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A. T. Still Univ of Health SciencesA.T. Still Sch of Osteopathic MedA2Z EvaluationsAakers CollegeAbilene Christian UniversityAbraham Baldwin Agricultural CollAcademy CollegeAcademy Five Element AcupunctureAcademy of Art UniversityAcademy of Chinese Culture & HealthAcademy of Court ReportingAcademy of Court ReportingAcademy of Court ReportingAcademy of Oriental Med At AustinAct CollegeAcupnct & Integrat Med Col-BerkeleyAcupuncture & Massage CollegeAdams State CollegeAdelphi UniversityAdirondack Community CollegeAdler Graduate SchoolAdler UniversityAdrian CollegeAdvanced Technology InstituteAdventist University of Health SciencesAgnes Scott CollegeAib College of BusinessAiken Technical CollegeAims Community CollegeAir Force Institute of TechnologyAkron InstituteAkron School of Practical NursingAlabama A & M UniversityAlabama Southern Community CollegeAlabama State UniversityAlamance Community CollegeAlamo Community College DistrictAlaska Bible CollegeAlaska Pacific UniversityAlbany Col Pharmacy of Union UnivAlbany Law School of Union UnivAlbany Medical CollegeAlbany State UniversityAlbany Technical CollegeAlbertus Magnus CollegeAlbion CollegeAlbright CollegeAlcorn State UniversityAlderson Broaddus CollegeAlexandria Technical CollegeAlfred UniversityAlice Lloyd CollegeAllan Hancock CollegeAllegany College of MarylandAllegheny CollegeAllegheny Wesleyan CollegeAllen CollegeAllen County Community CollegeAllen School of Health SciencesAllen UniversityAlliant International Univ-FresnoAlliant International Univ-IrvineAlliant International Univ-SandiegoAlliant International Univ-SfAlliant Internatl Univ Pres OfcAlliant Internatl Univ-Los AngelesAllied American UniversityAllied CollegeAllied Health InstitueAllied Medical & Tech InstituteAlma CollegeAlpena Community CollegeAltamaha Technical CollegeAltierus Career CollegeAlvernia CollegeAlverno CollegeAlvin Community CollegeAmarillo CollegeAmberton UniversityAmbria College of Nursing-ILAmer Acad Mcallister Inst FuneralAmer Col Acupuncture & Oriental MedAmer College Trad Chinese MedicineAmer Film Institute ConservatoryAmerican Acad Acupunct/Oriental MedAmerican Academy Drama Arts-WestAmerican Academy of ArtAmerican Academy of Dramatic ArtsAmerican Association of Collegiate Registrar's &ýAdmissions OfficersAmerican Baptist CollegeAmerican Baptist Seminary of WestAmerican College for Medical CareersAmerican College of EducationAmerican College of Healthcare SciencesAmerican College of TechnologyAmerican Conservatory TheaterAmerican Education Research CorporationAmerican Educational InstituteAmerican Graduate UniversityAmerican Health Science UniversityAmerican Indian Col of Assem of GodAmerican Institute Alternative MedicineAmerican Intercontinental UnivAmerican Intercontinental UnivAmerican Intercontinental UnivAmerican Intercontinental UnivAmerican Intercontinental Univ-OnlineAmerican International CollegeAmerican Jewish UniversityAmerican Military UniversityAmerican Motorcycle Institute-FLAmerican National UniversityAmerican Public University SystemAmerican River CollegeAmerican Samoa Community CollegeAmerican School of TechnologyAmerican Sentinel UniversityAmerican Sentinel UniversityAmerican UniversityAmerican University of ArmeniaAmerican University of Puerto RicoAmerican Winds College of AeronauticsAmericare School of NursingAmherst CollegeAncilla CollegeAnderson University-INAnderson University-SCAndover CollegeAndover Newton Theological SchoolAndrew CollegeAndrews UniversityAngelina CollegeAngelo State UniversityAngley CollegeAnna Maria CollegeAnne Arundel Community CollegeAnoka Technical CollegeAnoka-Ramsey Community CollegeAntelope Valley CollegeAnthem CollegeAnthem InstituteAntioch CollegeAntioch UniversityAntonelli CollegeAntonelli CollegeAntonelli CollegeAntonelli Inst of Art & PhotographyApex School of TheologyAppalachian Bible CollegeAppalachian School of LawAppalachian State UniversityAppalachian Technical CollegeAquinas College-MIAquinas College-TNAquinas Institute of TheologyArapahoe Community CollegeArcadia UniversityArgosy UniversityArizona Automotive InstituteArizona Christian UniversityArizona Col of Osteopathic MedicineArizona College of Allied HealthArizona Sch of Acup/Oriental MedArizona State University MainArizona Western CollegeArkansas Baptist CollegeArkansas Northeastern CollegeArkansas State UniversityArkansas Tech UniversityArlington Baptist CollegeArmstrong Atlantic State UniversityArt Academy of CincinnatiArt Center College of DesignArt Inst of Boston of Lesley UnivArt Inst of California-Los AngelesArt Institute of California-OrangeArt Institute of DallasArt Institute of Fort LauderdaleArt Institute of PhiladelphiaArt Institute of PittsburghArvato Digital ServicesASA CollegeAsbury Theological SeminaryAsbury UniversityAsheville-Buncombe Tech Cmty ColAshford UniversityAshland Community & Techn CollegeAshland UniversityAshworth CollegeAsian Inst of Medical StudiesAsnuntuck Community CollegeAspen UniversityAssemblies of God Theol SeminaryAssociated Mennonite Biblical SemAssociated Technical CollegeAssumption CollegeAssumption College for SistersATA CollegeAthenaeum of OhioAthens State UniversityAthens Technical CollegeAti Career Training CenterAti Career Training CenterAti Career Training CenterAti College of HealthAti-Career Training CenterAtlanta Metropolitan CollegeAtlanta Technical CollegeAtlantic Cape Community ColgAtlantic CollegeAtlantic Inst of Oriental MedicineAtlantic Union CollegeAtlantic UniversityAtlantic University College - Puerto RicoAts Institute of TechnologyAuburn JVSDAuburn UniversityAuburn University At MontgomeryAugsburg CollegeAugusta Technical CollegeAugusta UniversityAugustana College-ILAugustana College-SDAuguste Escoffier School of Culinary ArtsAultman College Nursing/Health SciAurora UniversityAustin Business CollegeAustin CollegeAustin Community CollegeAustin Graduate School of TheologyAustin Peay State UniversityAustin Presbyterian Theol SeminaryAve Maria School of LawAve Maria UniversityAve Maria UniversityAveda InstituteAverett UniversityAviation & Electronic Sch of AmerAviation Institute of MaintenanceAviation Institute of MaintenanceAviation Institute of MaintenanceAvila UniversityAzusa Pacific UniversityBabel Univ Prof Sch of TranslationBabson CollegeBacone CollegeBainbridge CollegeBais Medrash Toras ChesedBaker College of Allen ParkBaker College of Auburn HillsBaker College of CadillacBaker College of Clinton TownshipBaker College of FlintBaker College of JacksonBaker College of MuskegonBaker College of OwossoBaker College of Port HuronBaker College SystemBaker UniversityBakersfield CollegeBakke Graduate Univ of MinistryBaldwin Wallace CollegeBall State UniversityBaltimore City Community CollegeBaltimore Hebrew UniversityBaltimore International CollegeBangor Theological SeminaryBank Street College of EducationBaptist Bible CollegeBaptist Bible College and SeminaryBaptist College of Health ScienceBaptist Memorial Col of Health SciBaptist Missionary Assn Theol SemBaptist Theol Seminary RichmondBaptist University of the AmericasBarclay CollegeBard CollegeBarnard CollegeBarnes-Jewish College of NursingBarry UniversityBarstow Community College DistrictBarton CollegeBarton Community CollegeBastyr UniversityBates CollegeBates Technical CollegeBaton Rouge Community CollegeBaton Rouge School of ComputersBauder CollegeBay de Noc Community CollegeBay Medical CenterBay Mills Community CollegeBay Path CollegeBay State CollegeBayamon Central UniversityBaylor College of MedicineBaylor UniversityBd of Trustees Cmty-Technical ColBeacon CollegeBeacon UniversityBeal CollegeBeaufort County Community CollegeBecker College-WorcesterBeckfield CollegeBeis Medrash Heichal DovidBel-Rea Inst of Animal TechnologyBelhaven CollegeBellarmine UniversityBellevue Community CollegeBellevue UniversityBellin College of NursingBellingham Technical CollegeBelmont Abbey CollegeBelmont CollegeBelmont UniversityBeloit CollegeBemidji State UniversityBenedict CollegeBenedictine CollegeBenedictine UniversityBenjamin Franklin Inst of TechBennett College for WomenBennington CollegeBentley CollegeBerea CollegeBerean InstituteBergen Community CollegeBerkeley City CollegeBerkeley CollegeBerkeley CollegeBerklee College of MusicBerks Technical InstituteBerkshire Community CollegeBerry CollegeBeth Benjamin Academy of CtBeth Hamedrash Shaarei Yosher InstBeth Hatalmud Rabbinical CollegeBeth Medrash GovohaBethany College-KSBethany College-WVBethany Global UniversityBethany Lutheran CollegeBethany Theological SeminaryBethany UniversityBethel College-KSBethel University-INBethel University-MNBethel University-TNBethesda Christian UniversityBethune Cookman CollegeBeulah Heights Bible CollegeBevill State Community CollegeBiblical Theological SeminaryBidwell Training CenterBig Bend Community CollegeBig Lots Inc.Big Sandy Community & Tech ColBiola UniversityBirmingham-Southern CollegeBirthingway College of MidwiferyBishop State Community CollegeBismarck State CollegeBlack Hawk CollegeBlack Hills State UniversityBlack River Technical CollegeBlackburn CollegeBlackfeet Community CollegeBlackhawk Technical CollegeBladen Community CollegeBlanchard Valley AcademyBlessed John Xxiii Natl SeminaryBlessing-Rieman College of NursingBlinn CollegeBliss CollegeBloomfield CollegeBloomsburg Univ of PennsylvaniaBlue Cliff CollegeBlue Cliff CollegeBlue Cliff CollegeBlue Cliff CollegeBlue Heron AcademyBlue Mountain CollegeBlue Mountain Community CollegeBlue Ridge Cmty & Technical College-WVBlue Ridge Community College-NCBlue Ridge Community College-VABluefield CollegeBluefield State CollegeBluegrass Cmy & Tech Col DistrictBluffton UniversityBoard of Governors St Univ Sys FlBoard of RegentsýState of IowaBob Jones UniversityBohecker's Business CollegeBoise Bible CollegeBoise State UniversityBolivar Technical CollegeBoricua CollegeBossier Parish Community CollegeBoston Academy of EnglishBoston Architectural CollegeBoston Baptist CollegeBoston CollegeBoston Grad Sch of PsychoanalysisBoston UniversityBottega UniversityBoulder College of Massage TherapyBowdoin CollegeBowie State UniversityBowling Green State UniversityBradford SchoolBradley Academy for the Visual ArtsBradley CollegeBradley UniversityBramson O R T CollegeBrandeis UniversityBrazosport CollegeBrenau UniversityBrescia UniversityBrevard CollegeBrewton-Parker CollegeBriar Cliff UniversityBriarcliffe CollegeBridgevalley Community and Technical CollegeBridgewater CollegeBridgewater State CollegeBrigham Young Univ Hawaii CampusBrigham Young UniversityBrigham Young University-IdahoBrighton CollegeBrightpoint Community CollegeBrightwood CollegeBristol Community CollegeBrite Divinity SchoolBroadview CollegeBrookdale Community CollegeBrookline CollegeBrooklyn Law SchoolBrooks CollegeBrooks College-SunnyvaleBrooks InstituteBroome Community CollegeBroward CollegeBrown CollegeBrown Mackie Col Northern KentuckyBrown Mackie CollegeBrown UniversityBrunswick Community CollegeBryan CollegeBryan CollegeBryan Lgh Col of Health SciencesBryan UniversityBryan University-AZBryant & Stratton CollegeBryant UniversityBryn Athyn Col of the New ChurchBryn Mawr CollegeBucknell UniversityBucks County Community CollegeBuena Vista UniversityBunker Hill Community CollegeBurlington CollegeBurlington County CollegeBusiness Informatics CenterýInc.Butler Beauty SchoolButler Community CollegeButler County Community CollegeButler UniversityButte CollegeByzantine Catholic SeminaryC-Tec JVSDCa Natl Univ for Advanced StudiesCabarrus College of Health SciencesCabrillo CollegeCabrini CollegeCairn UniversityCalcampusCaldwell Cmty College & Tech InstCaldwell UniversityCalhoun Community CollegeCalif Poly State Un-San Luis ObispoCalif State Univ-Dominguez HillsCalif State Univ-San BernardinoCalifornia Baptist UniversityCalifornia Christian CollegeCalifornia Coast UniversityCalifornia College of the ArtsCalifornia College San DiegoCalifornia Culinary AcademyCalifornia Design CollegeCalifornia Inst of Integral StudiesCalifornia Institute of Arts & TechnologyCalifornia Institute of TechnologyCalifornia Institute of the ArtsCalifornia Intercontinental UniversityCalifornia Lutheran UniversityCalifornia Maritime AcademyCalifornia Southern UniversityCalifornia State Poly Univ-PomonaCalifornia State U-Channel IslandsCalifornia State U-East BayCalifornia State Univ System OfficeCalifornia State Univ-BakersfieldCalifornia State Univ-Long BeachCalifornia State Univ-Los AngelesCalifornia State Univ-Monterey BayCalifornia State Univ-SacramentoCalifornia State Univ-San MarcosCalifornia State Univ-StanislausCalifornia State University- StanislausCalifornia State University-ChicoCalifornia State University-FresnoCalifornia State University-FullertonCalifornia State University-NorthridgeCalifornia Univ Management/SciencesCalifornia University of Science & MedicineCalifornia Western School of LawCalumet College of Saint JosephCalvary Baptist Theol SeminaryCalvary Bible Col & Theol SeminaryCalvin CollegeCalvin Theological SeminaryCambria-Rowe Business CollegeCambria-Rowe Business CollegeCambridge College of healthcare & TechCambridge College-COCambridge College-MAýCambridge College-MACamden County CollegeCamelot CollegeCameron CollegeCameron UniversityCampbell UniversityCampbellsville UniversityCanada CollegeCanisius CollegeCankdeska Cikana Community CollegeCape Cod Community CollegeCape Fear Community CollegeCapella UniversityCapital Area School of Practical NursingCapital Community CollegeCapital UniversityCapitol CollegeCardinal Stritch UniversityCareer College of Northern NevadaCareer StepCareer Technical CollegeCareer Training AcademyCareer Training AcademyCareer Training AcademyCareers UnlimitedCaribbean UniversityCaritas Laboure CollegeCarl Albert State CollegeCarl Sandburg CollegeCarleton CollegeCarlos Albizu Univ Miami CampusCarlos Albizu UniversityCarlow UniversityCarnegie Mellon UniversityCarolina Christian CollegeCarolina Evangelical Divinity SchCarolina UniversityCarolinas Col of Health SciencesCarrington CollegeCarroll CollegeCarroll Community CollegeCarroll UniversityCarson-Newman CollegeCarteret Community CollegeCarthage CollegeCarver Bible CollegeCascadia Community CollegeCase Western Reserve UniversityCasper CollegeCastleton State CollegeCatawba CollegeCatawba Valley Community CollegeCatholic Theological UnionCayuga County Community CollegeCazenovia CollegeCCSD Adult Career & Technical EducationCecil CollegeCedar Crest CollegeCedarville UniversityCentenary College of LouisianaCentenary UniversityCenter for Advanced Legal StudiesCenter for Applied Research, Evaluation and Education IncCenter for Natural Wellness of School of MassageCentral Alabama Community CollegeCentral Arizona CollegeCentral Baptist CollegeCentral Baptist Theol Sem of MnplsCentral Baptist Theol SeminaryCentral Baptist Theol SeminaryCentral Bible CollegeCentral Carolina Community CollegeCentral Carolina Technical CollegeCentral Christian College of BibleCentral Christian College of KansasCentral CollegeCentral Community CollegeCentral Connecticut State UnivCentral Florida CollegeCentral Florida InstituteCentral Georgia Technical CollegeCentral Lakes CollegeCentral Maine Community CollegeCentral Methodist UniversityCentral Michigan UniversityCentral New Mexico Cmty CollegeCentral Ohio Technical CollegeCentral Oregon Community CollegeCentral Pennsylvania CollegeCentral Piedmont Community CollegeCentral School of Practical Nursing-OHCentral State UniversityCentral Susquehanna LPN Career CtrCentral Texas Beauty CollegeCentral Texas CollegeCentral Virginia Community CollegeCentral Washington UniversityCentral Wyoming CollegeCentral Yeshiva Tomchei TmimimCentralia CollegeCentre CollegeCentro de Estuds MultidiciplinariosCentura CollegeCentury CollegeCerritos CollegeCerro Coso Community CollegeChabot CollegeChabot-Las Positas Cc DistrictChadron State CollegeChaffey CollegeChamberlain College of NursingChaminade University of HonoluluChamplain CollegeChancellor UniversityChaparral Career CollegeChapman UniversityCharles Drew Univ of Med & ScienceCharles S. Mott Community CollegeCharleston Southern UniversityCharlotte School of LawCharter CollegeCharter Oak State CollegeChatfield CollegeChatham UniversityChattahoochee Technical CollegeChattahoochee Valley Community CollChattanooga CollegeChattanooga State Tech Cmty CollegeChemeketa Community CollegeChesapeake CollegeChester College of New EnglandChestnut Hill CollegeCheyney University of PennsylvaniaChi InstituteChi Institute/Rets CampusChicago School of Prof PsychologyChicago State UniversityChicago Theological SeminaryChief Dull Knife CollegeChipola CollegeChippewa Valley Technical CollegeChowan UniversityChrist the King SeminaryChristendom CollegeChristian Brothers UniversityChristian Life CollegeChristian Theological SeminaryChristopher Newport UniversityChurch Divinity School of PacificChurch of God Theological SeminaryCincinnati Christian UniversityCincinnati Col of Mortuary ScienceCincinnati Metropolitan CollegeCincinnati State Tech & Comm ColgCisco Junior CollegeCitrus CollegeCity CollegeCity CollegeCity CollegeCity CollegeCity College of San FranciscoCity Colleges of ChicagoCity of HopeCity University of New YorkCity University of SeattleClackamas Community CollegeClaflin UniversityClaremont Graduate UniversityClaremont Lincoln UniversityClaremont Mckenna CollegeClaremont School of TheologyClarendon CollegeClarion University of PennsylvaniaClarion University-Venango CampusClark Atlanta UniversityClark CollegeClark State CollegeClark UniversityClarke UniversityClarks Summit UniversityClarkson CollegeClarkson UniversityClatsop Community CollegeClayton State UniversityCld Sprg Hrbr Lab/Watson Sc Bio SciClear Creek Baptist Bible CollegeClearwater Christian CollegeCleary UniversityClemson UniversityCleveland Chiropr Col Kansas CityCleveland Chiropractic CollegeCleveland ClinicCleveland Clinic InstituteCleveland Community CollegeCleveland Institute of ArtCleveland Institute of Dental-Medical Assistants, Inc.Cleveland Institute of ElectronicsCleveland Institute of MusicCleveland State Community CollegeCleveland State UniversityClinton Community CollegeClinton Junior CollegeCloud County Community CollegeClover Park Technical CollegeClovis Community CollegeCmty Colleges of Spokane Dist 17Cmty/Tech Col At Wvu Inst of TechCoahoma Community CollegeCoast Cmty College Dist Admin OfcCoastal Alabama Comm CollegeCoastal Bend CollegeCoastal Carolina Community CollegeCoastal Carolina UniversityCoastline Community CollegeCochise CollegeCoconino County Community CollegeCoe CollegeCoffeyville Community CollegeCogswell Polytechnical CollegeCoker CollegeCol Hum & Sci Harrison Mdlton UnivColby CollegeColby Community CollegeColby-Sawyer CollegeColegio Biblico Pentecostal de PrColegio de Ciencias Artes Y TelevisColegio Pentecostal MizpaColegio Universitario de San JuanColeman CollegeColgate Roch Crozer Divinity SchoolColgate UniversityCollege for Creative StudiesCollege for Financial PlanningCollege MisericordiaCollege of AlamedaCollege of Biblical Studies-HoustonCollege of Business and TechnologyCollege of Central FloridaCollege of CharlestonCollege of Coastal GeorgiaCollege of Court ReportingýInc.College of DuPageCollege of Eastern UtahCollege of Lake CountyCollege of MarinCollege of Menominee NationCollege of Micronesia-FsmCollege of Mount Saint VincentCollege of Notre Dame of MarylandCollege of Our Lady of the ElmsCollege of Saint BenedictCollege of Saint MaryCollege of Saint RoseCollege of San MateoCollege of Santa FeCollege of Southern IdahoCollege of Southern MarylandCollege of Southern NevadaCollege of St. JosephCollege of the AlbemarleCollege of the AtlanticCollege of the CanyonsCollege of the DesertCollege of the Holy CrossCollege of the MainlandCollege of the OzarksCollege of the RedwoodsCollege of the SequoiasCollege of the SiskiyousCollege of Visual ArtsCollege of Western IdahoCollege of William and MaryCollege of WoosterCollegeamerica Colorado SpringsCollegeamerica DenverCollegeamerica Fort CollinsCollegeamerica-FlagstaffCollegeamerica-PhoenixCollin County Cmty College DistrictCollins CollegeColorado Christian UniversityColorado CollegeColorado Mesa UniversityColorado Mountain CollegeColorado Northwestern CollegeColorado Sch of Trad Chinese MedColorado School of Healing ArtsColorado School of MinesColorado School of TradesColorado State UniversityColorado State University-Global CampusColorado State University-PuebloColorado Technical UniversityColumbia Basin CollegeColumbia Centro UniversitarioColumbia Centro UniversitarioColumbia College ChicagoColumbia College HollywoodColumbia College of NursingColumbia College-CAColumbia College-MOColumbia College-SCColumbia Gorge Community CollegeColumbia International UniversityColumbia Southern UniversityColumbia State Community CollegeColumbia Theological SeminaryColumbia Union CollegeColumbia University in City of NyColumbia-Greene Community CollegeColumbus College of Art & DesColumbus Paraprofessional InstColumbus School of Practical NursingColumbus State Community CollegeColumbus State UniversityColumbus Technical CollegeCommonwealth Inst Funeral ServiceCommonwealth Technical InstituteCommunity Care CollegeCommunity Christian CollegeCommunity College of Allegheny CountyCommunity College of AuroraCommunity College of Baltimore CountyCommunity College of Beaver CountyCommunity College of DenverCommunity College of PhiladelphiaCommunity College of Rhode IslandCommunity College of the Air ForceCommunity College of VermontCompton CollegeComputer Career CenterConception Seminary CollegeConcord Law SchoolConcord UniversityConcorde Career CollegeConcorde Career CollegeConcorde Career CollegeConcorde Career CollegeConcordia CollegeConcordia CollegeConcordia College-MoorheadConcordia SeminaryConcordia Theological SeminaryConcordia University At AustinConcordia University WisconsinConcordia University-CAConcordia University-ILConcordia University-MIConcordia University-NEConcordia University-ORConcordia UniversityýSt. PaulConnecticut CollegeConnecticut State Univ System OfcConnors State CollegeConservatory of Music Puerto RicoConsolidated School of BusinessConsolidated School of BusinessContra Costa Cmty Coll District OfcContra Costa CollegeConverse CollegeConway School of Landscape DesignCooper UnionCoosa Valley Technical CollegeCopiah-Lincoln Community CollegeCopper Mountain CollegeCoppin State UniversityCorban CollegeCorcoran College of Art and DesignCorinthian Schools-Natl Inst TechCornell CollegeCornell UniversityCornerstone UniversityCorning Community CollegeCornish College of the ArtsCossatot Cmty Coll Univ of ArkansasCosumnes River CollegeCottey CollegeCounty College of MorrisCourt Reporting Institute of DallasCovenant CollegeCovenant Theological SeminaryCowley County Community CollegeCox Col of Nursing/Health SciCoyne CollegeCrafton Hills CollegeCranbrook Academy of ArtCraven Community CollegeCreighton UniversityCrichton CollegeCriswell CollegeCrossroads Bible CollegeCrossroads CollegeCrowder College-MOCrowley's Ridge CollegeCrown CollegeCrownpoint Institute of TechnologyCtr Advanced Studies Pr & CaribbeanCuesta CollegeCulinary Institute of AmericaCulinary Institute-LenotreCulver-Stockton CollegeCumberland County College-NJCumberland UniversityCUNY Baruch CollegeCUNY Borough of Manhattan Community CollegeCUNY Bronx Community CollegeCUNY Brooklyn CollegeCUNY City CollegeCUNY College of Staten IslandCUNY Graduate School & University CenterCUNY Hunter CollegeCUNY John Jay College of Criminal JusticeCUNY Kingsborough Community CollegeCUNY La Guardia Community CollegeCUNY Lehman CollegeCUNY Medgar Evers CollegeCUNY Queens CollegeCUNY Queensborough Community CollegeCUNY York CollegeCurry CollegeCurtis Institute of MusicCuyahoga Community CollegeCuyahoga Valley JVSDCypress CollegeD'youville CollegeDabney S. Lancaster Community ColDaemen CollegeDakota College At BottineauDakota County Technical CollegeDakota State UniversityDakota Wesleyan UniversityDallas Baptist UniversityDallas Christian CollegeDallas CollegeDallas Institute of Funeral ServiceDallas Theological SeminaryDalton State CollegeDana CollegeDaniel Webster CollegeDanville Area Community CollegeDanville Community CollegeDartmouth CollegeDarton CollegeDavenport UniversityDavidson CollegeDavidson-Davie Community CollegeDavis & Elkins CollegeDavis CollegeDavis CollegeDavis Technical CollegeDawson Community CollegeDaymar CollegeDaymar College - AlbanyDaymar College-JacksonDaymar College-LancasterDaymar College-LouisvilleDaymar College-Northern KentuckyDaymar College-PaducahDayton School of Medical Massage-OHDaytona CollegeDaytona State CollegeDCI Career InstituteDe Anza CollegeDe Tech & Cc Central OfficeDe Tech & Cc Owens CampusDe Tech & Cc Stanton-WilmingtnDean CollegeDean Institute of TechnologyDeep Springs CollegeDefense Acquisition University-VADefense Language InstituteDel Mar CollegeDelaware College of Art and DesignDelaware County Community CollegeDelaware State UniversityDelaware Technical Comm CollegeDelaware Valley CollegeDelgado Community CollegeDelta CollegeDelta College of Arts & TechnologyDelta Sch of Business & TechnologyDelta State UniversityDenison UniversityDenmark Technical CollegeDenver Academy of Court ReportingDenver Automotive & Diesel CollegeDenver College of NursingDenver SeminaryDepaul UniversityDepauw UniversityDes Moines Area Community CollegeDes Moines UnivDesales UniversityDesign Institute of San DiegoDevry UniversityDiablo Valley CollegeDickinson CollegeDickinson State UniversityDigipen Institute of TechnologyDigital Film AcademyDigital Media Arts CollegeDillard UniversityDine CollegeDivine Word CollegeDixie State UniversityDixie Technical CollegeDoane CollegeDodge City Community CollegeDominican College of BlauveltDominican House of StudiesDominican Sch Philosphy & TheologyDominican Study Center of CaribbeanDominican UniversityDominican University of CaliforniaDongguk Royal UniversityDonnelly CollegeDordt CollegeDouglas Education CenterDowling CollegeDragon Rises Col of Oriental MedDrake UniversityDraughons Junior Coll-MurfreesboroDraughons Junior CollegeDraughons Junior CollegeDraughons Junior College-NashvilleDrew UniversityDrexel UniversityDrury UniversityDubois Business CollegeDubois Business CollegeDubois Business CollegeDuke UniversityDuluth Business UniversityýInc.Dunwoody College of TechnologyDuquesne UniversityDurham Technical Community CollegeDutchess Community CollegeDyersburg State Community CollegeE-ValreportsEagle Gate CollegeEarlham Col/Earlham Sch of RelEast Arkansas Community CollegeEast Carolina UniversityEast Central CollegeEast Central Community CollegeEast Central UniversityEast Georgia CollegeEast Los Angeles CollegeEast Mississippi Community CollegeEast Ohio CollegeEast Stroudsburg University of PaEast Tennessee State UnivEast Texas Baptist UniversityEast West College of Natural MedEast-West UniversityEastern Arizona CollegeEastern College of Health VocationsEastern Connecticut State UnivEastern Florida State CollegeEastern Gateway Community CollegeEastern Idaho Technical CollegeEastern Illinois UniversityEastern Iowa Cmty College DistrictEastern Kentucky UniversityEastern Maine Community CollegeEastern Mennonite UniversityEastern Michigan UniversityEastern Nazarene CollegeEastern New Mexico UniversityEastern Oklahoma State CollegeEastern Oregon UniversityEastern Shore Community CollegeEastern Suffolk BOCESEastern UniversityEastern Virginia Career CollegeEastern Virginia Medical SchoolEastern Washington UniversityEastern West Virginia Comm/Tech ColgEastern Wyoming CollegeEastwick CollegeEcclesia CollegeEckerd CollegeEcpi Technical CollegeECPI Technical CollegeEcpi Technical CollegeECPI UniversityEcumenical Theological SeminaryEden Theological SeminaryEdgecombe Community CollegeEdgewood CollegeEdic CollegeEdison State Community CollegeEdmonds Community CollegeEDP University of Puerto RicoEducational Credential Evaluators IncEducational PerspectivesEdward Waters CollegeEl Camino CollegeEl Camino College Compton CenterEl Paso Community CollegeElectronic Data Processing CollegeElgin Community CollegeElizabeth City State UniversityElizabethtown Cmty & Tech ColElizabethtown CollegeEllis CollegeEllsworth Community CollegeElmhurst CollegeElmira Business InstituteElmira CollegeElon UniversityEmbry-Riddle Aero Univ-PrescottEmerson CollegeEmmanuel CollegeEmmanuel CollegeEmmanuel School of ReligionEmmaus Bible CollegeEmory & Henry CollegeEmory UniversityEmperor's Coll of Trad Oriental MedEmpire Beauty School-LawrencevilleEmpire College School of BusinessEmporia State UniversityEndicott CollegeEnsign CollegeEnterprise-Ozark Community CollegeEpiscopal Divinity SchoolEpiscopal Theol Seminary SouthwestErie Business Center SouthErie Business CenterýMainErie Community College City CampusErie Institute of TechnologyErikson InstituteErskine CollegeEscuela de Artes Plasticas de PrEssex County CollegeEti Technical College of NilesEugene Bible CollegeEureka CollegeEvangel UniversityEvangelical Seminary of Puerto RicoEvangelical Theological SeminaryEverest CollegeEverest Institute-OHEverest UniversityEverett College-West laEverett Community CollegeEverglades UniversityEverglades UniversityEvergreen Valley CollegeExcelsior CollegeExpertise Cosmetology InstituteExpression Col for Digital ArtsFairfield UniversityFairleigh Dickinson UniversityFairmont State UniversityFaith Baptist Bible Coll & SeminaryFaith Builders Educational ProgramsFaith Evangelical Lutheran SeminaryFamily of Faith CollegeFarmingdale State Univ of New YorkFashion Careers CollegeFashion Inst Design & MerchandisingFashion Inst Design & MerchandisingFashion Inst Design & MerchandisingFashion Institute of TechnologyFaulkner UniversityFayetteville State UniversityFayetteville Tech Community CollegeFeather River Cmty College DistrictFederal Emergency Mgmt. AgencyFelbry CollegeFelician CollegeFerris State UniversityFerrum CollegeFielding Graduate UniversityFine Mortuary CollegeFinger Lakes Community CollegeFinger Lakes Health College of NursingFinlandia UniversityFirelands Regional Med Ctr School of NursingFisher CollegeFisk UniversityFitchburg State UniversityFive Branches UniversityFive Towns CollegeFl Hospital Col of Health ScienceFl Metro Univ-Brandon CampusFl Metro Univ-Lakeland CampusFl Metro Univ-Melbourne CampusFl Metro Univ-North Orlando CampusFl Metro Univ-Pinellas CampusFl Metro Univ-Pompano Beach CampusFl Metro Univ-South Orlando CampusFl Metro Univ-Tampa CampusFlagler CollegeFlathead Valley Community CollegeFletcher Technical Community CollegeFlint Hills Technical CollegeFlint River Technical CollegeFlorence-Darlington Tech CollegeFlorida A & M UniversityFlorida Atlantic UniversityFlorida Career CollegeFlorida Career CollegeFlorida Coastal School of LawFlorida CollegeFlorida College of Integrative MedFlorida College of Natural HealthFlorida College of Natural HealthFlorida College of Natural HealthFlorida College of Natural HealthFlorida Ctr for Theological StudiesFlorida Gateway CollegeFlorida Gulf Coast UniversityFlorida Institute of TechnologyFlorida International UniversityFlorida Keys Community CollegeFlorida Memorial UniversityFlorida Metro Univ-JacksonvilleFlorida National CollegeFlorida Southern CollegeFlorida SouthWestern State CollegeFlorida State CollegeFlorida State UniversityFlorida Tech College JacksonvilleFlorida Technical CollegeFlorida Technical CollegeFlorida Technical CollegeFolsom Lake CollegeFond Du Lac Tribal & Cmty CollegeFontbonne UniversityFoothill CollegeFordham UniversityForeign Academic Credentials Service, Inc.Foreign Credential Evaluations, IncForest Institute of Prof PsychologyForrest Junior CollegeForsyth Technical Community CollegeFort Belknap CollegeFort Hays State UniversityFort Lewis CollegeFort Peck Community CollegeFort Scott Community CollegeFort Valley State UniversityFortis CollegeFoundation for International ServicesFountainhead College of TechnologyFox CollegeFox Valley Technical CollegeFramingham State CollegeFrancis Marion UniversityFranciscan Missionaries of Our Lady UnivFranciscan School of TheologyFranciscan Univ of SteubenvilleFrank Lloyd Wright School of ArchFrank Phillips CollegeFranklin & Marshall CollegeFranklin College of IndianaFranklin Pierce CollegeFranklin W. Olin Col of EngineeringFrederick Community CollegeFree Will Baptist Bible CollegeFreed-Hardeman UniversityFremont CollegeFresno City CollegeFresno Pacific UniversityFriends UniversityFront Range Community CollegeFrontier Sch Midwifery/Family NrsngFrostburg State UniversityFt. Berthold Community CollegeFull Sail UniversityFuller Theological SeminaryFullerton CollegeFulton Montgomery Community CollegeFurman UniversityGadsden State Community CollegeGainesville State CollegeGalen College of NursingGallaudet UniversityGallipolis Career CollegeGalveston CollegeGannon UniversityGarden City Community CollegeGardner-Webb UniversityGarrett Community CollegeGarrett-Evangelical Theol SeminaryGaston CollegeGateway Community & Technical CollegeGateway Community College-CTGateway Technical College-WIGavilan CollegeGemological Institute of AmericaGeneral Theological SeminaryGenerations CollegeGenesee Community CollegeGeneva CollegeGeorge Fox UniversityGeorge Mason UniversityGeorge Wallace St Cmty Col-SelmaGeorge Washington UniversityGeorgetown CollegeGeorgetown UniversityGeorgia Aviation & Tech CollegeGeorgia College & State UniversityGeorgia Gwinnett CollegeGeorgia Highlands CollegeGeorgia Institute of TechnologyGeorgia Military CollegeGeorgia Northwestern Technical CollegeGeorgia Perimeter CollegeGeorgia Piedmont Technical CollegeGeorgia Southern UniversityGeorgia Southwestern State UnivGeorgia State UniversityGeorgian Court UniversityGermanna Community CollegeGettysburg CollegeGibbs CollegeGibbs CollegeGibbs CollegeGibbs CollegeGibbs College of BostonýInc.Glen Oaks Community CollegeGlendale Community College-CAGlenville State CollegeGlobal Credential EvaluatorsGlobal Services Associates, IncGlobal UniversityGlobe Institute of TechnologyGlobe UniversityGod's Bible School and CollegeGoddard CollegeGogebic Community CollegeGolden Gate Baptist Theol SeminaryGolden Gate UniversityGolden West CollegeGoldey-Beacom CollegeGolf Academy of AmericaGolf Academy of ArizonaGolf Academy of the CarolinasGolf Academy of the SouthGonzaga UniversityGood Samaritan CollegeGoodwin UniversityGordon College-GAGordon College-MAGordon-Conwell Theological SeminaryGoshen CollegeGoucher CollegeGovernors State UniversityGrace Bible CollegeGrace Christian UniversityGrace College and SeminaryGrace UniversityGraceland UniversityGraduate Inst Applied LinguisticsGraduate SchoolGraduate Theological UnionGrambling State UniversityGrand Canyon UniversityGrand Rapids Community CollegeGrand Valley State UniversityGrand View CollegeGranite State CollegeGratz CollegeGrays Harbor CollegeGrayson County CollegeGreat Basin CollegeGreat Bay Community CollegeGreat Falls College Montana State UniversityGreat Lakes Christian CollegeGreat Lakes Institute of TechnologyGreen County Career Center-OHGreen Mountain CollegeGreen River Community CollegeGreenfield Community CollegeGreensboro CollegeGreenville CollegeGreenville Technical CollegeGretna Career CollegeGriggs UniversityGrinnell CollegeGrossmont-Cuyamaca Community College DistrictGrove City CollegeGuam Community CollegeGuilford CollegeGuilford Technical Community ColGulf Coast CollegeGulf Coast Community CollegeGulf Coast State CollegeGupton Jones Coll of Funeral SvcGurnick Academy of Medical ArtsGustavus Adolphus CollegeGutenberg CollegeGwinnett CollegeGwinnett Technical CollegeGwynedd-Mercy CollegeHagerstown Community CollegeHalifax Community CollegeHallmark Institute of AeronauticsHallmark Institute of TechnologyHamilton CollegeHamilton CollegeHamilton CollegeHamilton CollegeHamilton CollegeHamilton College-Lincoln CampusHamilton Technical CollegeHamline UniversityHampden-Sydney CollegeHampshire CollegeHampton UniversityHannibal-La Grange CollegeHanover CollegeHarcum CollegeHardin-Simmons UniversityHarding Graduate School of ReligionHarding University Main CampusHarford Community CollegeHarper CollegeHarrington College of DesignHarris-Stowe State UniversityHarrisburg Area Community CollegeHarrisburg Univ Science/TechnologyHarrison CollegeHartford SeminaryHartnell CollegeHartwick CollegeHarvard Medical SchoolHarvard UniversityHarvard University Medical School-MAHarvey Mudd CollegeHaskell Indian Nations UniversityHastings CollegeHaverford CollegeHawaii Pacific UniversityHawaii Theological SeminaryHawaii Tokai International CollegeHawkeye Community CollegeHaywood Community CollegeHazard Community & Technical CollHazelden Grad Sch of Addiction StdsHeald CollegeHeart of Georgia Technical CollegeHeartland Community CollegeHebrew CollegeHebrew Theological CollegeHebrew Union Col-Jewish Inst of RelHebrew Union Col-Jewish Inst of RelHebrew Union Col-Jewish Inst of RelHebrew Union College Central OfficeHeidelberg UniversityHelene Fuld College of NursingHellenic Coll-Holy Cross Greek OrthHelms Career InstituteHenderson Community CollegeHenderson State UniversityHendrix CollegeHenley-Putman UniversityHennepin Technical CollegeHenry Ford Community CollegeHeritage Bible CollegeHeritage Christian UniversityHeritage CollegeHeritage CollegeHeritage CollegeHeritage CollegeHeritage CollegeHeritage InstituteHeritage UniversityHerkimer County Community CollegeHerzing UniversityHesser CollegeHesston CollegeHi-Tech InstituteHibbing Community CollegeHickey CollegeHigh Point UniversityHigh Tech InstituteHigh-Tech InstituteHigh-Tech InstituteHigh-Tech InstituteHigh-Tech InstituteHigh-Tech InstituteHighland Community College-ILHighland Community College-KSHighland Park Community Coll-MIHighline CollegeHilbert CollegeHill CollegeHillsborough Community CollegeHillsdale CollegeHillsdale Free Will Baptist CollegeHinds Community CollegeHiram CollegeHiwassee CollegeHobart and William Smith CollegesHobe Sound Bible CollegeHocking CollegeHodges UniversityHofstra UniversityHollins UniversityHolmes Community CollegeHolmes Inst Consciousness StudiesHoly Apostles College and SeminaryHoly Cross CollegeHoly Family UniversityHoly Name Hospital School of NursingHoly Names UniversityHoly Trinity Orthodox SeminaryHolyoke Community CollegeHondros CollegeHood CollegeHood Theological SeminaryHope CollegeHope International UniversityHopkinsville Community CollegeHorry-Georgetown Technical CollegeHostos Cmty College-CunyHoughton CollegeHousatonic Community CollegeHouston Baptist UniversityHouston Community CollegeHouston Graduate School of TheologyHoward CollegeHoward Community CollegeHoward Payne UniversityHoward UniversityHudson County Community CollegeHudson Valley Community CollegeHuertas Junior CollegeHult International Business SchoolHumacao Community CollegeHumboldt State UniversityHumphreys CollegeHuntingdon CollegeHuntington Col of Health SciencesHuntington Junior CollegeHuntington UniversityHuntsville Bible CollegeHussian CollegeHusson CollegeHuston-Tillotson UniversityHutchinson Cmty Col & Area Voc SchI-GlobalIcahn School of Med At Mt. SinaiICM School of BusinessIdaho State UniversityIliff School of TheologyIlisagvik CollegeIllinois Central CollegeIllinois CollegeIllinois College of OptometryIllinois Eastern Community CollegeIllinois Institute of TechnologyIllinois State UniversityIllinois Valley Community CollegeIllinois Wesleyan UniversityImmaculata UniversityImmaculate Conception SeminaryImpac UniversityImperial Valley CollegeIndependence Community CollegeIndependence UniversityIndian Hills Community CollegeIndian River State CollegeIndiana Institute of TechnologyIndiana State UniversityIndiana Univ-Purdue Un IndianapolisIndiana Univ-Purdue Univ Fort WayneIndiana University KokomoIndiana University of PennsylvaniaIndiana University SystemIndiana University-Purdue University IndianapolisIndiana Wesleyan UniversityInst Clin Acupuncture/Oriental MedInst for Creation Rsrch Grad SchoolInst of Amer Indian Culture & ArtInst of Business & Medical CareersInst of Transpersonal PsychologyInstitute for Business and TechnologyInstitute for Clinical Social WorkInstitute for International Credentials Evaluation At CalInstitute of Design & ConstructionInstitute of Health SciencesInstitute Psychological SciencesInt'l Institute of the AmericasInt'l Institute of the AmericasInt'l Institute of the AmericasInt'l Institute of the AmericasIntellitec CollegeIntellitec CollegeIntellitec CollegeInter Amer Univ of Pr AguadillaInter Amer Univ of Pr AreciboInter Amer Univ of Pr BarranquitasInter Amer Univ of Pr BayamonInter Amer Univ of Pr Central OfcInter Amer Univ of Pr FajardoInter Amer Univ of Pr GuayamaInter Amer Univ of Pr MetropolitanInter Amer Univ of Pr PonceInter Amer Univ of Pr San GermanInter Amer Univ of Pr Sch OptometryInter Amer Univ of Pr School of LawInteractive College of TechnologyInterboro InstituteIntercultural Inst of CaliforniaInterdenominational Theol CenterInterior Designers InstituteInternational Academic Credential Evaluators, Inc.International Academy of Design & TechInternational Baptist CollegeInternational Business College- All CampusesInternational Col of BroadcastingInternational Education Research Foundation, Inc.International Education Research Foundation, Inc.International Import-Export InstInternational Junior CollegeInternational Theological SeminaryInternatl Acad Design/Tech-SchaumbgInternatl Academy of Design & TechInternatl Academy of Design & TechInternatl Academy of Design & TechInternatl Academy of Design/TechInver Hills Community CollegeIona CollegeIowa Central Community CollegeIowa Lakes Community CollegeIowa State UniversityIowa Valley Cmty College DistrictIowa Wesleyan CollegeIowa Western Community CollegeIrvine Valley CollegeIsabella Graham Hart Sch of Practical NursingIsland Drafting and Technical InstIsothermal Community CollegeItasca Community CollegeItawamba Community CollegeIthaca CollegeIti Technical CollegeIvy Tech Community CollegeJ. Sargeant Reynolds Community ColJ.F. Drake State Technical CollegeJ.F. Ingram State Technical CollegeJackson CollegeJackson State Community CollegeJackson State UniversityJacksonville CollegeJacksonville State UniversityJacksonville UniversityJames Madison UniversityJames Sprunt Community CollegeJamestown Business CollegeJamestown CollegeJamestown Community CollegeJarvis Christian CollegeJefferson Col of Health SciencesJefferson CollegeJefferson Comm & Tech CollegeJefferson Community College-NYJefferson Davis Community CollegeJefferson State Community CollegeJefferson-Lewis BocesJersey CollegeJesuit School of Theology BerkeleyJewish Theol Seminary of AmericaJNA Institute of Culinary ArtsJohn A. Gupton CollegeJohn A. Logan CollegeJohn Brown UniversityJohn Carroll UniversityJohn F. Kennedy UniversityJohn Leland Ctr Theological StudiesJohn Marshall Law SchoolJohn Paul the Great Catholic UniversityJohn Wesley CollegeJohn Wood Community CollegeJohns Hopkins UniversityJohnson & Wales Univ-CharlotteJohnson & Wales UniversityJohnson & Wales UniversityJohnson & Wales UniversityJohnson C. Smith UniversityJohnson CollegeJohnson County Community CollegeJohnson State CollegeJohnson UniversityJohnson UniversityJohnston Community CollegeJoint Services TranscriptJoliet Junior CollegeJones CollegeJones CollegeJones County Junior CollegeJones International UniversityJosef Silny & Associates IncJudson CollegeJudson UniversityJuniata CollegeKalamazoo CollegeKalamazoo Valley Community CollegeKanawha Valley Community & Technical CollegeKankakee Community College-ILKansas City Art InstituteKansas City Kansas Community ColKansas City Univ of Med & BiosciKansas St Univ-Salina Col Tech/AviKansas State UniversityKansas Wesleyan UniversityKapiolani Community CollegeKaplan Career InstKaplan CollegeKaplan UniversityKaskaskia CollegeKatharine Gibbs SchoolKd Studio-Actors ConservatoryKean UniversityKeck Graduate InstituteKeene State CollegeKehilath Yakov Rabbinical SeminaryKeiser Career CollegeKeiser UniversityKeller Graduate School of MgmtKellogg Community CollegeKemper Military SchoolKendall CollegeKennebec Valley Community CollegeKennesaw State UniversityKenrick-Glennon SeminaryKent State UniversityKentucky Christian UniversityKentucky Community and Technical SysKentucky Mountain Bible CollegeKentucky State UniversityKentucky Wesleyan CollegeKenyon CollegeKern Community College DistrictKettering CollegeKettering UniversityKeuka CollegeKey CollegeKeystone CollegeKeystone Technical InstituteKilgore CollegeKilian Community CollegeKing CollegeKing UniversityKing's CollegeKing's CollegeKirkwood Community CollegeKirtland Community CollegeKishwaukee CollegeKlamath Community CollegeKnowledge Systems InstituteKnox CollegeKnox Theological SeminaryKol Yaakov Torah CenterKutztown University of PennsylvaniaKuyper CollegeKy Community & Technical Col SystemLa College InternationalLa Roche CollegeLa Salle UniversityLa Sierra UniversityLa State Univ Hlth Sci Ctr-New OrlnLa State University System OfficeLa Tech Col Alexandria CampusLa Tech Col Ascension CampusLa Tech Col Baton Rouge CampusLa Tech Col Chrls B Coreil CampusLa Tech Col Delta-Ouachita CampusLa Tech Col Fl Parishes CampusLa Tech Col Gulf Area CampusLa Tech Col Hammond Area CampusLa Tech Col Huey P Long CampusLa Tech Col Jefferson CampusLa Tech Col Jumonville Mem CampusLa Tech Col Lafayette CampusLa Tech Col Lafourche CampusLa Tech Col Natchitoches CampusLa Tech Col North Central CampusLa Tech Col Northeast la CampusLa Tech Col Northwest la CampusLa Tech Col Oakdale CampusLa Tech Col River Parishes CampusLa Tech Col Shreveport-BossierLa Tech Col Sullivan CampusLa Tech Col T.H. Harris CampusLa Tech Col Tallulah CampusLa Tech Col Teche Area CampusLa Tech Col West Jefferson CampusLa Tech Col Young Memorial CampusLa Tech College Ruston CampusLabette Community CollegeLac Courte Oreilles Ojibwa Cmty ColLackawanna CollegeLafayette CollegeLagrange CollegeLaguna College of Art & DesignLake Area Technical InstituteLake Erie CollegeLake Erie College of Osteo MedicineLake Forest CollegeLake Forest Graduate School of MgmtLake Land CollegeLake Michigan CollegeLake Region State CollegeLake Superior CollegeLake Superior State UniversityLake Tahoe Community CollegeLake Washington Technical CollegeLake-Sumter State CollegeLakeland CollegeLakeland Community CollegeLakeland UniversityLakes Region Community CollegeLakeshore Technical College-WILakeview College of NursingLakewood CollegeLamar Community CollegeLamar Institute of TechnologyLamar State College-OrangeLamar State College-Port ArthurLamar UniversityLambuth UniversityLamson CollegeLancaster Bible CollegeLancaster Genl Col Nursing/Hlth SciLancaster Theological SeminaryLander UniversityLandmark CollegeLane CollegeLane Community CollegeLaney CollegeLangston UniversityLanier Technical CollegeLansdale School of BusinessLansing Community CollegeLaramie County Community CollegeLaredo Community CollegeLas Positas CollegeLas Vegas CollegeLasalle UniversityLasell CollegeLassen Community CollegeLaura & Alvin Siegal Col Judaic StdLaurel Business InstituteLawrence Technological UniversityLawrence UniversityLawson State Community CollegeLe Cordon Bleu Col of Culinary ArtsLe Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts - ChicagoLe Moyne CollegeLebanon CollegeLebanon Valley CollegeLee CollegeLee UniversityLeech Lake Tribal CollegeLees-Mcrae CollegeLehigh Carbon Community CollegeLehigh UniversityLemoyne-Owen CollegeLenoir Community CollegeLenoir-Rhyne CollegeLesley UniversityLetourneau UniversityLewis and Clark CollegeLewis and Clark Community CollegeLewis UniversityLewis-Clark State CollegeLexington CollegeLexington Theological SeminaryLiberty UniversityLife Chiropractic College WestLife Pacific CollegeLife UniversityLIM CollegeLimestone CollegeLimestone UniversityLincoln Christian CollegeLincoln CollegeLincoln College of TechnologyLincoln College of TechnologyLincoln College of TechnologyLincoln College-Formerly BriarwoodLincoln Land Community CollegeLincoln Memorial UniversityLincoln Technical InstituteLincoln Technical InstituteLincoln University-CALincoln University-MOLincoln University-PALindenwood UniversityLindsey Wilson CollegeLinfield CollegeLinn State Technical CollegeLinn-Benton Community CollegeLionel UniversityLipscomb UniversityLittle Big Horn CollegeLittle Priest Tribal CollegeLiu RiverheadLivingstone CollegeLock Haven University of PaLogan UniversityLogos Evangelical SeminaryLOMA - Life Office Management AssociationLoma Linda UniversityLon Morris CollegeLone Star College SystemLong Beach City CollegeLong Island Business InstituteLong Island Col Hosp Sch of NursingLong Island U C.W. Post CampusLong Island UniversityLongwood UniversityLongy School of MusicLorain County Community CollegeLoras CollegeLord Fairfax Community CollegeLos Angeles City CollegeLos Angeles Cmty Coll District OfcLos Angeles County Col of NursingLos Angeles Film SchoolLos Angeles Harbor CollegeLos Angeles Mission CollegeLos Angeles Pacific UniversityLos Angeles Pierce CollegeLos Angeles Southwest CollegeLos Angeles Trade-Technical CollegeLos Angeles Valley CollegeLos Medanos CollegeLos Rios Cmty College District OfcLouisburg CollegeLouisiana Cmty & Tech Coll SystemLouisiana CollegeLouisiana Delta Community CollegeLouisiana State Univ At AlexandriaLouisiana State Univ At EuniceLouisiana State Univ ShreveportLouisiana State Univ-Baton RougeLouisiana Tech UniversityLouisiana Technical Col-AvoyellesLouisiana Technical Col-FolkesLouisville Presbyterian Theol SeminLourdes UniversityLower Columbia CollegeLoyola College in MarylandLoyola Marymount UniversityLoyola University ChicagoLoyola University New OrleansLubbock Christian UniversityLuna Community CollegeLurleen B. Wallace Cmty CollegeLuther CollegeLuther Rice UniversityLuther SeminaryLutheran School of Theology ChicagoLutheran Theol Seminary At PhilaLutheran Theol Seminary GettysburgLutheran Theol Southern SeminaryLuzerne County Community CollegeLycoming CollegeLyme Academy College of Fine ArtsLynchburg CollegeLynchburg General Hosp Sch of Nursing-VALyndon State CollegeLynn UniversityLyon CollegeMa School of Law At AndoverMacalester CollegeMachzikei Hadath Rabbinical CollegeMacmurray CollegeMacomb Community College-MIMacon State CollegeMadison Adult Education CenterMadison Area Technical CollegeMadison Media Inst--Col Media ArtsMadisonville Community CollegeMadonna UniversityMagdalen CollegeMagnolia Bible CollegeMaharishi University of ManagementMaine College of ArtMaine College of Health ProfessionsMaine Community College SystemMaine Maritime AcademyMalone UniversityManchester Community CollegeManchester Community CollegeManchester UniversityMandl SchoolManhattan Area Technical CollegeManhattan Christian CollegeManhattan CollegeManhattan School of MusicManhattanville CollegeManor CollegeMansfield University of PaMaple Springs Baptist Bible CollegeMaranatha Baptist Bible CollegeMaria College of AlbanyMaria Parham Med Ctr Sch Med TechMarian Court CollegeMarian University-INMarian University-WIMaric CollegeMaric CollegeMaric CollegeMaric College-Panorama CityMaric College-Sacramento CampusMaricopa Community CollegesMarietta CollegeMarine Corps UniversityMarion Military InstituteMarion Technical CollegeMarist CollegeMarlboro CollegeMarquette UniversityMars Hill CollegeMars Hill Graduate SchoolMarshall UniversityMarshalltown Community CollegeMartin Community CollegeMartin Luther CollegeMartin UniversityMartinsburg CollegeMary Baldwin CollegeMarygrove CollegeMaryland Institute College of ArtMarylhurst UniversityMarymount CollegeMarymount Manhattan CollegeMarymount UniversityMaryville CollegeMaryville University of Saint LouisMarywood UniversityMason Anthony School of CosmetologyMason County Career CenterMass Col of Pharmacy & Health SciMassachusetts Bay Community CollegeMassachusetts Board of Higher EducMassachusetts Col of Liberal ArtsMassachusetts College of ArtMassachusetts Institute of TechMassachusetts Maritime AcademyMassachusetts School of Prof PsycMassanutten Technical CenterMassasoit Community CollegeMaster's International School of DivinityMater Ecclesiae CollegeMayland Community CollegeMayo Clin Col of Med-Mayo Grad SchMayo Clinic College of MedicineMayo Medical SchoolMayo School of Health SciencesMaysville Cmty & Technical CollegeMayville State UniversityMcc Computer Technology InstituteMccann School of Business & TechMccann School of Business & TechMccann School of Business & TechMccormick Theological SeminaryMcDaniel CollegeMcdowell Tech Community CollegeMcFatter Technical Center - CollegeMchenry County CollegeMcintosh CollegeMcKendree UniversityMckinley CollegeMclennan Community CollegeMcmurry UniversityMcnally Smith College of MusicMcneese State UniversityMcpherson CollegeMeadville/Lombard Theol SchoolMedaille CollegeMedcenter One College of NursingMedcentral College of NursingMedian School of Allied Health CareersMedical Careers InstituteMedical College of GeorgiaMedical College of WisconsinMedical Training CollegeMedical Univ of South CarolinaMedical University of South CarolinaMedTech CollegeMedvance Inst of Ft. LauderdaleMedvance InstituteMeharry Medical CollegeMemphis College of ArtMemphis Theological SeminaryMendocino CollegeMenlo CollegeMennonite Brethren Biblical SemMerced CollegeMercer County Community CollegeMercer UniversityMercy CollegeMercy College of Health SciencesMercy College of Northwest OhioMercy HealthMercy Hospital School of Radiologic TechnologyMercyhurst UniversityMeredith CollegeMeridian CollegeMeridian Community CollegeMerrimack CollegeMerritt CollegeMesabi Range Cmty & Tech CollegeMesalands Community CollegeMesivta Tifereth Jerusalem of AmerMesivta Torah Vodaath SeminaryMessenger CollegeMessiah CollegeMestiva Eastern Pkwy Rabbinical SemMethodist College of NursingMethodist Theological School OhioMethodist UniversityMetro Business CollegeMetro Business CollegeMetro Business CollegeMetropolitan College of New YorkMetropolitan Community College-MOMetropolitan Community College-NEMetropolitan State College DenverMetropolitan State UniversityMgh Institute of Health ProfessionsMiami Ad SchoolMiami Dade CollegeMiami Int'l Univ of Art & DesignMiami UniversityMiami Valley Career Tech JVSDMiami-Jacobs Career CollegeMIAT College of TechnologyMichigan Jewish InstituteMichigan Sch Professnl PsychologyMichigan State UniversityMichigan Technological UniversityMichigan Theological SeminaryMid Michigan Community CollegeMid-America Baptist Theol SeminaryMid-America Christian UniversityMid-America College of Funeral SvcMid-America Reformed SeminaryMid-Continent UniversityMid-Plains Community CollegeMid-South Community CollegeMid-State Technical CollegeMidamerica Nazarene UniversityMiddle Georgia State CollegeMiddle Georgia Technical CollegeMiddle Tennessee State UniversityMiddle Tn School of AnesthesiaMiddlebury CollegeMiddlebury Inst of Intl Studies at MontereyMiddlesex Cmty-Technical CollegeMiddlesex CollegeMiddlesex Community CollegeMidland CollegeMidland Lutheran CollegeMidlands Technical CollegeMidstate CollegeMidway CollegeMidwest Col of Oriental MedicineMidwest College of Oriental MedMidwest Institute-Earth CityMidwest Technical InstituteMidwest UniversityMidwestern Baptist Theol SeminaryMidwestern Career CollegeMidwestern State UniversityMidwestern UniversityMidwestern UniversityMidwives College of UtahMildred ElleyMiles CollegeMiles Community CollegeMiller-Motte Technical CollegeMiller-Motte Technical CollegeMiller-Motte Technical CollegeMiller-Motte Technical CollegeMillersville University of PAMilligan CollegeMillikin UniversityMills CollegeMillsaps CollegeMilwaukee Area Technical CollegeMilwaukee Institute of Art & DesignMilwaukee School of EngineeringMineral Area CollegeMinneapolis Business CollegeMinneapolis Cmty & Tech CollegeMinneapolis College of Art DesignMinnesota School of BusinessMinnesota School of BusinessMinnesota State Col-Southeast TechMinnesota State Coll & Univ Sys OfcMinnesota State Comm & Tech CollegeMinnesota State University MoorheadMinnesota State University, MankatoMinnesota West Cmty & Tech CollegeMinot State UniversityMira Costa CollegeMirrer Yeshiva Central InstituteMission CollegeMississippi CollegeMississippi Delta Community CollegeMississippi Gulf Coast Cmty CollegeMississippi Institutions of Higher LearningMississippi State UniversityMississippi University for WomenMississippi Valley State UniversityMissouri Baptist UniversityMissouri CollegeMissouri Southern State UniversityMissouri State UniversityMissouri State University-West PlainsMissouri TechMissouri Valley CollegeMissouri Western State UniversityMitchell CollegeMitchell Community CollegeMitchell Technical InstituteMn State Cmty & Tech Coll-Fergus FlMoberly Area Community CollegeModesto Junior CollegeMohave Community CollegeMohawk Valley Community CollegeMolloy CollegeMonmouth CollegeMonmouth UniversityMonroe CollegeMonroe Community College-NYMonroe County Community CollegeMontana State U - Billings Col TechMontana State UniversityMontana State University - BillingsMontana State University - NorthernMontana Tech College of TechnologyMontana Tech of the Univ of MontanaMontana University System OfficeMontcalm Community CollegeMontclair State UniversityMontefiore School of NursingMonterey Institute of Int'l StudiesMonterey Peninsula CollegeMontgomery CollegeMontgomery Community CollegeMontgomery County Community CollegeMontreat CollegeMontserrat College of ArtMoody Bible InstituteMoore College of Art and DesignMoore Norman Tech CenterMoorpark CollegeMoraine Park Technical CollegeMoraine Valley Community CollegeMoravian CollegeMorehead State UniversityMorehouse CollegeMorehouse School of MedicineMoreno Valley CollegeMorgan Community CollegeMorgan State UniversityMorningside CollegeMorris Brown CollegeMorris CollegeMorrison UniversityMorton CollegeMotlow State Community CollegeMoultrie Technical CollegeMount Aloysius CollegeMount Angel SeminaryMount Carmel College of NursingMount Holyoke CollegeMount Ida CollegeMount Marty CollegeMount Mary CollegeMount Mercy CollegeMount Olive CollegeMount Saint Mary College-NYMount Saint Mary's College-CAýMount Saint Mary's College-CAMount Sierra CollegeMount St. Joseph UniversityMount St. Mary's UniversityMount Vernon Nazarene UniversityMount Wachusett Community CollegeMount Washington CollegeMountain Empire Community CollegeMountain State CollegeMountain State UniversityMountwest Cmty & Technical CollegeMt. Hood Community CollegeMt. San Antonio CollegeMt. San Jacinto CollegeMTI Business CollegeMti CollegeMuhlenberg CollegeMuhlenberg Snyder SchoolsMultnomah Bible Col & Bibl SeminaryMurray State CollegeMurray State UniversityMusicians InstituteMuskegon Community CollegeMuskingum UniversityMyComputerCareerMyotherapy InstituteNapa Valley CollegeNaropa UniversityNash Community CollegeNashotah HouseNashua Cmty Tech CollegeNashville Auto-Diesel CollegeNashville College of Medical Careers-TNNashville State Community CollegeNassau Community CollegeNat'l Defense Intelligence CollegeNational American UniversityNational Col of Natural MedicineNational College of Business & TechNational College of Business & TechNational College of Business & TechNational College of Business & TechnologyNational College of MidwiferyNational College of Technical InstructionNational College-All CampusesNational Cryptologic SchoolNational Defense UniversityNational Education CenterNational Grad Sch of Quality MgmtNational Institute of TechnologyNational Labor CollegeNational Paralegal CollegeNational Park Community CollegeNational School of TechnologyNational School of TechnologyNational School of TechnologyNational Theatre ConservatoryNational Univ of Health SciencesNational UniversityNational-Louis UniversityNationwide Insurance EducationNatl Polytech Col Engrng/OceanrngNaugatuck Valley Community CollegeNaval Postgraduate SchoolNaval War CollegeNavarro CollegeNazarene Bible CollegeNazarene Theological SeminaryNazareth College of RochesterNc Community College SystemNE Ohio Univ Col of Med & PharmacyNebraska Christian CollegeNebraska Col Technical AgricultureNebraska Indian Community CollegeNebraska Methodist CollegeNebraska State College SystemNebraska Wesleyan UniversityNelson UniversityNeosho County Community CollegeNer Israel Rabbinical CollegeNettleton Career CollegeNeumann UniversityNeumont UniversityNevada State CollegeNevada System of Higher EducationNew Age Training, Inc.New Brunswick Theological SeminaryNew Castle School of TradesNew College of FloridaNew College School of LawNew England CollegeNew England College of FinanceNew England Conservatory of MusicNew England Culinary InstituteNew England Culinary InstituteNew England Institute of TechnologyNew England Sch of CommunicationsNew England School of AcupunctureNew England School of LawNew Hampshire Institute of ArtNew Horizons Computer Learning Ctr-OHNew Jersey City UniversityNew Jersey Institute of TechnologyNew Life Theological SeminaryNew Mexico Highlands UniversityNew Mexico Inst of Mining & TechNew Mexico Junior CollegeNew Mexico Military InstituteNew Mexico State UniversityNew Orleans Baptist Theol SeminaryNew River Community CollegeNew River Community/Technical ColNew Saint Andrews CollegeNew York Academy of ArtNew York Automotive & Diesel Institute-NYNew York Career InstituteNew York Chiropractic CollegeNew York City College of TechnologyNew York Col of Podiatric MedicineNew York Coll of Health ProfessionsNew York Coll of Trad Chinese MedNew York Conservatory for Dramatic ArtsNew York Inst of Tech-Central IslipNew York Inst of Tech-ManhattanNew York Inst of Tech-Old WestburyNew York Law SchoolNew York Medical CollegeNew York School of Interior DesignNew York Theological SeminaryNew York UniversityNewberry College-SCNewbury College-MANewman UniversityNewport Business InstituteNewport Business InstituteNewschool of Arch & DesignNh Cmty Tech College ClaremontNh Cmty Tech College Strath/PortsmNHTI Concord's Community CollegeNiagara County C.C.Niagara UniversityNicholls State UniversityNichols CollegeNicolet Area Technical CollegeNightingale CollegeNorco CollegeNorfolk State UniversityNormandale Community CollegeNorth American UniversityNorth Arkansas CollegeNorth Carolina A&t State UniversityNorth Carolina Agricultural and Technical State UniversitNorth Carolina Central UniversityNorth Carolina School of the ArtsNorth Carolina State UniversityNorth Carolina Wesleyan CollegeNorth Central CollegeNorth Central InstituteNorth Central Kansas Tech CollegeNorth Central Michigan CollegeNorth Central Missouri CollegeNorth Central State CollegeNorth Central Texas CollegeNorth Central UniversityNorth Country Community CollegeNorth Dakota State Col of ScienceNorth Dakota State UniversityNorth Dakota Univ System OfficeNorth Florida Community CollegeNorth Florida CosmetologyNorth Florida InstituteNorth Georgia Technical CollegeNorth Greenville UniversityNorth Hennepin Community CollegeNorth Idaho CollegeNorth Iowa Area Community CollegeNorth Metro Technical CollegeNorth Orange Cty Cmty Col DistrictNorth Park UniversityNorth Seattle Community CollegeNorth Shore Community CollegeNorth-West CollegeNorthampton Community CollegeNorthcentral Technical CollegeNorthcentral UniversityNorthcoast Medical Training AcademyNortheast Alabama Community CollegeNortheast Community CollegeNortheast Iowa Community CollegeNortheast Kansas Technical CollegeNortheast Mississippi Cmty CollegeNortheast State Technical Cmty ColNortheast Texas Community CollegeNortheast Wisconsin Technical CollegeNortheastern Hosp School of NursingNortheastern Illinois UniversityNortheastern Junior CollegeNortheastern Oklahoma A&m CollegeNortheastern SeminaryNortheastern State UniversityNortheastern Technical CollegeNortheastern University-MANorthern Arizona UniversityNorthern Essex Community CollegeNorthern Illinois UniversityNorthern Kentucky UniversityNorthern Maine Community CollegeNorthern Marianas CollegeNorthern Michigan UniversityNorthern New Mexico CollegeNorthern Oklahoma CollegeNorthern SeminaryNorthern State UniversityNorthern Virginia Community CollegeNorthern Wyoming Community College DistrictNorthland Baptist Bible CollegeNorthland CollegeNorthland Community & Tech CollegeNorthland Pioneer CollegeNorthwest Arkansas Community CollegeNorthwest Aviation CollegeNorthwest Baptist SeminaryNorthwest Christian CollegeNorthwest CollegeNorthwest College of ArtNorthwest Florida State CollegeNorthwest Indian CollegeNorthwest Iowa Community CollegeNorthwest Kansas Technical CollegeNorthwest Mississippi Cmty CollegeNorthwest Missouri State UniversityNorthwest Nazarene UniversityNorthwest State Community CollegeNorthwest Technical CollegeNorthwest Technical InstituteNorthwest UniversityNorthwest-Shoals Community CollegeNorthwestern CollegeNorthwestern College-IaNorthwestern Ct Cmty-Tech CollegeNorthwestern Health Sciences UnivNorthwestern Memorial HospitalNorthwestern Michigan CollegeNorthwestern Oklahoma State UnivNorthwestern Polytechnic UniversityNorthwestern State UniversityNorthwestern UniversityNorthwood Technical CollegeNorthwood UniversityNorwalk Community CollegeNorwich UniversityNossi College of ArtNotre Dame CollegeNotre Dame de Namur UniversityNotre Dame Seminary Grad Sch TheolNova Southeastern UniversityNunez Community CollegeNW School of Wooden BoatbuildingNyack CollegeO'more College of DesignOak Hills Christian CollegeOak Point UniversityOakbridge Academy of ArtsOakland City UniversityOakland Community College-MIOakland UniversityOakton Community CollegeOakwood UniversityOberlin CollegeOblate School of TheologyOccidental CollegeOcean County CollegeOconee Fall Line Tech CollegeOdessa CollegeOgden-Weber Technical CollegeOgeechee Technical CollegeOglala Lakota CollegeOglethorpe UniversityOhio American School of NursingOhio Business CollegeOhio Business College Lorain BranchOhio Christian UniversityOhio College of MassotherapyOhio College of Podiatric MedicineOhio Department of HealthOhio Department of Youth ServicesOhio Dominican UniversityOhio Emergency Management AgencyOhio Inst of Photography & TechOhio Institute of Allied HealthOhio Institute of Health CareersOhio Media SchoolOhio Medical Career CollegeOhio Mid-Western CollegeOhio National UniversityOhio Northern UniversityOhio State Sch of CosmetologyOhio State UniversityOhio Technical CollegeOhio University Main CampusOhio Valley Medical Center-WVOhio Valley UniversityOhio Wesleyan UniversityOhlone CollegeOhr Hameir Theological SeminaryOhr Somayach Tanenbaum Educ CtrOkefenokee Technical CollegeOklahoma Baptist UniversityOklahoma Christian UniversityOklahoma City Community CollegeOklahoma City UniversityOklahoma Panhandle State UniversityOklahoma St U Ctr Health SciencesOklahoma State UniversityOklahoma State University OKCOklahoma Wesleyan UniversityOld Dominion UniversityOlean Business InstituteOlivet CollegeOlivet Nazarene UniversityOlivet UniversityOlympic CollegeOnondaga Community CollegeOral Roberts UniversityOrange Coast CollegeOrange County Community CollegeOrangeburg-Calhoun Technical ColOregon College of Art and CraftOregon College of Oriental MedicineOregon Culinary InstituteOregon Health & Science UniversityOregon Institute of TechnologyOregon State UniversityOregon University SystemOrlando Culinary AcademyOrlando TechOrleans Tech Inst Court ReportingOtero Junior CollegeOtis College of Art and DesignOttawa UniversityOttawa University JeffersonvilleOttawa University Kansas CityOttawa University MilwaukeeOttawa University PhoenixOtterbein UniversityOuachita Baptist UniversityOuachita Technical CollegeOur Lady of Holy Cross CollegeOur Lady of the Lake CollegeOur Lady of the Lake UniversityOwens Community CollegeOwensboro Cmty & Technical CollegeOxford Graduate SchoolOxnard CollegeOzark Christian CollegeOzarka CollegeOzarks Technical Community CollegeP&A Scholars Beauty SchoolPa St Grt Vlly Sch of Grad Prof StdPa State Sys Higher Ed Off of ChancPace InstitutePace UniversityPacific Col of Oriental MedicinePacific Coll of Oriental MedicinePacific CollegePacific Islands Bible