b'FRANKLIN INTRODUCESACADEMIC LEADERSHIP FELLOWSNew for the 2022-23 academic year, FranklinAs part of their leadership development, all of the introduced an Academic Leadership Fellow roleAcademic Leadership Fellows have been assigned within its academic organizational structure. Fourmentors who will provide guidance and feedback faculty members were selected for the inauguralthroughout the term of service. This years fellows class, which will run through July 31.and mentors are:The Academic Leadership Fellows program Dr. Rachel Althof, provides opportunities for faculty to leverage theirEd.D. Program Chaircapabilities to influence approaches to academicMentor: Dr. Alyncia Bowen,transformation and contribute their strengths toRoss College of Business Dean addressing organizational challenges and pursuing new opportunities. The program is designed to Dr. JoAnn Jordan, develop participants leadership skills related toM.S. in Health Informatics; B.S. Health conceptualizing and implementing operationalEducation + Promotion Program Chairimprovements and/or academic innovation.Mentor: Dr. Patrick Bennett,Our commitment to developing our bench of talentAcademic Quality + Planning VP; to deal with the headwinds facing our industry willSchool of Education Deanbetter position us to adapt to emerging realities and grow through the stress and disorder of change Dr. Martina Peng, FRANKLIN AWARDEDEVERY OFFICER IS A LEADER together, shared Dr. Christopher Washington,Accounting, Finance + Risk ManagementHOMELAND SECURITY GRANT COURSE WINS STATE FUNDINGprovost and executive vice president. Department Chair; B.S. Financial Planning, B.S. Financial Management Program Chair Franklin University was named a 2022 NonprofitThe Ohio Department of Public Safetys (ODPS) Each fellow was selected based on their Mentor: Dr. Kody Kuehnl, Security Grant Program (NSGP) grant recipient.Office of Criminal Justice Services (OCJS) expressed interest in academic leadership and College of Arts, Sciences + Technology Dean Funding provided through the grant will helpawarded Franklin University the Edward J. Byrne an overall inclination toward academic leadershipsupport security enhancements to continue theMemorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) funding development. In their new role, the fellows will Dr. Todd Whittaker, Universitys commitment to providing a safe andto support its promising program, Every Officer is either lead and/or support specific projects thatComputer Science + Math Department Chair; secure learning and working environment.a Leader, which was founded to help advance the significantly align with the University and academicB.S. + M.S. Cybersecurity Program Chair criminal justice system.goals, with access to the distinguished AmericanMentor: Dr. Jonathan McCombs, Grants provided through the NSGP are awarded Council on Educations Agile Leadership curriculumCollege of Health + Public Administration Dean to nonprofit organizations and houses of worshipThe University was selected for the JAG funding as a framework to guide innovation.to support projects to prevent, protect against,alongside 149 competitive projects supportedprepare for, and respond to terrorist acts. Theby the Ohio Department of Public Safetysgrant is part of a comprehensive set of measuresODPS-OCJS. The annual grants support the crime authorized by Congress and implemented byprevention work of law enforcement, prosecutors, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)courts, corrections facilities, crime victim and to help strengthen the nations communitieswitness initiatives, and others.Our commitment to developingagainst potential terrorist attacks. Among the our bench of talent to deal with thefive essential homeland security missions notedLocal communities all have varying needs when in the DHS Strategic Plan, NSGP supports theit comes to combatting crime, and these grants headwinds facing our industry willgoal of strengthening national preparedness andare tailored to support crime prevention initiatives better position us to adapt to emergingresilience. Eligible organizations can receive up tothat will make the most difference in each $150,000 to support allowed projects. community, said Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine.realities and grow through the stress and disorder of change together Threats to schools, workplaces and public venuesFounded by Franklin University and its partner require vigilance and prioritizing investments inschool, Columbus State Community College, security, shared Brandon Perry, assistant directorand several area law enforcement agencies, the for Emergency Operations at Franklin University.Every Officer is a Leader course was established DR. CHRISTOPHER WASHINGTONThrough continual assessment, coordination within 2017 to evaluate the feasibility of online law Provost and Executive Vice President community stakeholders, and grants such as theenforcement in-service training. NSGP, we have the opportunity to mitigate the risk to our campus community. 06 Clocktower | Franklin News Clocktower | Franklin News 07'