b'COLUMBUSCITY SCHOOLSBROADEN LIST OF FRANKLINS K-12 PARTNERSFranklin is now pleased to count Columbus City Schools (CCS) among our nearly 200 K-12 partnerships across the state. CCS is Ohios largest school district, serving the needs of 50,000 students in 112 schools. The partnershipThese educational provides district employees with free books and a tuition discount from Franklins School of Education, as they work toward earning pre-licensure foropportunities will help instructional assistance. Further, the partnership benefit is extended to all CCS employees looking to further their academic pursuits in any of Franklinssupport the academic bachelors, masters and doctorate programs.and professional growth Columbus City Schools is excited to partner with Franklin University to offer these newly established tuition discounts, said Superintendent/CEO Dr. Talisathat our employees seek Dixon. These educational opportunities will help support the academic and professional growth that our employees seek and ensure that we are helpingand ensure that we are our students become lifelong learners. helping our students Franklin University and our School of Education are proud to partner with Columbus City Schools to provide greater access to higher education andbecome lifelong learners.relevant professional development opportunities for school administrators, teachers and staff, shared Dr. David Decker, president, Franklin University. As society experiences an accelerated digitization of learning and work activities, Franklin is uniquely positioned to support the evolving needs of educators. - Dr. Talisa DixonJOBSOHIO + ONE COLUMBUS TAP FRANKLIN TO DELIVER KOHLS TRAININGFranklin launched a training andits e-commerce model. Leveraginga private nonprofit economic development initiative for KohlsKohls solid training foundation,development corporation designed e-commerce fulfillment center in Etna,Franklin produced learning templatesto drive job creation and new capital Ohio, a recent addition to the regionsand content as training resourcesinvestment in Ohio through business economic base. Franklin was selectedto support Kohls culture and talentattraction, retention and expansion. by One Columbus and JobsOhio todevelopment strategies. develop these services for Kohls basedTraining will focus on employee on the Universitys seven decades ofLed by Franklin, this new trainingmotivation and engagement, servant creating workforce impact throughdevelopment is a four-part educationalleadership, employee well-being and education and training. leadership series that will be deliveredcommunicationwith topics that over the next year. It was born out ofaid in areas such as, interpersonal Employee success was a key factora partnership with Kohls, a leadingrelationships and time managementas Kohls launched the new Etnaomnichannel retailer with more thanat home. fulfillment center with a focus on1,100 stores in 49 states, and JobsOhio, 6 Clocktower | Franklin News'