CollegePacific Lutheran Theol SeminaryPacific Lutheran UniversityPacific Northwest College of ArtPacific Oaks CollegePacific School of ReligionPacific States UniversityPacific Union CollegePacific UniversityPacifica Graduate InstitutePaducah Technical CollegePaier College of ArtPaine CollegePalm Beach Atlantic UniversityPalm Beach State CollegePalmer Col of Chiropractic-FloridaPalmer College of ChiropracticPalmer College of Chiropractic-WestPalmer Theological SeminaryPalo Alto UniversityPalo Verde CollegePalomar CollegePamlico Community CollegePanola CollegeParalegal InstituteýInc.Pardee Rand Grad Sch of Policy StdsParis Junior CollegePark UniversityParker UniversityParkland CollegePasadena City CollegePasco-Hernando State CollegePassaic County Community CollegePatricia Stevens CollegePatrick Henry CollegePatrick Henry Community CollegePatten UniversityPaul D. Camp Community CollegePaul Mitchell SchoolPaul Quinn CollegePaul Smith's Col of Arts & SciencesPayne Theological SeminaryPCI Health Training CenterPeabody Inst of Johns Hopkins UnivPeace CollegePearl River Community CollegePeirce CollegePellissippi State Tech Cmty CollegePeloton CollegePeninsula CollegePenn Commercial Business/Technical SchoolPenn Foster Career SchoolPenn Foster CollegePennco TechPennsylvania Academy of Fine ArtsPennsylvania Col of Art & DesignPennsylvania College of OptometryPennsylvania College of TechnologyPennsylvania Culinary InstitutePennsylvania Highlands Cmty ColPennsylvania Institute of TechPennsylvania School of BusinessPennsylvania State Univ-Univ ParkPennsylvania Western UniversityPennWest EdinboroPensacola Christian CollegePensacola State CollegePepperdine UniversityPer ScholasPeralta Cmty Colleges District OfcPerry Technical InstitutePeru State CollegePfeiffer UniversityPhiladelphia Col of Osteopathic MedPhiladelphia School of Radiologic TechPhiladelphia UniversityPhilander Smith CollegePhillip Beth Israel Sch of NursingPhillips Cmty Col-Univ of ArkansasPhillips Graduate InstitutePhillips Junior CollegePhillips Theological SeminaryPhillips University-OKPhoenix CollegePhoenix Inst of Herbal Med/AcupPhoenix SeminaryPickens Technical CollegePiedmont Baptist CollegePiedmont CollegePiedmont Community CollegePiedmont Technical CollegePiedmont Virginia Community CollegePierce College-WAPierpont Community & Tech CollegePikes Peak Community CollegePillsbury Baptist Bible CollegePima County Cmty College DistrictPima Medical Institute-AlbuquerquePima Medical Institute-Chula VistaPima Medical Institute-DenverPima Medical Institute-Las VegasPima Medical Institute-MesaPima Medical Institute-SeattlePima Medical Institute-TucsonPine Manor CollegePine Technical CollegePinellas Technical CollegePinnacle Career InstitutePinnacle Health School of RadiographyPioneer Pacific CollegePitt Community CollegePittsburg State UniversityPittsburgh Inst of Mortuary SciencePittsburgh Institute of AeronauticsPittsburgh Technical CollegePittsburgh Theological SeminaryPitzer CollegePlatt CollegePlatt CollegePlatt CollegePlatt CollegePlatt CollegePlatt CollegePlatt CollegeýSan DiegoPlaza CollegePlymouth State UniversityPoint Loma Nazarene UniversityPoint Park UniversityPoint UniversityPolk State CollegePolytechnic Univ of the AmericasPolytechnic UniversityPomona CollegePonce Paramedical CollegePonce School of MedicinePont Catholic Univ of Pr-AreciboPont Catholic Univ of Pr-MayaguezPontifical Catholic Univ of PrPontifical College JosephinumPontificia Univ Catolica de PRPorterville CollegePortland Community CollegePortland State UniversityPost UniversityPotomac CollegePotomac CollegePotomac Massage Training InstitutePotomac State Colege of Wv UnivPrairie State CollegePrairie View a & M UniversityPratt Community CollegePratt InstitutePrecision Manufacturing InstitutePresbyterian CollegePrescott CollegePresentation CollegePrince George's Community CollegePrince Inst of Professional StudiesPrince William Sound Cmty CollegePrinceton Theological SeminaryPrinceton UniversityPrincipia CollegeProfessional Business CollegeProfessional Golfers Career CollegeProfessional Skills InstituteProfessional Training CenterProtestant Episcopal Theol SeminaryProvidence CollegeProvo CollegePueblo Community CollegePuerto Rico Tech Junior CollýInc.Pulaski Technical CollegePurchase CollegeýSunyPurdue Univ North Central CampusPurdue University CalumetPurdue University GlobalPurdue University Main CampusPurpose Institute InternationalQuality College of Culinary CareersQuantic School of Business & TechnologyQueens University of CharlotteQuincy CollegeQuincy UniversityQuinebaug Valley Community CollegeQuinnipiac UniversityQuinsigamond Community CollegeRab Col Bobover Yesh B'nei ZionRabbi Isaac Elchanan Theol SeminaryRabbi Jacob Joseph SchoolRabbin Academy Mesivta Rabbi BerlinRabbinical College Beth ShragaRabbinical College Ch'san SoferRabbinical College of AmericaRabbinical College of Long IslandRabbinical College of TelsheRabbinical College Ohr Shimon YisrRabbinical Seminary Adas YereimRabbinical Seminary M'kor ChaimRabbinical Seminary of AmericaRadford UniversityRainy River Community CollegeRamapo College of New JerseyRamirez College of Business & TechRancho Santiago Cmty Col DistrictRandolph CollegeRandolph Community CollegeRandolph-Macon CollegeRanger CollegeRanken Technical CollegeRappahannock Community CollegeRaritan Valley Community CollegeRasmussen CollegeRasmussen College - EaganRasmussen College - MankatoRasmussen College - MinnetonkaRasmussen College - St. CloudRaywood College of DuluthReading Area Community CollegeReconstructionist Rabbinical ColRed Rocks Community CollegeRedlands Community CollegeRedstone CollegeRedstone CollegeReed CollegeReedley CollegeReformed Presbyterian Theo SeminaryReformed Theological SeminaryReformed Theological SeminaryReformed Theological SeminaryReformed Theological SeminaryRegency Beauty InstituteRegent UniversityRegions UniversityRegis CollegeRegis UniversityReid State Technical CollegeReinhardt CollegeRelay Graduate School of EducationRelias LearningRemington CollegeRemington CollegeRemington CollegeRemington CollegeRemington College Cleveland CampusRemington College-Baton RougeRemington College-Colorado SpringsRemington College-Dallas CampusRemington College-Fort Worth CampusRemington College-Honolulu CampusRemington College-JacksonvilleRemington College-Lafayette CampusRemington College-Largo CampusRemington College-Little RockRemington College-Tampa CampusRemington College-Tempe CampusRemington CollegeýMobile CampusRend Lake CollegeRensselaer At HartfordRensselaer Polytechnic InstituteRenton Technical CollegeRescue CollegeResearch College of NursingRestaurant School/Walnut Hill ColRets Technical CenterRhode Island CollegeRhode Island School of DesignRhodes CollegeRhodes State CollegeRice UniversityRich Mountain Community CollegeRichard Bland CollegeRichland Community CollegeRichmond Community CollegeRider UniversityRidgewater CollegeRingling College of Art and DesignRio Hondo CollegeRipon CollegeRiver Parishes Community CollegeRiver Valley Community CollegeRiverland Community CollegeRiverside Community CollegeRivier CollegeRoane State Community CollegeRoanoke Bible CollegeRoanoke CollegeRoanoke-Chowan Community CollegeRobert B. Miller CollegeRobert Morris UniversityRobert Morris University IllinoisRoberts Wesleyan CollegeRobeson Community CollegeRochester Community & Tech CollegeRochester Educ Oppourtunity CenterRochester General College of Hlth CareersRochester Institute of TechnologyRochester UniversityRock Valley CollegeRockefeller UniversityRockford Career CollegeRockford CollegeRockhurst UniversityRockingham Community CollegeRockland Community CollegeRocky Mountain Col of Art & DesignRocky Mountain CollegeRocky Mountain Univ Health ProfRoger Williams UniversityRogers State UniversityRogue Community CollegeRollins CollegeRoosevelt UniversityRosalind Franklin U of Med/ScienceRose State CollegeRose-Hulman Institute of TechnologyRosedale Bible CollegeRosedale Technical InstituteRosemont CollegeRoss CollegeRoss Medical Education CenterRowan College at BurlingtonRowan College At Gloucester CountyRowan UniversityRowan-Cabarrus Community CollegeRoxbury Community CollegeRush UniversityRussell Sage CollegeRust CollegeRutgers State Univ - CamdenRutgers State Univ - NewarkRutgers State Univ Central OfficeSacramento City CollegeSacred Heart Major Seminary CollegeSacred Heart School of TheologySacred Heart UniversitySaddleback CollegeSAE InstituteSage College of AlbanySage Graduate SchoolSaginaw Chippewa Tribal CollegeSaginaw Valley State UniversitySaint Anselm CollegeSaint Charles Borromeo SeminarySaint Cloud Technical CollegeSaint Elizabeth UniversitySaint Francis UniversitySaint Gregory's UniversitySaint John's SeminarySaint John's SeminarySaint John's UniversitySaint Joseph College-CTSaint Joseph Seminary CollegeSaint Joseph's College-INSaint Joseph's College-MESaint Joseph's College-SuffolkSaint Joseph's CollegeýNew YorkSaint Joseph's SeminarySaint Joseph's UniversitySaint Leo UniversitySaint Louis Christian CollegeSaint Louis UniversitySaint Luke's CollegeSaint Martin's UniversitySaint Mary's CollegeSaint Mary's College of CaliforniaSaint Mary's Seminary & UniversitySaint Mary's University of MinnesotaSaint Mary-Of-The-Woods CollegeSaint Meinrad School of TheologySaint Michael's CollegeSaint Norbert CollegeSaint Paul CollegeSaint Paul School of TheologySaint Paul's CollegeSaint Paul's School of NursingSaint Peter's UniversitySaint Vincent CollegeSaint Vincent SeminarySaint Xavier UniversitySalem CollegeSalem Community CollegeSalem International UniversitySalem State CollegeSalisbury UniversitySalish Kootenai CollegeSalon Schools GroupSalt Lake Community CollegeSalter CollegeSalvation Army Sch Ofcr TrainingSalve Regina UniversitySam Houston State UniversitySamford UniversitySampson Community CollegeSamra Univ of Oriental MedicineSamuel Merritt CollegeSan Bernardino Valley CollegeSan Diego Christian CollegeSan Diego Community College DistrictSan Diego State UniversitySan Francisco Art InstituteSan Francisco Conservatory of MusicSan Francisco State UniversitySan Francisco Theological SeminarySan Jacinto CollegeSan Joaquin College of LawSan Joaquin Delta CollegeSan Joaquin Valley Col Rnch CucmngaSan Joaquin Valley Col-SacramentoSan Joaquin Valley Coll-BakersfieldSan Joaquin Valley CollegeSan Joaquin Valley College-FresnoSan Joaquin Valley College-FresnoSan Joaquin Valley College-ModestoSan Jose City CollegeSan Jose State UniversitySan Jose/Evergreen Cmty Col DistSan Juan Bautista Sch of MedicineSan Juan CollegeSan Mateo County Cc District OfficeSandersville Technical CollegeSandhills Community CollegeSandusky Career CenterSanford-Brown CollegeSanford-Brown College -CollinsvilleSanford-Brown College-HazelwoodSanford-Brown College-Saint PetersSanford-Brown College-TampaSanford-Brown Inst-Ft. LauderdaleSanford-Brown Institute--HoustonSanford-Brown Institute-JacksonvilleSanford-Brown Institute-MelvilleSanford-Brown Institute-New YorkSanford-Brown Institute-PittsburghSanta Ana CollegeSanta Barbara Business CollegeSanta Barbara Business CollegeSanta Barbara Business CollegeSanta Barbara Business CollegeSanta Barbara City CollegeSanta Barbara Col Oriental MedicineSanta Clara UniversitySanta Fe Community College-FLSanta Fe Community College-NMSanta Monica CollegeSanta Rosa Junior CollegeSantiago Canyon CollegeSarah Lawrence CollegeSauk Valley Community CollegeSavannah College of Art and DesignSavannah State UniversitySavannah Technical CollegeSaybrook Graduate SchoolSaylor AcademySch of Avanced Air/Space StudiesSch of the Museum Fine Arts-BostonSchenectady County Cmty CollegeSchiller International UniversitySchool for International TrainingSchool of Advertising ArtSchool of Communication ArtsSchool of the Art Institute ChicagoSchool of Urban MissionsSchool of Urban Missions-OaklandSchool of Visual ArtsSchoolcraft CollegeSchreiner UniversitySchuylkill Inst of Business & TechScott College of CosmetologyScottsdale Culinary InstituteScripps CollegeSd State Board of Regents Sys OfcSE Mo Hosp Coll Nurs & Health SciSeabury-Western Theol SeminarySeattle Central Community CollegeSeattle Community Coll District OfcSeattle Inst of Oriental MedicineSeattle Pacific UniversitySeattle UniversitySelma UniversitySeminary of Immaculate ConceptionSeminole State CollegeSeminole State College of FloridaSentara Norfolk General Hospital-VASessions CollegeSeton Hall UniversitySeton Hall University School of LawSeton Hill UniversitySewanne:the University of the SouthSeward County Community CollegeSh'or Yoshuv Rabbinical CollegeShasta Bible Col & Graduate SchoolShasta CollegeShaw UniversityShawnee Community CollegeShawnee State UniversitySheldon Jackson CollegeShelton State Community CollegeShenandoah UniversityShepherd UniversityShepherd UniversitySherman College of Straight ChiroShi Integrative Medial Massage SchoolShimer CollegeShippensburg University of PaShoreline Community CollegeShorter UniversitySiena CollegeSiena Heights UniversitySierra CollegeSierra Nevada CollegeSilicon Valley UniversitySilver Lake CollegeSimmons CollegeSimmons Inst of Funeral ServiceSimon's Rock College of BardSimpson CollegeSimpson UniversitySinclair Community CollegeSinte Gleska UniversitySioux Falls SeminarySisseton-Wahpeton Community CollegeSitting Bull CollegeSkagit Valley CollegeSkidmore CollegeSkyline CollegeSlippery Rock University of PaSmith CollegeSnead State Community CollegeSnow CollegeSojourner-Douglass CollegeSoka University of AmericaSolano Community CollegeSomerset Christian CollegeSomerset Community CollegeSonoma College-PetalumaSonoma College-San FranciscoSonoma State UniversitySonoran Desert InstituteSophia PathwaysSouth Arkansas Community CollegeSouth Baylo UniversitySouth Carolina State UniversitySouth Central CollegeSouth Coast CollegeSouth College-NCSouth College-TNSouth Dakota Sch of Mines & TechSouth Dakota State UniversitySouth Florida State CollegeSouth Georgia State CollegeSouth Georgia Technical CollegeSouth Hills School of Bus & TechSouth Louisiana Community CollegeSouth Orange County Cmty Col DistSouth Piedmont Community CollegeSouth Plains CollegeSouth Puget Sound Community CollegeSouth Seattle Community CollegeSouth Suburban Col of Cook CountySouth Texas CollegeSouth Texas College of LawSouth UniversitySouth UniversitySouth UniversitySouth University Columbia CampusSouthcentral Kentucky Community & TechSouthcentral Kentucky Community and Technical CollegeSoutheast Arkansas CollegeSoutheast Community CollegeSoutheast Kentucky Cmty/Tech CoSoutheast Missouri State UniversitySoutheast Technical InstituteSoutheastern Baptist CollegeSoutheastern Baptist Theol SeminarySoutheastern Beauty SchoolSoutheastern Bible CollegeSoutheastern Business CollegeSoutheastern Business CollegeSoutheastern Business CollegeSoutheastern Community College-IASoutheastern Community College-NCSoutheastern Free Will Baptist College-NCSoutheastern Illinois CollegeSoutheastern Louisiana UniversitySoutheastern Oklahoma State UnivSoutheastern Technical CollegeSoutheastern University-DCSoutheastern University-FLSouthern Adventist UniversitySouthern Arkansas UniversitySouthern Arkansas University TechSouthern Baptist Theol SeminarySouthern Calif College of OptometrySouthern Calif Inst of ArchitectureSouthern Calif Institute of TechSouthern Calif Univ of Health SciSouthern California SeminarySouthern Careers InstituteSouthern College of OptometrySouthern Connecticut State UnivSouthern Crescent Technical CollegeSouthern Evangelical SeminarySouthern Hills JVSDSouthern Illinois Univ CarbondaleSouthern Illinois Univ EdwardsvilleSouthern Illinois UniversitySouthern Maine Community CollegeSouthern Methodist CollegeSouthern Methodist UniversitySouthern Nazarene UniversitySouthern New England School of LawSouthern New Hampshire UniversitySouthern Oregon UniversitySouthern Polytechnic State UnivSouthern State Community CollegeSouthern Un At Shreveport-LouisianaSouthern Union State Cmty CollegeSouthern Univ & A&m Col Baton RgeSouthern Univ & A&m Col Sys OfcSouthern University - LASouthern University and A&MSouthern University At New OrleansSouthern Utah UniversitySouthern Vermont CollegeSouthern Virginia UniversitySouthern Wesleyan UniversitySouthern West Virginia Comm/Tech ColgSouthside Virginia Community ColSouthwest Acupuncture CollegeSouthwest Baptist UniversitySouthwest Bible College and SeminarySouthwest Florida CollegeSouthwest Institute of Healing ArtsSouthwest Institute of TechnologySouthwest Minnesota State UnivSouthwest Mississippi Cmty CollegeSouthwest Tennessee Community CollegeSouthwest Texas Junior CollegeSouthwest UniversitySouthwest Virginia Community ColSouthwest WI Technical CollegeSouthwestern Adventist UniversitySouthwestern Assemblies of God UnivSouthwestern Baptist Theol SeminarySouthwestern Christian CollegeSouthwestern Christian UniversitySouthwestern CollegeSouthwestern College of BusinessSouthwestern College-KSSouthwestern Community College-IASouthwestern Community College-NCSouthwestern Illinois CollegeSouthwestern Michigan CollegeSouthwestern Oklahoma State Univ.Southwestern Oregon Community ColSouthwestern Univ School of LawSouthwestern UniversitySowela Technical Community CollegeSpalding UniversitySpanTran - The Evaluation CompanySpartan Col Aeronautics/TechnologySpartanburg Community CollegeSpartanburg Methodist CollegeSpelman CollegeSpencerian CollegeSpencerian CollegeSpertus CollegeSpokane Community CollegeSpokane Falls Community CollegeSpoon River CollegeSpring Arbor UniversitySpring Hill CollegeSpringfield CollegeSpringfield College in IllinoisSpringfield Regional School of NursingSpringfield Technical Community ColSs. Cyril and Methodius SeminarySt Francis Med Ctr Col of NursingSt Francis School of RadiographySt Louis Col Hlth Career-Fntn CampSt Louis Col Hlth Careers-S TaylorSt Mary of the Plains CollegeSt Mary Seminary & Graduate SchoolSt Patrick's Seminary & UniversitySt Tikhon's Orthodox Theol SeminarySt Vincent's Hospital School of NursingSt Vladimir Orthodox Theol SeminarySt. Ambrose UniversitySt. Andrews Presbyterian CollegeSt. Anthony College of NursingSt. Augustine CollegeSt. Augustine's UniversitySt. Basil College SeminarySt. Bernard's Sch of Theol/MinistrySt. Bonaventure UniversitySt. Catharine CollegeSt. Catherine UniversitySt. Charles Community CollegeSt. Clair County Community CollegeSt. Cloud State UniversitySt. Cloud Technical & Community CollegeSt. Edward's UniversitySt. Elizabeth College of NursingSt. Francis CollegeSt. John Fisher UniversitySt. John Vianney College SeminarySt. John Vianney Theol SeminarySt. John's CollegeSt. John's CollegeSt. John's CollegeSt. John's UniversitySt. Johns River State CollegeSt. Joseph School of NursingSt. Joseph's UniversitySt. Lawrence UniversitySt. Louis College of PharmacySt. Louis Community CollegeSt. Luke's CollegeSt. Mary's College of MarylandSt. Mary's UniversitySt. Olaf CollegeSt. Petersburg CollegeSt. Petersburg Theological SeminarySt. Thomas Aquinas CollegeSt. Thomas UniversitySt. Vincent Catholic Med Ctrs of NySt. Vincent de Paul Reg SeminarySt. Vincent's CollegeStanbridge UniversityStanford UniversityStanly Community CollegeStark State CollegeStarr King School for the MinistryState Center Cmty College DistrictState College of FloridaState Fair Community CollegeStautzenberger CollegeStephen F. Austin State UniversityStephens CollegeSterling CollegeSterling CollegeStetson UniversityStevens Institute of Business and ArtsStevens Institute of TechnologyStevens-Henager CollegeStevens-Henager CollegeStevens-Henager CollegeStevenson UniversityStillman CollegeStockton UniversityStone Child CollegeStonehill CollegeStraighterLineStratford UniversityStrayer UniversityStudy.ComSuffolk County Community CollegeSuffolk Cty C.C.Suffolk Cty Cmty Coll Central AdminSuffolk UniversitySul Ross State UniversitySullivan College of Technology & DesignSullivan County Community CollegeSullivan UniversitySummit Academy OICSummit Salon AcademySunbridge CollegeSUNY At AlbanySUNY At BinghamtonSUNY At FredoniaSUNY At New PaltzSUNY At Stony BrookSUNY Canton-College of TechnologySUNY Col Envrnmtl Sci & ForestrySUNY College At BrockportSUNY College At BuffaloSUNY College At CortlandSUNY College At GeneseoSuny College At MorrisvilleSUNY College At Old WestburySUNY College At OneontaSUNY College At OswegoSUNY College At PlattsburghSUNY College At PotsdamSuny College of New York At CobleskillSUNY College of OptometrySUNY College of Tech At AlfredSUNY College of Tech At DelhiSUNY Empire State CollegeSUNY Health Science Ctr At BrooklynSUNY Maritime CollegeSUNY Polytechnic InstituteSUNY System OfficeSUNY Upstate Medical UniversitySurry Community CollegeSusquehanna UniversitySussex County Community CollegeSW Col of Naturopathic Med/Hlth SciSW Indian Polytechic InstituteSwainsboro Technical CollegeSwarthmore CollegeSwedish Inst College of Health SciSweet Briar CollegeSyracuse University Main CampusTabor CollegeTacoma Community College-WATaft CollegeTalladega CollegeTallahassee Community CollegeTalmudic College of FloridaTalmudic Institute Upstate New YorkTalmudical Academy of New JerseyTalmudical Seminary of BobovTalmudical Seminary Oholei TorahTalmudical Yeshiva of PhiladelphiaTarleton State UniversityTarrant County CollegeTaylor Business InstituteTaylor CollegeTaylor UniversityTaylor UniversityýFort WayneTDDS Technical InstituteTeachers CollegeýColumbia UnivTechnical Career InstitutesTechnical College of the LowcountryTechnical College of the RockiesTechnology Education CollegeTechSkillsTeikyo Loretto Heights UniversityTelshe Yeshiva-ChicagoTemple Baptist SeminaryTemple CollegeTemple UniversityTennessee Board of Regents OfficeTennessee College of Applied TechnologyTennessee State UniversityTennessee Tech Center-MurfreesboroTennessee Technological UniversityTennessee Temple UniversityTennessee Wesleyan CollegeTerra State Community CollegeTesst College of TechnologyTesst College of TechnologyTesst College of TechnologyTesst College of TechnologyTexarkana CollegeTexas A & M - Central TexasTexas A & M UniversityTexas a & M University - CommerceTexas a & M University - KingsvilleTexas a & M University At GalvestonTexas A&m International UniversityTexas A&m System Health Sci CenterTexas A&m University - TexarkanaTexas A&m University-Corpus ChristiTexas A&m University-KingsvilleTexas A&M University-San AntonioTexas Chiropractic CollegeTexas Christian UniversityTexas Col Traditional Chinese MedTexas CollegeTexas Culinary AcademyTexas Lutheran UniversityTexas School of BusinessTexas Southern UniversityTexas Southmost CollegeTexas State Tech Coll MarshallTexas State Tech College HarlingenTexas State Tech College System