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By clicking enter, you are acknowledging that the results provided by this tool are only estimates.
This number is an estimate of the amount of money you will need to finance your degree before factoring in loan amounts. Expand this area to see the amount of money you will pay for your degree once your loan amount is applied.
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Use our free transfer evaulation tool, MyTransfer Credit, to get a more accurate estimate of the number of credits you can transfer into Franklin University.
Go To MyTransfer CreditMyTransfer Credit is an UNOFFICIAL evaluation of your transfer credit, transfer value and completion date at Franklin. It may differ from your official evaluation, which will be completed after you have applied and submitted all official transcripts.
Based on the information in your MyTransfer Credit account, you can transfer credits into the Health Informatics program.
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CloseTransfer Credit Savings
Transferring credit means you will take fewer classes at Franklin, decreasing the time it takes to complete a degree. Since you will be taking the same amount of classes per year, your yearly cost will not be affected, but your total cost will decrease due to a shorter overall time to completion.
What is Baseline Cost?
Baseline Cost is the cost of your degree before any transfer credits, savings or loans are applied. It is displayed for comparison to illustrate how Your Cost is determined and how transferring credit can alter your degree completion time.
You've indicated interest in the Master of Science in Health Informatics program, which requires 32 credit hours to complete. At $670 per credit hour, the Baseline Cost to complete the program is $21,440. Including $115 in program fees and an estimated $480 in eTextbook costs, the total Baseline Cost is $22,035.
You've also indicated a potential schedule of 8 credit hours per trimester, 3 trimesters per year. With this schedule, you would complete this degree in 1 year and 4 months, at a cost of $16,526 for the first year, and $5,509 for the final 4 months.
Franklin offers flexibility to accommodate nearly any schedule or budget. You have the option to lower your annual cost by completing fewer credits per year, or to finish your degree faster by completing more. Using the information provided by this tool as a starting point, a Franklin University admissions advisor can help you to create a complete educational plan tailored to your needs.
Loan Breakdown by Year
Loan Breakdown by Trimester
You may be eligible for a Tuition Discount Rate of:
To receive the discounted tuition rate, you must apply through the Pathway Portal application process.
Your discounted tuition rate will be reflected in My Cost Estimator should you continue to use this tool.