- Program Finder
Bachelor's Degrees
- Accounting
- Analytics
- Applied Management
- Business Administration
- Business Forensics
- Cloud Computing
- Communications
- Computer Science
- Criminal Justice Administration
- Cybersecurity
- Education
- Exercise Science
- Financial Management
- Financial Planning
- Forensic Accounting
- Healthcare Administration
- Human Resources Management
- Information Systems
- Information Technology
- Management & Leadership
- Marketing
- Nursing (RN-BSN)
- Operations & Supply Chain Management
- Psychology
- Public Health
- Public Safety Management & Leadership
- Social Sciences
- Sport Management
- User Experience & Graphic Design
Master's Degrees
- Accounting
- Business Analytics
- Business Psychology
- Communications
- Computer Science
- Criminal Justice Administration
- Cybersecurity
- Data Analytics
- M.Ed. in Educational Leadership-Higher Education Leadership
- M.Ed. in Educational Leadership-K-12 Building Level Leadership
- M.Ed. in Educational Leadership-Principal Licensure
- M.Ed. in Instructional Design & Technology-Curriculum & Instruction in Higher Education Specialization
- M.Ed. in Instructional Design & Technology-Curriculum & Instruction in K-12 Education Specialization
- M.Ed. in Instructional Design & Technology-Training & Development Specialization
- Health Informatics
- Healthcare Administration (MHA)
- Human Resource Management
- Information Systems
- Information Technology
- MBA Programs
- MSN Programs
- Professional Sales Leadership
- Public Administration (MPA)
Doctoral Degrees
- Associate Degrees
Online Degrees
- Online Learning at Franklin
- Accounting Programs
- Business & Leadership Programs
- Computer Science Programs
- Criminal Justice & Public Safety Programs
- Cybersecurity Programs
- Data & Analytics Programs
- Education Programs
- Finance Programs
- Healthcare Programs
- Human Resources Programs
- Information Technology Programs
- STEM Programs
- Marketing & Communications Programs
- Nursing Programs
- Operations & Project Management Programs
- Psychology Programs
- Public & Social Sciences Programs
- Online Learning Facts
- Degrees By Location
- Degrees By College
- Minors
- Bachelor’s & Master’s Combined Programs
- Degree Completion Programs
- Second Bachelor's Degrees
- STEM Degrees
Microcredentials & Certificates
- Microcredentials
- Accounting Data Analytics
- Cyber Defense
- Cyber Governance
- Criminal Justice Leadership
- Data Analytics
- Nurse Educator
- Instructional Design
- Adult-Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner
- Family Nurse Practitioner
- Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner
- Ohio Superintendent License
- Adolescence to Young Adult Education (7-12)
- Primary Education (PK-5)
- Intervention Specialist: Mild-Moderate
- Intervention Specialist: Moderate-Intensive
- Middle Childhood Education (4-9)
- Undergraduate Students
- Master's Students
- Doctoral Students
- Partnership Students
- Study in the U.S.
- Earn Your Degree Online
- Community College Students
- College Credit Plus
- Air Force
- Army
- Coast Guard
- Marines
- Navy
- Montgomery GI Bill® - Selected Reserves
- Montgomery GI Bill®
- Post-9/11 GI Bill®
- Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment VetSuccess Program
- Yellow Ribbon Program
- Spouses & Family
- Online Open House
- Associate Degrees
- General Bachelor's Degree
- Nursing (RN-BSN)
- Accounting
- Business Administration (MBA)
- Business Analytics
- Business Psychology
- Computer Science
- Criminal Justice Administration
- Cybersecurity
- Data Analytics
- Health Informatics
- Healthcare Administration (MHA)
- Human Resource Management
- Information Technology
- Instructional Design & Learning Technology
- Nurse Administrator (MSN-ADM)
- Nursing-Adult-Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner
- Nursing-Family Nurse Practitioner (MSN-FNP)
- Nursing-Generalist (MSN)
- Nursing-Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner
- Public Administration
- Business Administration (DBA)
- Healthcare Administration (DHA)
- Instructional Design Leadership (DPS)
- Nursing Practice-Family Nurse Practitioner (DNP-FNP)
- Nursing Practice-Leadership Track (DNP)
- Organizational Leadership (Ed.D.)
- Criminal Justice Leadership
- Instructional Design
Tuition & Financial Aid
- Tuition & Fees
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- Tuition Guarantee
- Undergrad Tuition Comparison
- Federal Aid & State Aid
- Institutional Aid & Private Loans
- Applying for Aid
- Community College Students
- Scholarships
- Payment Options
- Financial Aid Resources
Transferring Credit
- Estimate Your Transfer Credit
- How to Transfer Credits
- Previously Earned College Credit
- Certificates + Professional Training Credit
- Military Training Credit
- Testing Credit
- Partner Schools
- Pathway Portal
- Transfer into a Bachelor’s Degree
- Transfer into a Master’s Degree
- Transfer into a Doctoral Degree
- Transfer into an Associate Degree
The Franklin Experience
- Built For Working Adults
- Transfer Friendly
- Accredited University & Quality Degrees
- Fast & Affordable
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About Us
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Educational Excellence Starts Here
Since 1902, Franklin University has been a pioneer in meeting the needs of adult students who have the ambition to continue their college education in combination with other responsibilities. Serving adult learners wouldn’t be possible without a dedicated team of staff, faculty and board members who live out our mission, vision and values every single day. Find out what drives us to serve you and the rest of our students with excellence.