OfcTexas State Technical Col W. TexasTexas State Technical College WacoTexas State University-San MarcosTexas Tech UniversityTexas Tech University Health Sci CtTexas Wesleyan UniversityTexas Woman's UniversityThaddeus Stevens Col of TechnologyThe American CollegeThe Art Center Design CollegeThe Art Center Design CollegeThe Art Inst of Ca-San FransicoThe Art Institute of AtlantaThe Art Institute of CaliforniaThe Art Institute of CharlotteThe Art Institute of CincinnatiThe Art Institute of ColoradoThe Art Institute of HoustonThe Art Institute of IndianapolisThe Art Institute of Las VegasThe Art Institute of New York CityThe Art Institute of PhoenixThe Art Institute of PortlandThe Art Institute of SeattleThe Art Institute of WashingonThe Art InstitutesThe Baptist College of FloridaThe Bryman SchoolThe Catholic Distance UniversityThe Catholic University of AmericaThe Chicago School of Professional PsychologyThe Christ College of Nursing and Health SciencesThe Citadel Military College of ScThe Colburn SchoolThe College of IdahoThe College of New JerseyThe College of New RochelleThe College of Office TechnologyThe College of Saint ScholasticaThe College of Saint Thomas MoreThe College of St ScholasticaThe College of WestchesterThe Creative CenterThe Defiance CollegeThe Evergreen State CollegeThe Golf Academy of HawaiiThe Illinois Inst of Art-SchaumburgThe Illinois Institute of ArtThe Institute of World PoliticsThe Institutes TrainingThe Jag Legal Center & SchoolThe Juilliard SchoolThe King's CollegeThe King's College and SeminaryThe King's UniversityThe Master's College and SeminaryThe Modern College of DesignThe National Hispanic UniversityThe New England Coll of OptometryThe New England Institute of ArtThe New School: a UniversityThe Ohio Society of CPAsThe Pja SchoolThe Psychological Studies InstituteThe Refrigeration SchoolThe Salvation Army Ofr Trng CrestmtThe Sawyer SchoolThe Scripps Research InstituteThe Texas A&m Univ System OfficeThe Texas State University SystemThe Univ System of Maryland OfficeThe University of AlabamaThe University of Maine At AugustaThe University of MemphisThe University of Montana - WesternThe University of Montana-MissoulaThe University of ScrantonThe University of South DakotaThe University of the ArtsThe University of West AlabamaThe Wright InstituteThiel CollegeThomas Aquinas CollegeThomas CollegeThomas Edison State CollegeThomas Jefferson School of LawThomas Jefferson UniversityThomas M. Cooley Law SchoolThomas More CollegeThomas More College of Liberal ArtsThomas UniversityThree Rivers Community CollegeThree Rivers Community-Tech CollegeThunderbird Sch of Global MgmtTidewater Community CollegeTidewater TechTiffin UniversityTiger Waking College of Asian MedTillamook Bay Community CollegeToccoa Falls CollegeTohono O'odham Community CollegeTompkins Cortland Community CollegeTorah Temimah Talmudical SeminaryTougaloo CollegeTouro CollegeTouro College Los AngelesTouro UniversityTouro University InternationalTowson UniversityTraditional Chinese Med Col of HiTranscript ResearchTranspacific Hawaii CollegeTransylvania UniversityTreasure Valley Community CollegeTrenholm State Technical CollegeTrevecca Nazarene UniversityTri-County Career Center JVSDTri-County Community CollegeTri-County Technical CollegeTri-State Bible CollegeTri-State Business InstituteTri-State College of AcupunctureTriangle TechTriangle TechTriangle Tech-Erie SchoolTriangle Tech-GreensburgTrident Technical CollegeTrident University InternationalTrine UniversityTrinidad State Junior CollegeTrinity Baptist CollegeTrinity Bible CollegeTrinity Christian CollegeTrinity Col Nursing/Hlth SciTrinity CollegeTrinity College of FloridaTrinity Episcopal School MinistryTrinity Health Sys Sch of NursTrinity International UniversityTrinity Intl UniversityýFl Reg CtrTrinity Life Bible CollegeTrinity Lutheran CollegeTrinity Lutheran SeminaryTrinity UniversityTrinity Valley Community CollegeTrinity Washington UniversityTriton CollegeTrocaire CollegeTroy UniversityTruckee Meadows Community CollegeTruett Mcconnell CollegeTruman State UniversityTrumbull Business CollegeTrumbull Career & Tech Ctr JVSTucker Career & Technology CenterTufts UniversityTUI UniversityTulane UniversityTulsa Community CollegeTulsa Welding SchoolTunxis Community CollegeTurtle Mountain Community CollegeTusco Beauty School-OHTusculum CollegeTuskegee UniversityTx A&m Hlth Sci Ctr Bylr Col DntyTyler Junior CollegeU.S. Career InstituteU.T.A. Mesivta of Kiryas JoelUEI CollegeUExcel ExamUlster County Community CollegeUltimate Medical Academy OnlineUmdnj-Grad Sch of Biomed SciencesUmdnj-New Jersey Dental SchoolUmdnj-New Jersey Medical SchoolUmdnj-Robert W Johnson Medical SchUmdnj-Sch of Osteopathic MedicineUmdnj-School of Health Related ProfUmdnj-School of NursingUmdnj-School of Public HealthUmpqua Community CollegeUnification Theological SeminaryUniformed Svcs Univ of Health SciUnion College-KYUnion College-NEUnion College-NYUnion County CollegeUnion Graduate CollegeUnion Institute & UniversityUnion Theological SeminaryUnion Theological Seminary/Pres SchUnion UniversityUnited States Air Force AcademyUnited States Army War CollegeUnited States Coast Guard AcademyUnited States Military AcademyUnited States Naval AcademyUnited States Sports AcademyUnited States UniversityUnited Talmudical SeminaryUnited Theol Seminary-Twin CitiesUnited Theological SeminaryUnited Tribes Technical CollegeUnitek College-CAUnity CollegeUniv Adventista de Las AntillasUniv of Alaska Statewide SystemUniv of Arkansas At MonticelloUniv of Arkansas At Pine BluffUniv of Arkansas Cc At BatesvilleUniv of Arkansas Cc At HopeUniv of Arkansas Cmty Col/MorriltonUniv of Arkansas for Medical SciUniv of Arkansas Little RockUniv of California Ofc of PresidentUniv of California-Hastings Col LawUniv of California-San FranciscoUniv of California-Santa BarbaraUniv of Colorado At Colorado SpringUniv of Colorado At Denver & HscUniv of Colorado System OfficeUniv of Connecticut Health CenterUniv of Hawaii Cmty CollegeUniv of Hawaii Community CollegesUniv of Hawaii Honolulu Cmty ColUniv of Hawaii Kauai Cmty CollegeUniv of Hawaii Leeward Cmty ColUniv of Hawaii Maui Cmty CollegeUniv of Hawaii Windward Cmty ColUniv of Illinois University AdminUniv of Maryland Eastern ShoreUniv of Massachusetts DartmouthUniv of Massachusetts WorcesterUniv of Medicine & Dentistry of NjUniv of Mississippi Medical CenterUniv of Montana-Helena Col of TechUniv of Montana-Missoula Col TechUniv of Nc General AdministrationUniv of NebraskaUniv of New Hampshire At ManchesterUniv of New Mexico Gallup BranchUniv of New Mexico Main CampusUniv of North Carolina Chapel HillUniv of North Carolina CharlotteUniv of North Carolina GreensboroUniv of North Carolina PembrokeUniv of North Carolina WilmingtonUniv of North Dakota Main CampusUniv of Puerto Rico At AreciboUniv of Puerto Rico-Bayamon UnivUniv of Puerto Rico-Carolina UnivUniv of Puerto Rico-Central AdminUniv of Puerto Rico-MayaguezUniv of Puerto Rico-Medical SciUniv of Puerto Rico-Rio PiedrasUniv of Saint Mary Lake-MundeleinUniv of Science & Arts of OklahomaUniv of Sciences in PhiladelphiaUniv of So Florida St. PetersburgUniv of South Carolina AikenUniv of South Carolina BeaufortUniv of South Carolina LancasterUniv of South Carolina SalkehatchieUniv of South Carolina SumterUniv of South Carolina UnionUniv of South Carolina UpstateUniv of South Carolina-ColumbiaUniv of St Augustine for Health SciUniv of Tennessee ChattanoogaUniv of Tennessee Health Sci CenterUniv of Texas of the Permian BasinUniv of Texas SystemUniv of the District of ColumbiaUniv Oklahoma Health Science CenterUniv Texas SW Medical Center-DallasUniversal College of Healing ArtsUniversal Technical InstituteUniversal Technology College of PrUniversidad Ana G. MendezUniversidad Central Del CaribeUniversidad Del EsteUniversidad Del TuraboUniversidad Flet/Flet UniversityUniversidad MetropolitanaUniversidad Politecnica de PrUniversity of Advancing TechnologyUniversity of Akron - Main CampusUniversity of Alabama At BirminghamUniversity of Alabama in HuntsvilleUniversity of Alabama System OfficeUniversity of Alaska AnchorageUniversity of Alaska FairbanksUniversity of Alaska SoutheastUniversity of Antelope ValleyUniversity of ArizonaUniversity of Arizona Global CampusUniversity of Arkansas Fort SmithUniversity of Arkansas GranthamUniversity of Arkansas Main CampusUniversity of Arkansas System OfcUniversity of BaltimoreUniversity of BridgeportUniversity of California-BerkeleyUniversity of California-DavisUniversity of California-IrvineUniversity of California-Los AngelesUniversity of California-RiversideUniversity of California-San DiegoUniversity of California-Santa CruzUniversity of Central ArkansasUniversity of Central FloridaUniversity of Central MissouriUniversity of Central OklahomaUniversity of Central TexasUniversity of CharlestonUniversity of ChicagoUniversity of Cincinnati All CampusesUniversity of Colorado DenverUniversity of Colorado-BoulderUniversity of ConnecticutUniversity of DallasUniversity of DaytonUniversity of DelawareUniversity of DenverUniversity of Detroit MercyUniversity of DubuqueUniversity of East-West MedicineUniversity of EvansvilleUniversity of FindlayUniversity of FloridaUniversity of GeorgiaUniversity of GuamUniversity of HartfordUniversity of Hawaii At HiloUniversity of Hawaii At ManoaUniversity of Hawaii West OahuUniversity of HoustonUniversity of Houston - Clear LakeUniversity of Houston - DowntownUniversity of Houston - VictoriaUniversity of Houston SystemUniversity of IdahoUniversity of Illinois At ChicagoUniversity of Illinois At SpringfieldUniversity of Illinois At Urbana-ChampaignUniversity of IndianapolisUniversity of IowaUniversity of Kansas Main CampusUniversity of Kansas Medical CenterUniversity of KentuckyUniversity of La VerneUniversity of Louisiana At MonroeUniversity of Louisiana LafayetteUniversity of Louisiana System OfcUniversity of LouisvilleUniversity of MaineUniversity of Maine At FarmingtonUniversity of Maine At Fort KentUniversity of Maine At MachiasUniversity of Maine At Presque IsleUniversity of Maine System OfficeUniversity of Management & TechUniversity of MaryUniversity of Mary Hardin-BaylorUniversity of Mary WashingtonUniversity of Maryland BaltimoreUniversity of Maryland Baltimore CountyUniversity of Maryland College ParkUniversity of Maryland Global CampusUniversity of Massachuetts BostonUniversity of MassachusettsUniversity of Massachusetts BostonUniversity of Massachusetts GlobalUniversity of Massachusetts LowellUniversity of MiamiUniversity of Michigan-DearbornUniversity of Michigan-FlintUniversity of Minnesota-CrookstonUniversity of Minnesota-DuluthUniversity of Minnesota-MorrisUniversity of Minnesota-Twin CitiesUniversity of Missouri - ColumbiaUniversity of Missouri - Kansas CityUniversity of Missouri - RollaUniversity of Missouri - Saint LouisUniversity of MobileUniversity of MontevalloUniversity of Mount UnionUniversity of Nebraska At KearneyUniversity of Nebraska At OmahaUniversity of Nebraska Medical CtrUniversity of Nevada - Las VegasUniversity of Nevada - RenoUniversity of New EnglandUniversity of New HampshireUniversity of New HavenUniversity of New MexicoUniversity of New Mexico-Los AlamosUniversity of New Mexico-TaosUniversity of New Mexico-ValenciaUniversity of New OrleansUniversity of North AlabamaUniversity of North Carolina AshevilleUniversity of North Carolina At Chapel HillUniversity of North FloridaUniversity of North GeorgiaUniversity of North TexasUniversity of North Texas H.S.C.University of Northern ColoradoUniversity of Northern IowaUniversity of Northern VirginiaUniversity of Northwestern - St. PaulUniversity of Northwestern OhioUniversity of Notre DameUniversity of Oklahoma NormanUniversity of OregonUniversity of PennsylvaniaUniversity of PhoenixUniversity of PikevilleUniversity of PittsburghUniversity of PortlandUniversity of ProvidenceUniversity of Puerto Rico At CayeyUniversity of Puerto Rico At PonceUniversity of Puerto Rico At UtuadoUniversity of Puerto Rico-AguadillaUniversity of Puerto Rico-HumacaoUniversity of Puget SoundUniversity of RedlandsUniversity of Rhode IslandUniversity of RichmondUniversity of Rio GrandeUniversity of RochesterUniversity of Saint FrancisUniversity of Saint MaryUniversity of San DiegoUniversity of San FranciscoUniversity of Sioux FallsUniversity of South AlabamaUniversity of South FloridaUniversity of Southern CaliforniaUniversity of Southern IndianaUniversity of Southern MaineUniversity of Southern MississippiUniversity of Southern NevadaUniversity of St. FrancisUniversity of St. ThomasUniversity of St. ThomasUniversity of TampaUniversity of TennesseeUniversity of Tennessee At MartinUniversity of Tennessee SouthernUniversity of Texas At ArlingtonUniversity of Texas At AustinUniversity of Texas At BrownsvilleUniversity of Texas At DallasUniversity of Texas At El PasoUniversity of Texas At San AntonioUniversity of Texas At TylerUniversity of Texas Hsc At HoustonUniversity of Texas HSC San AntonioUniversity of Texas Md AndersonUniversity of Texas Medical BranchUniversity of Texas Rio Grande ValleyUniversity of The CumberlandsUniversity of the Incarnate WordUniversity of the OzarksUniversity of the PacificUniversity of the PeopleUniversity of the RockiesUniversity of the Sacred HeartUniversity of the SouthwestUniversity of the Virgin IslandsUniversity of the WestUniversity of ToledoUniversity of TulsaUniversity of UtahUniversity of VermontUniversity of VirginiaUniversity of Virginia Col At WiseUniversity of WashingtonUniversity of West FloridaUniversity of West GeorgiaUniversity of Western StatesUniversity of Wisconsin CollegesUniversity of Wisconsin-Eau ClaireUniversity of Wisconsin-Green BayUniversity of Wisconsin-La CrosseUniversity of Wisconsin-MadisonUniversity of Wisconsin-MilwaukeeUniversity of Wisconsin-OshkoshUniversity of Wisconsin-PlattevilleUniversity of Wisconsin-River FallsUniversity of Wisconsin-Stevens PtUniversity of Wisconsin-StoutUniversity of Wisconsin-SuperiorUniversity of Wisconsin-WhitewaterUniversity of WyomingUniversity System of Georgia OfficeUniversity System of New HampshireUpper Iowa UniversityUrban College of BostonUrbana UniversityUrsinus CollegeUrsuline CollegeUs Army Command & Gen Staff ColUs Pc Tech Learning CenterUtah State UniversityUtah System of Higher EducationUtah Valley UniversityUtica School of CommerceUtica UniversityValdosta State UniversityValencia CollegeValley City State UniversityValley CollegeValley CollegeValley Forge Military CollegeValor Christian CollegeValparaiso UniversityVance-Granville Community CollegeVanderbilt UniversityVandercook College of MusicVanguard Univ of South CaliforniaVassar CollegeVatterott College-BerkeleyVatterott College-ClevelandVatterott College-Des MoinesVatterott College-JoplinVatterott College-Kansas CityVatterott College-MemphisVatterott College-Oklahoma CityVatterott College-OmahaVatterott College-Saint JosephVatterott College-SpringfieldVatterott College-Sunset HillsVatterott College-TulsaVaughn Col of Aeronautics & TechVennard CollegeVentura CollegeVentura County Cmty Coll Dist OfcVermilion Community CollegeVermont Law SchoolVermont State College System OfficeVermont Technical CollegeVernon CollegeVet Tech InstituteVictor Valley CollegeVictoria CollegeVilla Maria College of BuffaloVillanova UniversityVincennes UniversityVirginia Cmty College System OfficeVirginia CollegeVirginia College At AustinVirginia College At BirminghamVirginia College At JacksonVirginia College At MobileVirginia College At PensacolaVirginia College Corporate OfficeVirginia College Gulf CoastVirginia College Sch Business/HlthVirginia Commonwealth UniversityVirginia Highlands Community ColVirginia Intermont CollegeVirginia International UniversityVirginia Marti Col of Art & DesignVirginia Military InstituteVirginia Peninsula Community CollegeVirginia Poly Inst & State UnivVirginia State UniversityVirginia Union UniversityVirginia Wesleyan CollegeVirginia Western Community CollegeVisible Sch-Music/Worship Arts ColVista CollegeViterbo UniversityVolunteer State Community CollegeVoorhees CollegeW.L. Bonner CollegeWade College InfomartWagner CollegeWake Forest UniversityWake Technical Community CollegeWalden UniversityWaldorf UniversityWalla Walla Community CollegeWalla Walla UniversityWallace Community CollegeWallace State Cmty Coll-HancevilleWalsh Col of Accountacy & Bus AdmnWalsh UniversityWalters State Community CollegeWarner Pacific CollegeWarner Southern CollegeWarren County Community CollegeWarren Wilson CollegeWartburg CollegeWartburg Theological SeminaryWashburn UniversityWashington Adventist UniversityWashington and Jefferson CollegeWashington and Lee UniversityWashington Bible Col/Cap Bible SemWashington CollegeWashington County Community CollegeWashington State College of OhioWashington State UniversityWashington Theological UnionWashington University in St. LouisWashington University of VirginiaWashtenaw Community CollegeWatkins College of Art & DesignWatts College of NursingWaubonsee Community CollegeWaukesha County Tech CollegeWaycross CollegeWayland Baptist UniversityWayne Adult Sch of Prac Nursing-OHWayne Community CollegeWayne County Community College DistWayne County JVSDWayne State CollegeWayne State UniversityWayne-Finger Lakes BOCESWaynesburg UniversityWeatherford CollegeWebb InstituteWebber International UniversityWeber State UniversityWebster CollegeWebster UniversityWeill Cornell Medical CollegeWelch CollegeWellesley CollegeWells CollegeWenatchee Valley CollegeWentworth Institute of TechnologyWentworth Military Academy/Jr ColWesley Biblical SeminaryWesley CollegeWesley CollegeWesley Theological SeminaryWesleyan CollegeWesleyan UniversityWest Central Technical CollegeWest Chester University of PaWest Coast UniversityWest Georgia Technical CollegeWest Hills CollegeWest Kentucky Cmty & Tech ColWest Liberty UniversityWest Los Angeles CollegeWest Shore Community CollegeWest Suburban College of NursingWest Texas A&m UniversityWest Valley CollegeWest Valley-Mission C C DistrictWest Virginia Business CollegeWest Virginia Business CollegeWest Virginia Career InstituteWest Virginia Junior CollegeWest Virginia Junior CollegeWest Virginia Northern Community CollegeWest Virginia School of Osteo MedWest Virginia State UniversityWest Virginia Univ At ParkersburgWest Virginia Univ Inst of TechWest Virginia UniversityWest Virginia Wesleyan CollegeWestchester Community CollegeWestern Career CollegeWestern Career CollegeWestern Career CollegeWestern Career CollegeWestern Career CollegeWestern Career CollegeWestern Career CollegeWestern Career College-San JoseWestern Carolina UniversityWestern Connecticut State UnivWestern Culinary InstituteWestern Dakota Technical InstituteWestern Governors UniversityWestern Illinois UniversityWestern International UniversityWestern Iowa Tech Community CollegeWestern Kentucky UniversityWestern Michigan UniversityWestern Nebraska Community CollegeWestern Nevada CollegeWestern New England UniversityWestern New Mexico UniversityWestern Oklahoma State CollegeWestern Oregon UniversityWestern Piedmont Community CollegeWestern Sch of Health & Bus CareersWestern Sch of Health & Bus CareersWestern SeminaryWestern State CollegeWestern State Univ College of LawWestern Suffolk BocesWestern Technical College-TXWestern Technical College-WIWestern Technical InstituteWestern Texas CollegeWestern Theological SeminaryWestern Univ of Health SciencesWestern Washington UniversityWestern Wyoming Community CollegeWestfield State CollegeWestminster CollegeWestminster CollegeWestminster CollegeWestminster Theological SeminaryWestminster Theological SeminaryWestmont CollegeWestmoreland County Community ColWeston Jesuit School of TheologyWestwood CollegeWharton County Junior CollegeWhatcom Community CollegeWheaton CollegeWheaton CollegeWheeling Hospital Radiology Program-WVWheeling Jesuit UniversityWheelock CollegeWhite Earth Tribal/Community ColWhite Mountains Community CollegeWhitman CollegeWhittier CollegeWhitworth UniversityWichita Area Technical CollegeWichita State UniversityWichita State University-Applied Sci & TechWidener UniversityWidener University School of LawWilberforce UniversityWiley CollegeWilkes Community CollegeWilkes UniversityWillamette UniversityWilliam Carey UniversityWilliam Howard Taft UniversityWilliam Jessup UniversityWilliam Jewell CollegeWilliam Mitchell College of LawWilliam Paterson University of NjWilliam Penn UniversityWilliam Woods UniversityWilliams Baptist CollegeWilliams CollegeWilliamsburg Technical CollegeWilliamson Christian CollegeWilliamson Free Sch of Mech TradesWilliston State CollegeWilmington College-OHWilmington University-DEWilson CollegeWilson Community CollegeWinebrenner Theological SeminaryWingate UniversityWinner Inst of Arts & SciencesWinona State UniversityWinston-Salem State UniversityWinthrop UniversityWiregrass Georgia Technical CollegeWisc Sch of Professional PsychologyWisconsin Lutheran CollegeWisconsin Technical Col SystemWittenberg UniversityWofford CollegeWolford CollegeWon Institute of Graduate StudiesWood Tobe-Coburn SchoolWoodbury CollegeWoodbury UniversityWoodland Community CollegeWoods Hole Oceanographic InstWor-Wic Community CollegeWorcester Polytechnic InstituteWorcester State CollegeWorld CollegeWorld Education ServicesWorld Medicine InstituteWorld Mission UniversityWorsham College of Mortuary ScienceWright State UniversityWv Council Cmty/Tech Col EducWv Higher Educ Policy CommissionWyoming Technical InstituteWyotechWyotechWyotechWyotech-BlairsvilleWytheville Community CollegeXavier UniversityXavier University of LouisianaYakima Valley Community CollegeYale UniversityYavapai CollegeYesh Karlin Stolin Beth Aaron InstYeshiva & Kolel Bais Medrash ElyonYeshiva and Kollel Harbotzas TorahYeshiva Beth MosheYeshiva Beth YehudaYeshiva Col of the Nation's CapitalYeshiva D'monsey Rabbinical CollegeYeshiva Derech ChaimYeshiva Gedolah Imrei YosefYeshiva Gedolah Rabbinical CollegeYeshiva Mikdash MelechYeshiva of Far RockawayYeshiva of Machzikai HadasYeshiva of Nitra Rabbinical CollegeYeshiva of the Telshe AlumniYeshiva Ohr Elchonon ChabadYeshiva Shaar Hatorah-GrodnoYeshiva Shaarei Torah of RocklandYeshiva Toras ChaimYeshiva Toras Chaim Talmudical SemYeshiva UniversityYeshiva Zichron AryehYeshivas NovominskYeshivath ViznitzYeshivath Zichron MosheYo San Univ of Trad Chinese MedYork CollegeYork College of PennsylvaniaYork County Community CollegeYork Technical CollegeYorktowne Business InstituteYosemite Community College DistrictYoung Harris CollegeYoungstown State UniversityYTI Career InstituteYuba CollegeZane State CollegeZarem/Golde Ort TechnicalZion Bible College

Add the professional training and certificates you have completed. If you completed your training or certificates at a college or university, please enter them under the COLLEGE COURSES tab.

+ Add Organization
Adult Center for EducationAmazon Web Services, Inc.American Health Information Mgmt AssociationApollo Career CenterAshland County-West Holmes JVSAshtabula County JVSDAssociation of Certified Fraud ExaminersAuburn Career CenterAxelosBuckeye Hills Career CenterBuckeye JVSDButler Tech JVSDCareer and Technology Education Centers of Licking CountyCareerStepCertified Reg of Ethical Sec TestCertNexusCFA InstituteChoffin Career and Tech InstCisco Systems Inc-CACity of ColumbusCMMI InstituteCollins Career CenterColumbiana County Career CenterColumbus City Schools Adult Career and Technical EdComp TIA-ILConstruction Management Association of AmericaCoursera, Inc.Cuyahoga Valley Career CenterDeepLearning.AIDelaware Area Career Center JVSDDigital Forensics Cerification BoardEastland Fairfield Career/TechEC-Council UniversityEHOVE JVSDeLearnSecurityEPT WorksFBI National AcademyFinancial Industry Regulatory AuthorityFour County Career CenterýFour County Vocational SchoolFranklin County Sheriff's OfficeGlobal Association for Quality ManagementGoogleGoogleCloudGreat Oaks Institute of Technology & Career Deve-OhGreene County Career CenterHigh Tech Crime NetworkHubspotIACISIBMInformation Assurance Certification Review BoardInstitute for Supply ManagementInstitute of Integrative NutritionInternational Association of Privacy ProfessionalsInternational Society of Forensic Computer ExaminersInternational Sports Sciences AssociationIntuitISACAIsc^2Knox Technical CenterLaw Enforcement FoundationLife Office Management Assoc.Linux Professional InstituteLorain County JvsMacQuarie University - AustraliaManufacturing Skill Standard CouncilMedCertsMedina County CCMeta Platforms, Inc.Microsoft Certification-MiscellaneousMile2National Church ResidencesNLPA LearningNW3COccupational Safety and Health AdministrationOffensive SecurityOhio Certified Public Manager ProgramOhio Department of Rehabilitation and CorrectionOhio Dept. of Public SafetyOhio Fire Academy-OHOhio Fire Chief's AssociationOhio Hi-Point JVSDOhio Police Officer Training AcademyOhio State Highway Patrol AcademyOpen Text CorpOregon City Schools-OHPalo Alto NetworksPenta JVSDPentester AcademyPickaway Ross Career & Technology CenterPike County Career Tech CenterPioneer Career & Technology JVPolaris JVSDPortage Lakes CCProject Management InstituteRed HatSalesforce.Com, IncSAS Institute Inc.Scaled AgileScrum Alliance, IncScrum.OrgSociety for Human Resource ManagementSouthern Police InstituteStarr Commonwealth SchoolsSysAdmin, Audit, Network, and Security (SANS)TableauTRC HealthcareTri-Rivers Career CenterTrumball Career and Technical CenterUniversity of Michigan-Ann ArborUpper Valley JVSVanguard-Sentinel JVSDVantage JVSDWarren County Career CenterWashington County JVSDWayne County Schools Career Center HS-OHZero-Point Security

