b'POINTS OF IMPACT EARN + LEARN MAXIMIZES EMPLOYEE GROWTH PATHWAY PORTAL SIMPLIFIES FOR OHIOHEALTH AND THE CITY OF COLUMBUSTRANSFER FOR GRADS OF PARTNER INSTITUTIONSDeveloped collaboratively by FranklinUniversity and Edison State Community College, the Pathway Portal is a transfer tool that helps I chose Franklins Earn + Learn program through my company becausestudents make the most of their time and tuition it presented a win-win for me. The Universitys partnership with mydollars by providing insight on how each class employer has allowed me to go back to school, which I never thought Imoves them closer to their goals. would do, and take advantage of full-tuition reimbursement. I couldnt believe that I had no out-of-pocket costs at the beginning, middle or end!The Pathway Portal makes transfer and articulation information more relevant for ANDRIA WILLIAMSstudents by providing it in a way that is HR Analyst - Citywide Training & Development, City of Columbus personalized, timely and actionable. Its a bit nerve-wracking when transferring to a different university, and it can seem overwhelming. The number of community colleges that haveHowever, the Pathway Portal made the application expanded their existing 3+1 partnerships withand transfer process simple and self-explanatory.Franklin to include the Pathway Portal continues to grow. Working together with our partners, RIKO BROCK we are able to leverage the strength of ourEdison State Graduate, Franklin University StudentI think Earn + Learn is an amazing opportunity for adults to accomplishtransfer-friendly programs and policies to their goals, while being part of a cohort of like-minded people. As aimprove access to affordable bachelors degrees. member of the first OhioHealth cohort, we have grown together, we support one another and believe in each other. I am so grateful to be a part of this cohort. It has been a truly great experience.KARLA HARLINNEWEST MARKETPLACE ADDITIONS SUPPORTExecutive Assistant - Office of the SVP/Chief Strategy + Transformation Officer, OhioHealthJOB MOBILITY IN HEALTHCARE, EDUCATIONDriven by a number of factors including a widening skills gap, inequalities in the access to higher educationand the increasing number of students who stop out or drop out of colleges and universities without earning degrees, microcredentials are gaining popularity. Franklin continues to make masters degrees more accessible for working professionalsFranklins ability to provide short, skill-specific courses through the FranklinWORKS Marketplace helps fulfill the through partnership agreements with employers like OhioHealth and the City of Columbus. needs of learners, who want to upskill or re-skill quickly, while also addressing the needs of an ever-changingThe Earn + Learn program helps partner organizations build workforce expertise whilelabor market. Unlike full-degree programs, these industry-recognized credentials meet the demand forproviding associates the opportunity to earn an in-demand masters degree from Franklinaccelerated, personalized, on-demand learning that can be immediately applied on the job. University with $0 out-of-pocket costs for companies providing $5,250 in reimbursement. Individuals participating in the program will complete a masters degree as part of a CTRP Certifications Provide SkillsMedcerts Partnership Now Provides cohort of 15-24 students. Classes can be completed online, on-site at the partner location, Necessary To Heal Trauma Pathways To 21 In-Demand Certificationsor a combination of both. Unlike off-the-shelf programs, the curriculum and learningoutcomes can be tailored to include content specific to each organization.Franklins new partnership with Starr CommonwealthFranklin recently expanded its existing educational provides Certified Trauma & Resilience Practitionerpartnership with MedCerts, a national online training (CTRP) certification for individuals working in clinical andprovider, and now offers 21 certification training education settings. Starr Commonwealth is a well-knownprograms through FranklinWORKS Marketplace. If your organization could benefit from an EARN + LEARN partnership, contact: provider of programs, services and training designed to heal trauma and build resilience in children andThe self-paced courses equip learners with the Whitney Iles | Executive Director of Partnerships | whitney.iles@franklin.eduadolescents, as well as the professionals that serve them. knowledge and skills necessary to meet the requirements to take national certification exams These 100% online, self-paced certificates can beand qualify for a variety of in-demand jobs. Unique completed in as few as two months through a series ofto the Franklin-MedCerts partnership are seamless five courses. Learners earn certification by successfullypathways into several undergraduate degree passing an exam built into the program.programs at Franklin. 14Clocktower | Points of Impact Clocktower | Points of Impact 15'