Mission & Philosophy
The University of Opportunity
Franklin University is a student-centered, nonprofit, independent institution.
Franklin University provides high quality, relevant education enabling the broadest possible community of learners to achieve their goals and enrich the world.
Since 1902, Franklin University has been a pioneer in meeting the needs of adult students who have the ambition to continue their education in combination with other responsibilities.
As a learner-centered institution of higher education, the Four Cornerstones of the Educational Philosophy are:
- Ensuring academic quality
- Providing access to educational opportunities
- Adapting to the needs of students
- Responding to changes in society, professions, and the business community
Core Values
The values of a University cannot simply reside in a document or a promotional piece. They must live and breathe within each of us as they guide and inform our actions and behaviors. Core values remind us that the work we do is rooted in a shared set of beliefs, and reinforces that our efforts are meaningful and life-changing. When one person models a behavior, it is likely that it will be mirrored by others, creating a culture where these values are expected.
The acronym “MiRole” reinforces the personal responsibility aspect of the core values and can easily be remembered by what it stands for: Modeling Integrity, Respect, Opportunity, Learning and Excellence. MiRole is not only a memorable acronym encompassing the values at the center of the work we do, but it links us all together as responsible, accountable employees and teammates.
Understanding and living our core values empowers us to do exceptional work every day in our quest to make Franklin University the best place to work and learn.
Basing decisions and actions on the highest moral standards and ethical ideals
As I model INTEGRITY, I take responsibility for:
- Communicating honestly
- Being transparent in my work
- Being a good steward of University resources
- Being truthful in my decisions, words and actions
Treating others fairly and with dignity.
As I model RESPECT, I take responsibility for:
- Honoring the personal and professional time and commitments of students, faculty and staff
- Creating a flexible, approachable, supportive and celebratory culture
- Embracing diversity by promoting inclusion and honoring differences
- Valuing and appreciating the contributions of each member of the University
Encouraging growth and ongoing professional development along the path to success.
As I model OPPORTUNITY, I take responsibility for:
- Removing barriers to success for our students, faculty and staff
- Fostering an environment that encourages the achievement of personal and professional goals
- Acknowledging there is true value in diversity of thought and sincerely believing that each voice counts
- Encouraging the growth of students, faculty and staff through civic responsibility and service to the community
Actively supporting lifelong discovery and the exploration of knowledge.
As I model LEARNING, I take responsibility for:
- Providing high quality, relevant education that enables the broadest possible community of learners to achieve their goals
- Advocating for and encouraging students, faculty and staff as they attain personal and educational goals
- Cultivating an atmosphere that focuses on potential, creates self-reliance, and promotes the success of other
- Making lifelong learning opportunities widely accessible and attainable for motivated students, faculty and staff
Pursuing exceptional results with determination, pride and passion.
As I model EXCELLENCE, I take responsibility for:
- Providing dedicated service to students, my colleagues and the community
- Practicing creativity and open-mindedness every day
- Being innovative and forward-thinking in my work
- Refusing to accept mediocrity in anything I do
Institutional Learning Outcomes
Communicate professionally using a variety of modalities (written, spoken, and technological).
Critical Thinking
Analyze and evaluate information to make reasoned arguments and solve problems.
Civic and Global Engagement
Integrate knowledge and skills to engage with and respond to social, environmental, and economic challenges at local, national and global levels.
Analyze and evaluate complex issues and situations to make informed ethical decisions.
Disciplinary Expertise
Integrate theory and practice of an academic discipline.
General Education
The General Education program at Franklin University provides diverse learning experiences that promote the development of communication, critical thinking, global learning, and quantitative reasoning skills. These skills are transferable to the workplace and community and create ethical, culturally aware global citizens and engaged lifelong learners.
General Education Outcomes
Graduates will be able to:
- Communicate effectively
- Employ the methods of inquiry, analysis, and evaluation characteristic of the natural sciences, social and behavioral sciences, and arts and humanities
- Demonstrate and apply cultural knowledge
- Critically assesses quantitative information and use mathematical models to draw conclusions
These outcomes are emphasized in the General Education courses. Through the University course design model, these foundational outcomes are also integrated throughout the curriculum.
- Degrees
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Franklin University
201 S Grant Ave.
Columbus, OH 43215
Local: (614) 797-4700
Toll Free: (877) 341-6300
Copyright 2025 Franklin University
Franklin University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (hlcommission.org/800.621.7440) and authorized by the Ohio Department of Higher Education.
Franklin University is committed to being an inclusive community free from all forms of discrimination and harassment.