Select all the programs that you would like to compare.

Alpha Order
Applied Credits
Cost Savings
Grad Date
Applied Management0$0
Business Administration0$0
Business Administration0$0
Business Administration A.A.S.0$0
Business Forensics0$0
Cloud Computing0$0
Computer Science0$0
Computer Science0$0
Criminal Justice Admin.0$0
Criminal Justice Admin.0$0
Education - Adolescence to Young Adult0$0
Education - Intervention Spec. Mild to Moderate0$0
Education - Middle Childhood0$0
Education - Primary0$0
Education Studies0$0
Exercise Science0$0
Financial Management0$0
Financial Management0$0
Financial Planning0$0
Forensic Accounting0$0
Forensic Accounting0$0
Health Services0$0
Healthcare Administration0$0
Human Resources Management0$0
IT - Project Management A.A.S.0$0
Information Systems0$0
Information Technology0$0
Information Technology0$0
Management & Leadership0$0
Operations & Supply Chain Mgmt0$0
Public Health0$0
Public Safety A.A.S.0$0
Public Safety Management0$0
Social Sciences0$0
Sport Management0$0
User Exper. & Graphic Design0$0

Click or tap on a program to see additional transfer details.

You have not selected any programs. To compare you must first select a program from the Programs Tab.

0 of 64
0 of 124
0 of 120
Applied Management
0 of 124
Business Administration
0 of 64
Business Administration
0 of 124
Business Administration A.A.S.
0 of 60
Business Forensics
0 of 124
Cloud Computing
0 of 124
0 of 60
0 of 120
Computer Science
0 of 64
Computer Science
0 of 124
Criminal Justice Admin.
0 of 60
Criminal Justice Admin.
0 of 120
0 of 60
0 of 124
Education - Adolescence to Young Adult
0 of 120
Education - Intervention Spec. Mild to Moderate
0 of 120
Education - Middle Childhood
0 of 120
Education - Primary
0 of 120
Education Studies
0 of 120
Exercise Science
0 of 120
Financial Management
0 of 64
Financial Management
0 of 124
Financial Planning
0 of 124
Forensic Accounting
0 of 64
Forensic Accounting
0 of 124
Health Services
0 of 60
Healthcare Administration
0 of 120
Human Resources Management
0 of 124
IT - Project Management A.A.S.
0 of 60
Information Systems
0 of 124
Information Technology
0 of 60
Information Technology
0 of 124
Management & Leadership
0 of 124
0 of 124
0 of 120
Operations & Supply Chain Mgmt
0 of 126
0 of 120
Public Health
0 of 120
Public Safety A.A.S.
0 of 60
Public Safety Management
0 of 120
Social Sciences
0 of 120
Sport Management
0 of 120
User Exper. & Graphic Design
0 of 120


Applied Credits
Cost Savings
Grad Date

Applied Credits

0 of 64
  • 0 of your transfer credits apply to this degree (the maximum number of credits you can transfer is 44).
  • You have 44 remaining credits that can be fulfilled by transferring in other credits or by taking courses at Franklin University.
  • 20 of the 64 credits needed to complete this program must be taken at Franklin University.

A detailed course-by-course Degree Estimate can be found by expanding the groups below.

Cost Savings


Tuition Cost (With Transfer Credits)

Tuition Cost (No Transfer Credits)

Completion Date


Time to Complete (With Transfer Credits)


Time to Complete (No Transfer Credits)

Full Time Student
Part Time Student


Applied Credits
Cost Savings
Grad Date

Applied Credits

0 of 124
  • 0 of your transfer credits apply to this degree (the maximum number of credits you can transfer is 94).
  • You have 94 remaining credits that can be fulfilled by transferring in other credits or by taking courses at Franklin University.
  • 30 of the 124 credits needed to complete this program must be taken at Franklin University.

A detailed course-by-course Degree Estimate can be found by expanding the groups below.

Cost Savings


Tuition Cost (With Transfer Credits)

Tuition Cost (No Transfer Credits)

Completion Date


Time to Complete (With Transfer Credits)


Time to Complete (No Transfer Credits)

Full Time Student
Part Time Student


Applied Credits
Cost Savings
Grad Date

Applied Credits

0 of 120
  • 0 of your transfer credits apply to this degree (the maximum number of credits you can transfer is 90).
  • You have 90 remaining credits that can be fulfilled by transferring in other credits or by taking courses at Franklin University.
  • 30 of the 120 credits needed to complete this program must be taken at Franklin University.

A detailed course-by-course Degree Estimate can be found by expanding the groups below.

Cost Savings


Tuition Cost (With Transfer Credits)

Tuition Cost (No Transfer Credits)

Completion Date


Time to Complete (With Transfer Credits)


Time to Complete (No Transfer Credits)

Full Time Student
Part Time Student

BackApplied Management

Applied Credits
Cost Savings
Grad Date

Applied Credits

0 of 124
  • 0 of your transfer credits apply to this degree (the maximum number of credits you can transfer is 94).
  • You have 94 remaining credits that can be fulfilled by transferring in other credits or by taking courses at Franklin University.
  • 30 of the 124 credits needed to complete this program must be taken at Franklin University.

A detailed course-by-course Degree Estimate can be found by expanding the groups below.

Cost Savings


Tuition Cost (With Transfer Credits)

Tuition Cost (No Transfer Credits)

Completion Date


Time to Complete (With Transfer Credits)


Time to Complete (No Transfer Credits)

Full Time Student
Part Time Student

BackBusiness Administration

Applied Credits
Cost Savings
Grad Date

Applied Credits

0 of 64
  • 0 of your transfer credits apply to this degree (the maximum number of credits you can transfer is 44).
  • You have 44 remaining credits that can be fulfilled by transferring in other credits or by taking courses at Franklin University.
  • 20 of the 64 credits needed to complete this program must be taken at Franklin University.

A detailed course-by-course Degree Estimate can be found by expanding the groups below.

Cost Savings


Tuition Cost (With Transfer Credits)

Tuition Cost (No Transfer Credits)

Completion Date


Time to Complete (With Transfer Credits)


Time to Complete (No Transfer Credits)

Full Time Student
Part Time Student

BackBusiness Administration

Applied Credits
Cost Savings
Grad Date

Applied Credits

0 of 124
  • 0 of your transfer credits apply to this degree (the maximum number of credits you can transfer is 94).
  • You have 94 remaining credits that can be fulfilled by transferring in other credits or by taking courses at Franklin University.
  • 30 of the 124 credits needed to complete this program must be taken at Franklin University.

A detailed course-by-course Degree Estimate can be found by expanding the groups below.

Cost Savings


Tuition Cost (With Transfer Credits)

Tuition Cost (No Transfer Credits)

Completion Date


Time to Complete (With Transfer Credits)


Time to Complete (No Transfer Credits)

Full Time Student
Part Time Student

BackBusiness Administration A.A.S.

Applied Credits
Cost Savings
Grad Date

Applied Credits

0 of 60
  • 0 of your transfer credits apply to this degree (the maximum number of credits you can transfer is 40).
  • You have 40 remaining credits that can be fulfilled by transferring in other credits or by taking courses at Franklin University.
  • 20 of the 60 credits needed to complete this program must be taken at Franklin University.

A detailed course-by-course Degree Estimate can be found by expanding the groups below.

Cost Savings


Tuition Cost (With Transfer Credits)

Tuition Cost (No Transfer Credits)

Completion Date


Time to Complete (With Transfer Credits)


Time to Complete (No Transfer Credits)

Full Time Student
Part Time Student

BackBusiness Forensics

Applied Credits
Cost Savings
Grad Date

Applied Credits

0 of 124
  • 0 of your transfer credits apply to this degree (the maximum number of credits you can transfer is 94).
  • You have 94 remaining credits that can be fulfilled by transferring in other credits or by taking courses at Franklin University.
  • 30 of the 124 credits needed to complete this program must be taken at Franklin University.

A detailed course-by-course Degree Estimate can be found by expanding the groups below.

Cost Savings


Tuition Cost (With Transfer Credits)

Tuition Cost (No Transfer Credits)

Completion Date


Time to Complete (With Transfer Credits)


Time to Complete (No Transfer Credits)

Full Time Student
Part Time Student

BackCloud Computing

Applied Credits
Cost Savings
Grad Date

Applied Credits

0 of 124
  • 0 of your transfer credits apply to this degree (the maximum number of credits you can transfer is 94).
  • You have 94 remaining credits that can be fulfilled by transferring in other credits or by taking courses at Franklin University.
  • 30 of the 124 credits needed to complete this program must be taken at Franklin University.

A detailed course-by-course Degree Estimate can be found by expanding the groups below.

Cost Savings


Tuition Cost (With Transfer Credits)

Tuition Cost (No Transfer Credits)

Completion Date


Time to Complete (With Transfer Credits)


Time to Complete (No Transfer Credits)

Full Time Student
Part Time Student


Applied Credits
Cost Savings
Grad Date

Applied Credits

0 of 60
  • 0 of your transfer credits apply to this degree (the maximum number of credits you can transfer is 40).
  • You have 40 remaining credits that can be fulfilled by transferring in other credits or by taking courses at Franklin University.
  • 20 of the 60 credits needed to complete this program must be taken at Franklin University.

A detailed course-by-course Degree Estimate can be found by expanding the groups below.

Cost Savings


Tuition Cost (With Transfer Credits)

Tuition Cost (No Transfer Credits)

Completion Date


Time to Complete (With Transfer Credits)


Time to Complete (No Transfer Credits)

Full Time Student
Part Time Student


Applied Credits
Cost Savings
Grad Date

Applied Credits

0 of 120
  • 0 of your transfer credits apply to this degree (the maximum number of credits you can transfer is 90).
  • You have 90 remaining credits that can be fulfilled by transferring in other credits or by taking courses at Franklin University.
  • 30 of the 120 credits needed to complete this program must be taken at Franklin University.

A detailed course-by-course Degree Estimate can be found by expanding the groups below.

Cost Savings


Tuition Cost (With Transfer Credits)

Tuition Cost (No Transfer Credits)

Completion Date


Time to Complete (With Transfer Credits)


Time to Complete (No Transfer Credits)

Full Time Student
Part Time Student

BackComputer Science

Applied Credits
Cost Savings
Grad Date

Applied Credits

0 of 64
  • 0 of your transfer credits apply to this degree (the maximum number of credits you can transfer is 44).
  • You have 44 remaining credits that can be fulfilled by transferring in other credits or by taking courses at Franklin University.
  • 20 of the 64 credits needed to complete this program must be taken at Franklin University.

A detailed course-by-course Degree Estimate can be found by expanding the groups below.

Cost Savings


Tuition Cost (With Transfer Credits)

Tuition Cost (No Transfer Credits)

Completion Date


Time to Complete (With Transfer Credits)


Time to Complete (No Transfer Credits)

Full Time Student
Part Time Student

BackComputer Science

Applied Credits
Cost Savings
Grad Date

Applied Credits

0 of 124
  • 0 of your transfer credits apply to this degree (the maximum number of credits you can transfer is 94).
  • You have 94 remaining credits that can be fulfilled by transferring in other credits or by taking courses at Franklin University.
  • 30 of the 124 credits needed to complete this program must be taken at Franklin University.

A detailed course-by-course Degree Estimate can be found by expanding the groups below.

Cost Savings


Tuition Cost (With Transfer Credits)

Tuition Cost (No Transfer Credits)

Completion Date


Time to Complete (With Transfer Credits)


Time to Complete (No Transfer Credits)

Full Time Student
Part Time Student

BackCriminal Justice Admin.

Applied Credits
Cost Savings
Grad Date

Applied Credits

0 of 60
  • 0 of your transfer credits apply to this degree (the maximum number of credits you can transfer is 40).
  • You have 40 remaining credits that can be fulfilled by transferring in other credits or by taking courses at Franklin University.
  • 20 of the 60 credits needed to complete this program must be taken at Franklin University.

A detailed course-by-course Degree Estimate can be found by expanding the groups below.

Cost Savings


Tuition Cost (With Transfer Credits)

Tuition Cost (No Transfer Credits)

Completion Date


Time to Complete (With Transfer Credits)


Time to Complete (No Transfer Credits)

Full Time Student
Part Time Student

BackCriminal Justice Admin.

Applied Credits
Cost Savings
Grad Date

Applied Credits

0 of 120
  • 0 of your transfer credits apply to this degree (the maximum number of credits you can transfer is 90).
  • You have 90 remaining credits that can be fulfilled by transferring in other credits or by taking courses at Franklin University.
  • 30 of the 120 credits needed to complete this program must be taken at Franklin University.

A detailed course-by-course Degree Estimate can be found by expanding the groups below.

Cost Savings


Tuition Cost (With Transfer Credits)

Tuition Cost (No Transfer Credits)

Completion Date


Time to Complete (With Transfer Credits)


Time to Complete (No Transfer Credits)

Full Time Student
Part Time Student


Applied Credits
Cost Savings
Grad Date

Applied Credits

0 of 60
  • 0 of your transfer credits apply to this degree (the maximum number of credits you can transfer is 40).
  • You have 40 remaining credits that can be fulfilled by transferring in other credits or by taking courses at Franklin University.
  • 20 of the 60 credits needed to complete this program must be taken at Franklin University.

A detailed course-by-course Degree Estimate can be found by expanding the groups below.

Cost Savings


Tuition Cost (With Transfer Credits)

Tuition Cost (No Transfer Credits)

Completion Date


Time to Complete (With Transfer Credits)


Time to Complete (No Transfer Credits)

Full Time Student
Part Time Student


Applied Credits
Cost Savings
Grad Date

Applied Credits

0 of 124
  • 0 of your transfer credits apply to this degree (the maximum number of credits you can transfer is 94).
  • You have 94 remaining credits that can be fulfilled by transferring in other credits or by taking courses at Franklin University.
  • 30 of the 124 credits needed to complete this program must be taken at Franklin University.

A detailed course-by-course Degree Estimate can be found by expanding the groups below.

