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Ever hear the phrase, “Heard it straight from the horse’s mouth”?
Of course that just means getting information directly from the source.
There’s no better way to inform your college degree decision than by talking to people who know—enrolled students and graduates.
Think of talking to current students and alumni as conducting what’s known in the job search world as an “informational interview.”
By seeking the insiders’ point of view, you can:
Keep in mind that most people—whether you know them well or not—are willing to help if they can. Your interview should be at their convenience and last no longer than 30 minutes. Explain what you’d like to learn and then go into well prepared. And, of course, follow up with a thank-you note afterwards.
Here’s a list of 9 essential questions to get you started:
If you had one piece of advice for me on this topic, what would it be?
If you've got more questions about going back to college, we'd love to talk with you. Get in touch here!