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After receiving my BS in biology at the University of Central Florida and continuing to graduate school and the University of South Florida, I quickly learned that I really, REALLY love teaching and research. I love it so much that after receiving my master’s degree, I went on to earn a Ph.D. in Science Education. Prior to joining Franklin University, I was STEM Education faculty at the Florida Institute of Technology (2013 - 2021); biology faculty at Clayton State University (2009-2013); and senior researcher for the Coalition for Science Literacy at the University of South Florida. I also have several years experience teaching science at the secondary school level.
University of South Florida (Hillsborough County, Florida)
Doctor of Philosophy, Curriculum and Instruction
Doctor of Philosophy, Curriculum and Instruction
University of South Florida (Hillsborough County, Florida)
Master of Arts, Science Education
Master of Arts, Science Education
University of Central Florida (Orlando, Florida)
Bachelor of Science, Biology
Bachelor of Science, Biology
Social and Behavioral Research - Basic/Refresher , CITI Program , Expiration Date: 2026
Work Experience
2023 - Present
Franklin University, Adjunct Faculty and Doctoral Faculty Advisor
2021 - 2023
Franklin University, Adjunct Faculty
2014 - 2020
Florida Institute of Technology, Director of Teaching Assistant Seminar, Melbourne, Florida
2013 - 2021
Florida Institute of Technology, Assistant Professor, Melbourne, Florida
2009 - 2013
Clayton State University, Assistant Professor of Biology, Morrow, Georgia
2005 - 2009
University of South Florida, Senior Researcher, Hillsborough County, Florida
2001 - 2005
Armwood High School, Science teacher, Seffner, Florida
Publications & Presentations
Fowler, S., Newton, A., Park, J., & Young, S. (2021). Critical thinking activities in Florida undergraduate biology classes improves comprehension of climate change. Biological Education Biological Education.
Fowler, S., Carroll, D., Guisbert, E., & Wiseman, E. (2020). Iteration in an Inquiry-based undergraduate laboratory strengthens student engagement and incorporation of scientific skills. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.
Fowler, S., Bancroft, S., Jalaeian, M., & Patterson, K. (2020). Leveling the field: Flipped instruction as a tool for promoting equity in general chemistry. The Journal of Chemical Education The Journal of Chemical Education.
Fowler, S., & Alibraheim, E. (2019). Examining the Gender Differences Among Saudi Scholarship Students’ Attitudes Toward Mathematics in the United States. The International Journal of Humanities Education The International Journal of Humanities Education.
Fowler, S., & Ramirez, L. (2019). Socioscientific Issues to Promote Content Knowledge and Socioscientific Reasoning in Puerto Rican High School Students. The American Biology Teacher The American Biology Teacher.
Fowler, S., Ackerman, S., Fricke, G., Griego, A., Hamed, K., Hecker, J., Jones, J., Leucht, K., & Moses, M. (2018). The Swarmathon: An autonomous swarm robotics competition. Cornell University https://arxiv.org/abs/1805.08320. https://arxiv.org/abs/1805.08320
Fowler, S., & Zeidler, D. (2016). Lack of evolution acceptance mitigates how science is used during socioscientific negotiation. Journal of Biological Education, pp. 407-424. Journal of Biological Education.
Fowler, S., & Almasoud, S. (2016). The difference in the academic achievements of Homeschooled and Non-Homeschooled Students. Home School Researcher, 32 (1) Home School Researcher.
Fowler, S., & Wilson, M. (2016). The dilute allele and the Labrador. Labrador Quaterly, pp. 37-38. Labrador Quaterly.
Fowler, S. (2012). Putting Students in the Hot Seat to Promote Interest in a Biology Course for Non-Majors. The American Biology Teacher, pp. 410-412. The American Biology Teacher.
Fowler, S., & Henry, W. (2011). Campus Climate: An assessment of students’ perceptions in a college of education. Urban Education, pp. 689-718. Urban Education.
Fowler, S., Bancroft, S., Pollenz, R., Reynolds, J., & Rothman, J. A Tool to Assess the Impact of STEM Research Experiences on Identity, Community and Belonging. Presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching,, Baltimore, MD.
Fowler, S., & Ramirez, L. Citizen Science brought to the Underrepresented Population of Puerto Rico through Socio scientific Issues. Presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Atlanta, GA.
Fowler, S. Using the SSI-Q as a Determination of Scientific Literacy in College Biology Majors. Presented at the Southeastern Association for Science Teacher Education, Athens, GA.
Fowler, S., & Zeidler, D. The influence of students� acceptance of evolution on SSI negotiation. Presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Indianapolis, IN.
Fowler, S., & Zeidler, D. Measuring the Use of Science Content During Socio scientific Issues Negotiation: The SSI-Q. Presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Orlando, FL.
Fowler, S., & Callahan, B. The epistemic beliefs and socio-cultural views of science in education majors and science majors. Presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Pittsburg, PA.
Fowler, S., & Callahan, B. The Relationship between College Students' Epistemic Beliefs and Their Socio-cultural Views of Science. Presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching. Rio Grande, Puerto Rico.
Fowler, S. Putting Students in the Hot Seat to Promote Science in a Biology Course for Non-Majors. Presented at the Association for Science Teacher Education, Clearwater, FL.
Fowler, S., Brown, A., English, T., & Furlong, M. College Mentors in the Middle School. Presented at the annual meeting of the Southeastern Association of Science Teacher Education, Macon, GA.
Fowler, S., & Grace, M. Exotic Snakes and Hysteria in Florida: The Influence of Internet Social Media on Public Perception of Socio scientific Issues. Presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Chicago, IL.
Fowler, S., & Ramirez, L. The Impact of Place Attachment in Socioscientific Reasoning of Puerto Rican High School Students. Presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, virtual.
Professional Service
STEM Education Programs Strategic Planning Task Force
STEM Education Programs Strategic Planning Task Force
Board Member
Int Journal of Educational Methodology
Int Journal of Educational Methodology
Journal of Research in Science Teaching
Journal of Research in Science Teaching
Doctoral comprehensive examination committee
Doctoral comprehensive examination committee
Science and Education
Science and Education