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Parents have been navigating the daycare dilemma for as long as there have been kids and families.
Short of staying home with the kids all day and quitting your job, what’s a parent to do when juggling work, kids and classes?
Until recently, options for finding quality yet affordable childcare was somewhat limited for adult learners (National Postsecondary Student Aid Study, 2004).
Fortunately, over the past several years, colleges and universities have taken adult student child care issues seriously, offering adult students:
Good thing, too, since almost half of all adult learners are said to have care-taking responsibilities for minor children. With more and more adults going back to school to finish their college degrees, the need for child care resources and/or support systems is great—and growing.
While not every adult going back to school is eligible for every type of aid or assistance, if you’re an adult student looking for child care solutions, here are some of the best: