b'NEW MARKETPLACE IS A ONE-STOP-SHOP FOR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENTThe new FranklinWORKS Marketplacespecific courses, each taken on a self-is an ever-expanding catalog ofdetermined schedule.Quickly earn credentials that learning options and in-demandWith affordable payment modelsenable professional growthsubject areas that provides a one-stop-shop for Franklin University coursesranging from monthly subscriptions and certificates, as well as access toto low per class and per credit hour programs from other industry-leadingrates, the FrankinWORKS MarketplaceUPSKILL. education providers like Coursera,makes it possible for learners to access Stride, PathStream and more. high-quality learning options affordablyRESKILL. and flexibly, all while providing visibilityADVANCEThe catalog of offerings of self-paced,into how completed courses can build short-term learning options provideson one another or create an entry point learners with the opportunity to matchto other in-demand skill areas thatfranklin.edu/franklinworks-marketplacetheir ability levels and career paths withmaximize learner marketability. Clocktower | Franklin News 11'