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Utilize Academic Advisors When Choosing Your College Degree

First century author Publilius Syrus said, “Many receive advice, only the wise profit from it.”

Although you probably seek the counsel of friends and family about the trivial things in life, such as, “What’s a good restaurant for an anniversary dinner?” or “Where’s the cheapest vacation spot for families?” if you’re like most people, you resist seeking advice on big, life-altering decisions—like choosing a college degree.


Fear. Stubbornness. Independence. Fill in the blank ______.

Whatever the reason, it takes at least a small amount of vulnerability to admit that you don’t know what you don’t know, and to seek the help of someone who does.

While you certainly know your dreams, desires and passions better than anyone, you can’t know everything there is about making them happen in the context of your career. And that includes where, when, and how to access college-related information and resources.

When it comes to paying for school, grants are among your best options. But do you know how to find them? Remove the guesswork by downloading this free guide

That’s where academic advisors can help.

According to the National Academic Advising Association (NACADA), academic advisors can help you process and contextualize your experience and education within the framework of your aspirations and abilities.

Simply put: An academic advisor is a personal education coach.

Academic advisors are specially trained and equipped to help from pre-enrollment through graduation. They’ll point you to critical information, answer tough questions, and connect you to valuable resources.

And because everything else follows making that all-important degree decision, we’ve come up with this list of eight definitive ways academic advisors can help with that one, too:

1. Coach you through understanding administrative processes and academic programs so you know how to get from here to there as quickly and painlessly as possible.

2. Explain your academic options and help you explore degree majors and potential careers.

3. Assist in scheduling necessary coursework, including advising on timing and availability of classes.

4. Help you think through goals and how to achieve them by outlining a personal education plan.

5. Provide referrals to complementary resources, such as scholarships, financial aid, internships and more.

6. Ensure you stay on track by reviewing your academic progress, course selection and graduation requirements.

7. Talk through your options to help you decide whether to take classes on campus or online.

8. Help resolve academic issues and overcome obstacles, such as dropping or adding classes, adjusting your schedule, transferring credits or understanding your academic evaluation.

We know it can be hard to ask for—and accept—advice.

But remember what German playwright Johann Wolfgang von Goethe said:

“To accept advice is but to increase one’s own ability.”

If you're looking for some quality advice about your college degree, get in touch with our advisors today.

Free Guide:
Where to Find Free Money to go Back to School
Learn how to get grants to cut college costs.