b'ALUMNI EVENTSApril: Transformational and Servant Leadership for the 21st Century STAY INMay:White Belt Training THE KNOW ON UPCOMING EVENTSJune:Central Ohio Fundraiser franklin.edu/alumni/eventsUNIVERSITY EVENTSIn addition to hosting events designed exclusively for our alumni, Franklin is dedicated to fostering and sustaining collaboration between the University and the community. OurSUBSCRIBE offerings are designed to promote transformative experiences for faculty, staff, students and the community through engaging events that address community issues both locally,NOW regionally and on a global scale. To stay up-to-date on upcoming events offered through the Leadership Center, Global Center for Healthcare Education, Center for Public Safety & Cybersecurity Education, International institute for Innovative Instruction, Center for Career Development, Distinguished Sales Speaker Series, and other offerings, the University has launched its new Community Engagement Monthly Digest. The monthly email provides an overview of upcoming events and quick links to register, all in a one-stop scannable format. Subscribe today so you dont miss out on a single opportunity! franklin.edu/community-engagement-newsletter-subscriptionClocktower | Staying Connected 25'