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“The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.”
That’s what Aristotle said, and what rings true more often than not—especially when it comes to something like a college degree.
It’s no small task to earn a college degree.
So if you’re going after yours, it means that you want something.
And what you want is likely far more than “just a piece of paper.”
Of course, the diploma that confers and confirms you’ve done the rigorous work required is just a piece of paper.
But your college degree is much more than that: College degrees are bigger than the sum of their parts.
By definition and as a stand-alone, a college degree is a thing:
But it’s the value of your college degree that makes it bigger than any one or all of those things.
In fact, there is substantial evidence from The College Board’s study, Education Pays, of the private and public benefits of higher education, including:
And the sum of all those parts? Choice. A college degree opens up a world of possibilities for your career and the life you want to live.
If you'd like to talk about what it will take to finish your college degree, get in touch with us today. We'll happily help you figure it out.