), Uniontown, PA.
Hickman, G. The state of mentoring as a diversion program for severe and borderline at-risk children and adolescents. The Pennsylvania State University Undergraduate Research Conference.
Hickman, G. Analyses of academic achievement and school behavior problems as indices of program effectiveness among at-risk children and youth enrolled in a school-based mentoring program. The annual meeting of the National Dropout Prevention Center, Orlando, FL.
Hickman, G. The Rodel Community Scholars. College of Education and Human Ecology, Columbus, OH.
Hickman, G. Differential developmental pathways of high school graduates and dropouts. The Rodel Charitable Foundation All A�s, Scottsdale, AZ.
Hickman, G. An evaluation of the Cincinnati Youth Collaborative Mentoring Program. The Pennsylvania State University � Fayette, Uniontown, PA.
Hickman, G., & Rahl, D. Achieving a college education: A study of ACE programs designed to improve high school retention/graduation rates and college enrollment rates for at-risk high school students. The Association for Institutional Research, Toronto, CN.
Hickman, G. Center for the Future of Arizona: A �Do Tank. The ACT, Inc. West Regional Council, Phoenix, Arizona.
Hickman, G., Barkley, W., & Benoliel, B. Inter-professional responses to elders. National Organization of Human Services, Baltimore, MD.
Hickman, G., Gilbert, C., & Moreau, T. The predictive nature of taking a family history as effective management of childhood obesity among pediatricians. The annual meeting of the National Council on Family Relations, Vancouver, Canada.
Hickman, G. Arizona dropout prevention coverage: Statewide dropout prevention initiative. The annual meeting of the National Dropout Prevention Center, Orlando, FL.
Hickman, G. The impact of eights vs. twelve-week course delivery methods on student learning outcomes in distance education. The Sloan Consortium, Orlando, FL.
Hickman, G. The impact of Mac-Ro and free and/or reduced lunch in Arizona. The Rodel Charitable Foundation, Scottsdale, AZ.
Hickman, G. An evaluation of the Cincinnati Youth Collaborative Mentoring Program. Chairman, Procter & Gamble, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Hickman, G., & Francis, S. Improving Arizona�s high school graduation rate: What does it take?. Office of The Governor State of Arizona, Phoenix, Arizona.
Hickman, G., & Anderson, S. The perceived impact of mentors from dropouts enrolled in educational maintenance organizations who graduated high school during the Covid pandemic. Presented to Arizona School Counselors Association, Phoenix, Arizona.
Hickman, G., & Crossland, G. The predictive nature of humor, authoritative parenting style, and academic achievement on the initial personal-emotional, social, academic, and commitment to college adjustments among male and female college freshmen. The annual meeting of the National Council on Family Relations, Vancouver, Canada.
Hickman, G. Predictors of program completion among at-risk youth in a large Cincinnati youth-based mentoring program. The annual meeting of the National Dropout Prevention Center, Orlando, FL.
Hickman, G., & Heinrich, R. Do Children Drop Out of School in Kindergarten?. Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham, MD.
Hickman, G. Differential developmental pathways of high school graduates and dropouts. The City of Phoenix Prosecutor�s Office,, Phoenix, AZ.
Hickman, G. The impact of free and/or reduced lunch on 3rd grade AIMS mathematical performance: Schools that beat the odds. The Rodel Charitable Foundation, Scottsdale, AZ.
Hickman, G. The impact of plagiarism training on student learning outcomes and institutional effectiveness. Walden University Faculty, Orlando, FL.
Hickman, G. The high school dropout phenomena: What do we really know?. The National Virtual Reality High School Student Retention Seminar, Orlando, FL.
Hickman, G. The impact of old vs. new syllabi course delivery methods on student learning outcomes in distance education. The Sloan Consortium, Orlando, FL.
Hickman, G., Andrews, D., & Meyer, K. Family process variables and humor development: A coping mechanism for first quarter freshmen. The annual meeting of the National Council on Family Relations, Los Angeles, CA.
Hickman, G. Faculty perspectives and experiences. Laureate Education Board Meeting, Phoenix, AZ.
Hickman, G., Barkley, W., Scalli, L., & Walters, A. Mentoring in online graduate education: A panel discussion. National Organization of Human Services, Baltimore, MD.
Hickman, G., & Bartholomew, M. Differential developmental pathways of high school graduates and dropouts. The Governor�s P-20 Advisory Council, Phoenix, AZ.
Hickman, G. The perceived impact of mentors from dropouts enrolled in educational maintenance organizations who graduated high school. National Dropout Prevention Center, Denver, CO.
Hickman, G. Everybody�s Problem: The driving forces behind high school graduation rates. National Dropout Prevention Center Regional Conference, Phoenix, AZ.
Hickman, G. Findings of the 2nd Annual Arizona High School Town Hall. Office of The Governor State of Arizona, Phoenix, AZ.
Hickman, G., Hilby, A., Owin, B., & Parker, B. Understanding and reducing the �status unknown� problem in high school dropout rates. The annual meeting of the National Dropout Prevention Center, Orlando, FL.
Hickman, G. Attention-Deficit/Hyperactive Disorder, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, and Conduct Disorder: Myths, realities, treatments, and interventions. Fayette County Head Start, Uniontown, PA.
Hickman, G., & Bartholomae, S. Influences of parenting styles and characteristics on adjustment and academic achievement on college freshmen. The annual meeting of the National Council of Family Relations, Milwaukee, WI.
Hickman, G., & Atkinson, S. The influence of parenting styles on indices of initial adjustment to high school in rural Arizona. The 34th Western Regional Honors Council Conference, Anaheim, CA.
Hickman, G. The Rodel Community Scholars. Leeds Business College, Boulder, Colorado.
Hickman, G., Coor, L., & Francis, S. Projecting high school graduation rates. Tucson Legislative Council, Tucson, Arizona.
Hickman, G., Andrews, D., & Toews, M. Authoritative parenting: Predictors of initial academic achievement and overall adjustment of male and female traditional college freshmen. The annual meeting of the National Council on Family Relations, Los Angeles, CA.
Hickman, G., & Bartholomae, S. Influences of parenting styles on the adjustment, aptitude, achievement, and self-esteem on college freshmen. 11th Annual Ohio Conference on the Family,, Columbus, OH.
Hickman, G. Everybody�s problem: The driving forces behind high school completion rates. The Rodel Charitable Foundation�s All A�s, Scottsdale, Arizona.
Hickman, G., Bartholomew, M., & Mathwig, J. Differential developmental trajectory of high school graduates and dropouts. The Arizona Department of Education National Dropout Prevention Conference, Phoenix, AZ.
Professional Service
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Subject Matter Expert (SME) Foundation Course
Subject Matter Expert (SME) Foundation Course
Advisory Council
Center for Faculty Excellence, Walden University
(Minneapolis, 144) End Date: 2021
Center for Faculty Excellence, Walden University
(Minneapolis, 144) End Date: 2021
Advisory Council
Arizona Technical Advisory Committee (AzTAC)
(121) End Date: 2002
Arizona Technical Advisory Committee (AzTAC)
(121) End Date: 2002
National Organization of Human Services
Tau Upsilon Alpha Honor Society
ACT, Inc.
Communities in Schools
National Dropout Prevention Center
National Council on Family Relations
American Psychological Association