b'THE HELPING BUSINESSPhoenix-based RI International pilotedenforcement. In addition to providing their innovative living room model forimmediate professional care for crises care in 2002. Today, that model people in crisis, these facilities provide is recognized by the Substance Abuse drop off options beside jails and ERs, and Mental Health Servicestaking the burden off police. Administration, a federal agency, Vince has a long-held passion for as the national standard.this work. His deafness re-directed Sabino is currently working withhis childhood interest in community partners that include cities, counties,policing toward social work. hospitals and donors to open CrisisUnderdogs thrive through Recovery facilities in Dayton andrelationships. You stay at it long Columbus. Once the facilities are built,enough and you see a person change. he will lead operations if approved.It doesnt happen overnight, but to be Hallmarks of the model include spacesthere and be part of it is truly exciting. that create a safe environment for care.Even more exciting to Vince was the Treatment teams include a certifiedpotential to impact populations rather peer support specialist, someonethan individuals. He knew to do that As the state director for Ohiowith lived experience, to connect andhed need to have a better grasp of engage with the guest, oftentimes for RI International, Vincentreferred to as the patient in traditionalbusiness functions. Sabino (MBA 18) is out totreatment settings.My social work experience gives change the way people whoConcurrently, the centers serve asme street cred but my MBA puts my drop off sites for customers, lawmasters in social work on steroids. I struggle with mental healthcan see some of the programs I helped enforcement officers called to assistand addiction issues are seen,in crisis situations.to set up in the past continue to help stabilized and brought backpeople today. Sabino said, Nationally 90% of guests into the fold.come to the facilities by way of law A SOLUTIONS-ORIENTED APPROACHBy 2014, Anna had pushed theWhen Franklin launched doctoral boundaries of her undergraduateprograms in 2017, Anna jumpedbusiness degree to training roles in without hesitation. and fully realized her passion forI chose the Instructional Design teaching while earning her mastersLeadership Program. Not only does degree in interdisciplinary studies.Franklin excel in that area, it fit what I She returned to Franklin to teachwas looking for perfectly. I didnt want undergraduate logic, critical thinkinga Ph.D. and the DPS translates very and ethics courses.easily into practical business. At the Summer 2019 CommencementAnna credits her long relationshipCeremony, Haston was recognized as awith Franklin for helping her be a winner of the Robert L. Bailey Teachingbetter problem solver.Award, which honors faculty who have Dr. Anna Haston (B.S. Businesschallenged students intellectuallyI am a go getter. I see a problem and and guided them in finding theI fix it. My affiliation with Franklin Administration 07 and DPS 20)significance of the course content enables me to connect people I know began her relationship withas it relates to them both personallywho are looking for solutions to the Franklin by joining a group of workand professionally. University. Franklin has been a great colleagues who were taking classesBeing part of a students Franklinfirst step for a lot of people.experience means a lot. Not onlyat the university. The group of studyam I able to be part of the processbuddies finished their degreesof helping them complete whattogether, but for Haston, it was thethey want to achieve, I can alsobe a motivator that keeps them only the first leg of her journey.moving forward. Clocktower | Franklin Features 19'