Cost Savings


Tuition Cost (With Transfer Credits)

Tuition Cost (No Transfer Credits)

Completion Date


Time to Complete (With Transfer Credits)


Time to Complete (No Transfer Credits)

Full Time Student
Part Time Student

BackEducation - Adolescence to Young Adult

Applied Credits
Cost Savings
Grad Date

Applied Credits

0 of 120
  • 0 of your transfer credits apply to this degree (the maximum number of credits you can transfer is 90).
  • You have 90 remaining credits that can be fulfilled by transferring in other credits or by taking courses at Franklin University.
  • 30 of the 120 credits needed to complete this program must be taken at Franklin University.

A detailed course-by-course Degree Estimate can be found by expanding the groups below.

Cost Savings


Tuition Cost (With Transfer Credits)

Tuition Cost (No Transfer Credits)

Completion Date


Time to Complete (With Transfer Credits)


Time to Complete (No Transfer Credits)

Full Time Student
Part Time Student

BackEducation - Intervention Spec. Mild to Moderate

Applied Credits
Cost Savings
Grad Date

Applied Credits

0 of 120
  • 0 of your transfer credits apply to this degree (the maximum number of credits you can transfer is 90).
  • You have 90 remaining credits that can be fulfilled by transferring in other credits or by taking courses at Franklin University.
  • 30 of the 120 credits needed to complete this program must be taken at Franklin University.

A detailed course-by-course Degree Estimate can be found by expanding the groups below.

Cost Savings


Tuition Cost (With Transfer Credits)

Tuition Cost (No Transfer Credits)

Completion Date


Time to Complete (With Transfer Credits)


Time to Complete (No Transfer Credits)

Full Time Student
Part Time Student

BackEducation - Middle Childhood

Applied Credits
Cost Savings
Grad Date

Applied Credits

0 of 120
  • 0 of your transfer credits apply to this degree (the maximum number of credits you can transfer is 90).
  • You have 90 remaining credits that can be fulfilled by transferring in other credits or by taking courses at Franklin University.
  • 30 of the 120 credits needed to complete this program must be taken at Franklin University.

A detailed course-by-course Degree Estimate can be found by expanding the groups below.

Cost Savings


Tuition Cost (With Transfer Credits)

Tuition Cost (No Transfer Credits)

Completion Date


Time to Complete (With Transfer Credits)


Time to Complete (No Transfer Credits)

Full Time Student
Part Time Student

BackEducation - Primary

Applied Credits
Cost Savings
Grad Date

Applied Credits

0 of 120
  • 0 of your transfer credits apply to this degree (the maximum number of credits you can transfer is 90).
  • You have 90 remaining credits that can be fulfilled by transferring in other credits or by taking courses at Franklin University.
  • 30 of the 120 credits needed to complete this program must be taken at Franklin University.

A detailed course-by-course Degree Estimate can be found by expanding the groups below.

Cost Savings


Tuition Cost (With Transfer Credits)

Tuition Cost (No Transfer Credits)

Completion Date


Time to Complete (With Transfer Credits)


Time to Complete (No Transfer Credits)

Full Time Student
Part Time Student

BackEducation Studies

Applied Credits
Cost Savings
Grad Date

Applied Credits

0 of 120
  • 0 of your transfer credits apply to this degree (the maximum number of credits you can transfer is 90).
  • You have 90 remaining credits that can be fulfilled by transferring in other credits or by taking courses at Franklin University.
  • 30 of the 120 credits needed to complete this program must be taken at Franklin University.

A detailed course-by-course Degree Estimate can be found by expanding the groups below.

Cost Savings


Tuition Cost (With Transfer Credits)

Tuition Cost (No Transfer Credits)

Completion Date


Time to Complete (With Transfer Credits)


Time to Complete (No Transfer Credits)

Full Time Student
Part Time Student

BackExercise Science

Applied Credits
Cost Savings
Grad Date

Applied Credits

0 of 120
  • 0 of your transfer credits apply to this degree (the maximum number of credits you can transfer is 90).
  • You have 90 remaining credits that can be fulfilled by transferring in other credits or by taking courses at Franklin University.
  • 30 of the 120 credits needed to complete this program must be taken at Franklin University.

A detailed course-by-course Degree Estimate can be found by expanding the groups below.

Cost Savings


Tuition Cost (With Transfer Credits)

Tuition Cost (No Transfer Credits)

Completion Date


Time to Complete (With Transfer Credits)


Time to Complete (No Transfer Credits)

Full Time Student
Part Time Student

BackFinancial Management

Applied Credits
Cost Savings
Grad Date

Applied Credits

0 of 64
  • 0 of your transfer credits apply to this degree (the maximum number of credits you can transfer is 44).
  • You have 44 remaining credits that can be fulfilled by transferring in other credits or by taking courses at Franklin University.
  • 20 of the 64 credits needed to complete this program must be taken at Franklin University.

A detailed course-by-course Degree Estimate can be found by expanding the groups below.

Cost Savings


Tuition Cost (With Transfer Credits)

Tuition Cost (No Transfer Credits)

Completion Date


Time to Complete (With Transfer Credits)


Time to Complete (No Transfer Credits)

Full Time Student
Part Time Student

BackFinancial Management

Applied Credits
Cost Savings
Grad Date

Applied Credits

0 of 124
  • 0 of your transfer credits apply to this degree (the maximum number of credits you can transfer is 94).
  • You have 94 remaining credits that can be fulfilled by transferring in other credits or by taking courses at Franklin University.
  • 30 of the 124 credits needed to complete this program must be taken at Franklin University.

A detailed course-by-course Degree Estimate can be found by expanding the groups below.

Cost Savings


Tuition Cost (With Transfer Credits)

Tuition Cost (No Transfer Credits)

Completion Date


Time to Complete (With Transfer Credits)


Time to Complete (No Transfer Credits)

Full Time Student
Part Time Student

BackFinancial Planning

Applied Credits
Cost Savings
Grad Date

Applied Credits

0 of 124
  • 0 of your transfer credits apply to this degree (the maximum number of credits you can transfer is 94).
  • You have 94 remaining credits that can be fulfilled by transferring in other credits or by taking courses at Franklin University.
  • 30 of the 124 credits needed to complete this program must be taken at Franklin University.

A detailed course-by-course Degree Estimate can be found by expanding the groups below.

Cost Savings


Tuition Cost (With Transfer Credits)

Tuition Cost (No Transfer Credits)

Completion Date


Time to Complete (With Transfer Credits)


Time to Complete (No Transfer Credits)

Full Time Student
Part Time Student

BackForensic Accounting

Applied Credits
Cost Savings
Grad Date

Applied Credits

0 of 64
  • 0 of your transfer credits apply to this degree (the maximum number of credits you can transfer is 44).
  • You have 44 remaining credits that can be fulfilled by transferring in other credits or by taking courses at Franklin University.
  • 20 of the 64 credits needed to complete this program must be taken at Franklin University.

A detailed course-by-course Degree Estimate can be found by expanding the groups below.

Cost Savings


Tuition Cost (With Transfer Credits)

Tuition Cost (No Transfer Credits)

Completion Date


Time to Complete (With Transfer Credits)


Time to Complete (No Transfer Credits)

Full Time Student
Part Time Student

BackForensic Accounting

Applied Credits
Cost Savings
Grad Date

Applied Credits

0 of 124
  • 0 of your transfer credits apply to this degree (the maximum number of credits you can transfer is 94).
  • You have 94 remaining credits that can be fulfilled by transferring in other credits or by taking courses at Franklin University.
  • 30 of the 124 credits needed to complete this program must be taken at Franklin University.

A detailed course-by-course Degree Estimate can be found by expanding the groups below.

Cost Savings


Tuition Cost (With Transfer Credits)

Tuition Cost (No Transfer Credits)

Completion Date


Time to Complete (With Transfer Credits)


Time to Complete (No Transfer Credits)

Full Time Student
Part Time Student

BackHealth Services

Applied Credits
Cost Savings
Grad Date

Applied Credits

0 of 60
  • 0 of your transfer credits apply to this degree (the maximum number of credits you can transfer is 40).
  • You have 40 remaining credits that can be fulfilled by transferring in other credits or by taking courses at Franklin University.
  • 20 of the 60 credits needed to complete this program must be taken at Franklin University.

A detailed course-by-course Degree Estimate can be found by expanding the groups below.

Cost Savings


Tuition Cost (With Transfer Credits)

Tuition Cost (No Transfer Credits)

Completion Date


Time to Complete (With Transfer Credits)


Time to Complete (No Transfer Credits)

Full Time Student
Part Time Student

BackHealthcare Administration

Applied Credits
Cost Savings
Grad Date

Applied Credits

0 of 120
  • 0 of your transfer credits apply to this degree (the maximum number of credits you can transfer is 90).
  • You have 90 remaining credits that can be fulfilled by transferring in other credits or by taking courses at Franklin University.
  • 30 of the 120 credits needed to complete this program must be taken at Franklin University.

A detailed course-by-course Degree Estimate can be found by expanding the groups below.

Cost Savings


Tuition Cost (With Transfer Credits)

Tuition Cost (No Transfer Credits)

Completion Date


Time to Complete (With Transfer Credits)


Time to Complete (No Transfer Credits)

Full Time Student
Part Time Student

BackHuman Resources Management

Applied Credits
Cost Savings
Grad Date

Applied Credits

0 of 124
  • 0 of your transfer credits apply to this degree (the maximum number of credits you can transfer is 94).
  • You have 94 remaining credits that can be fulfilled by transferring in other credits or by taking courses at Franklin University.
  • 30 of the 124 credits needed to complete this program must be taken at Franklin University.

A detailed course-by-course Degree Estimate can be found by expanding the groups below.

Cost Savings


Tuition Cost (With Transfer Credits)

Tuition Cost (No Transfer Credits)

Completion Date


Time to Complete (With Transfer Credits)


Time to Complete (No Transfer Credits)

Full Time Student
Part Time Student

BackIT - Project Management A.A.S.

Applied Credits
Cost Savings
Grad Date

Applied Credits

0 of 60
  • 0 of your transfer credits apply to this degree (the maximum number of credits you can transfer is 40).
  • You have 40 remaining credits that can be fulfilled by transferring in other credits or by taking courses at Franklin University.
  • 20 of the 60 credits needed to complete this program must be taken at Franklin University.

A detailed course-by-course Degree Estimate can be found by expanding the groups below.

Cost Savings


Tuition Cost (With Transfer Credits)

Tuition Cost (No Transfer Credits)

Completion Date


Time to Complete (With Transfer Credits)


Time to Complete (No Transfer Credits)

Full Time Student
Part Time Student

BackInformation Systems

Applied Credits
Cost Savings
Grad Date

Applied Credits

0 of 124
  • 0 of your transfer credits apply to this degree (the maximum number of credits you can transfer is 94).
  • You have 94 remaining credits that can be fulfilled by transferring in other credits or by taking courses at Franklin University.
  • 30 of the 124 credits needed to complete this program must be taken at Franklin University.

A detailed course-by-course Degree Estimate can be found by expanding the groups below.

Cost Savings


Tuition Cost (With Transfer Credits)

Tuition Cost (No Transfer Credits)

Completion Date


Time to Complete (With Transfer Credits)


Time to Complete (No Transfer Credits)

Full Time Student
Part Time Student

BackInformation Technology

Applied Credits
Cost Savings
Grad Date

Applied Credits

0 of 60
  • 0 of your transfer credits apply to this degree (the maximum number of credits you can transfer is 40).
  • You have 40 remaining credits that can be fulfilled by transferring in other credits or by taking courses at Franklin University.
  • 20 of the 60 credits needed to complete this program must be taken at Franklin University.

A detailed course-by-course Degree Estimate can be found by expanding the groups below.

Cost Savings


Tuition Cost (With Transfer Credits)

Tuition Cost (No Transfer Credits)

Completion Date


Time to Complete (With Transfer Credits)


Time to Complete (No Transfer Credits)

Full Time Student
Part Time Student

BackInformation Technology

Applied Credits
Cost Savings
Grad Date

Applied Credits

0 of 124
  • 0 of your transfer credits apply to this degree (the maximum number of credits you can transfer is 94).
  • You have 94 remaining credits that can be fulfilled by transferring in other credits or by taking courses at Franklin University.
  • 30 of the 124 credits needed to complete this program must be taken at Franklin University.

A detailed course-by-course Degree Estimate can be found by expanding the groups below.

Cost Savings


Tuition Cost (With Transfer Credits)

Tuition Cost (No Transfer Credits)

Completion Date


Time to Complete (With Transfer Credits)


Time to Complete (No Transfer Credits)

Full Time Student
Part Time Student

BackManagement & Leadership

Applied Credits
Cost Savings
Grad Date

Applied Credits

0 of 124
  • 0 of your transfer credits apply to this degree (the maximum number of credits you can transfer is 94).
  • You have 94 remaining credits that can be fulfilled by transferring in other credits or by taking courses at Franklin University.
  • 30 of the 124 credits needed to complete this program must be taken at Franklin University.

A detailed course-by-course Degree Estimate can be found by expanding the groups below.

Cost Savings


Tuition Cost (With Transfer Credits)

Tuition Cost (No Transfer Credits)

Completion Date


Time to Complete (With Transfer Credits)


Time to Complete (No Transfer Credits)

Full Time Student
Part Time Student


Applied Credits
Cost Savings
Grad Date

Applied Credits

0 of 124
  • 0 of your transfer credits apply to this degree (the maximum number of credits you can transfer is 94).
  • You have 94 remaining credits that can be fulfilled by transferring in other credits or by taking courses at Franklin University.
  • 30 of the 124 credits needed to complete this program must be taken at Franklin University.

A detailed course-by-course Degree Estimate can be found by expanding the groups below.

Cost Savings


Tuition Cost (With Transfer Credits)

Tuition Cost (No Transfer Credits)

Completion Date


Time to Complete (With Transfer Credits)


Time to Complete (No Transfer Credits)

Full Time Student
Part Time Student


Applied Credits
Cost Savings
Grad Date

Applied Credits

0 of 120
  • 0 of your transfer credits apply to this degree (the maximum number of credits you can transfer is 90).
  • You have 90 remaining credits that can be fulfilled by transferring in other credits or by taking courses at Franklin University.
  • 30 of the 120 credits needed to complete this program must be taken at Franklin University.

A detailed course-by-course Degree Estimate can be found by expanding the groups below.

Cost Savings


Tuition Cost (With Transfer Credits)

Tuition Cost (No Transfer Credits)

Completion Date


Time to Complete (With Transfer Credits)


Time to Complete (No Transfer Credits)

Full Time Student
Part Time Student

BackOperations & Supply Chain Mgmt

Applied Credits
Cost Savings
Grad Date

Applied Credits

0 of 126
  • 0 of your transfer credits apply to this degree (the maximum number of credits you can transfer is 96).
  • You have 96 remaining credits that can be fulfilled by transferring in other credits or by taking courses at Franklin University.
  • 30 of the 126 credits needed to complete this program must be taken at Franklin University.

A detailed course-by-course Degree Estimate can be found by expanding the groups below.

Cost Savings


Tuition Cost (With Transfer Credits)

Tuition Cost (No Transfer Credits)

Completion Date


Time to Complete (With Transfer Credits)


Time to Complete (No Transfer Credits)

Full Time Student
Part Time Student


Applied Credits
Cost Savings
Grad Date

Applied Credits

0 of 120
  • 0 of your transfer credits apply to this degree (the maximum number of credits you can transfer is 90).
  • You have 90 remaining credits that can be fulfilled by transferring in other credits or by taking courses at Franklin University.
  • 30 of the 120 credits needed to complete this program must be taken at Franklin University.

A detailed course-by-course Degree Estimate can be found by expanding the groups below.

Cost Savings


Tuition Cost (With Transfer Credits)

Tuition Cost (No Transfer Credits)

Completion Date


Time to Complete (With Transfer Credits)


Time to Complete (No Transfer Credits)

Full Time Student
Part Time Student

BackPublic Health

Applied Credits
Cost Savings
Grad Date

Applied Credits

0 of 120
  • 0 of your transfer credits apply to this degree (the maximum number of credits you can transfer is 90).
  • You have 90 remaining credits that can be fulfilled by transferring in other credits or by taking courses at Franklin University.
  • 30 of the 120 credits needed to complete this program must be taken at Franklin University.

A detailed course-by-course Degree Estimate can be found by expanding the groups below.

Cost Savings


Tuition Cost (With Transfer Credits)

Tuition Cost (No Transfer Credits)

Completion Date


Time to Complete (With Transfer Credits)


Time to Complete (No Transfer Credits)

Full Time Student
Part Time Student

BackPublic Safety A.A.S.

Applied Credits
Cost Savings
Grad Date

Applied Credits

0 of 60
  • 0 of your transfer credits apply to this degree (the maximum number of credits you can transfer is 40).
  • You have 40 remaining credits that can be fulfilled by transferring in other credits or by taking courses at Franklin University.
  • 20 of the 60 credits needed to complete this program must be taken at Franklin University.

A detailed course-by-course Degree Estimate can be found by expanding the groups below.

Cost Savings


Tuition Cost (With Transfer Credits)

Tuition Cost (No Transfer Credits)

Completion Date


Time to Complete (With Transfer Credits)


Time to Complete (No Transfer Credits)

Full Time Student
Part Time Student

BackPublic Safety Management

Applied Credits
Cost Savings
Grad Date

Applied Credits

0 of 120
  • 0 of your transfer credits apply to this degree (the maximum number of credits you can transfer is 90).
  • You have 90 remaining credits that can be fulfilled by transferring in other credits or by taking courses at Franklin University.
  • 30 of the 120 credits needed to complete this program must be taken at Franklin University.

A detailed course-by-course Degree Estimate can be found by expanding the groups below.

Cost Savings


Tuition Cost (With Transfer Credits)

Tuition Cost (No Transfer Credits)

Completion Date


Time to Complete (With Transfer Credits)


Time to Complete (No Transfer Credits)

Full Time Student
Part Time Student

BackSocial Sciences

Applied Credits
Cost Savings
Grad Date

Applied Credits

0 of 120
  • 0 of your transfer credits apply to this degree (the maximum number of credits you can transfer is 90).
  • You have 90 remaining credits that can be fulfilled by transferring in other credits or by taking courses at Franklin University.
  • 30 of the 120 credits needed to complete this program must be taken at Franklin University.

A detailed course-by-course Degree Estimate can be found by expanding the groups below.

Cost Savings


Tuition Cost (With Transfer Credits)

Tuition Cost (No Transfer Credits)

Completion Date


Time to Complete (With Transfer Credits)


Time to Complete (No Transfer Credits)

Full Time Student
Part Time Student

BackSport Management

Applied Credits
Cost Savings
Grad Date

Applied Credits

0 of 120
  • 0 of your transfer credits apply to this degree (the maximum number of credits you can transfer is 90).
  • You have 90 remaining credits that can be fulfilled by transferring in other credits or by taking courses at Franklin University.
  • 30 of the 120 credits needed to complete this program must be taken at Franklin University.

A detailed course-by-course Degree Estimate can be found by expanding the groups below.

Cost Savings


Tuition Cost (With Transfer Credits)

Tuition Cost (No Transfer Credits)

Completion Date


Time to Complete (With Transfer Credits)


Time to Complete (No Transfer Credits)

Full Time Student
Part Time Student

BackUser Exper. & Graphic Design

Applied Credits
Cost Savings
Grad Date

Applied Credits

0 of 120
  • 0 of your transfer credits apply to this degree (the maximum number of credits you can transfer is 90).
  • You have 90 remaining credits that can be fulfilled by transferring in other credits or by taking courses at Franklin University.
  • 30 of the 120 credits needed to complete this program must be taken at Franklin University.

A detailed course-by-course Degree Estimate can be found by expanding the groups below.

Cost Savings


Tuition Cost (With Transfer Credits)

Tuition Cost (No Transfer Credits)

Completion Date


Time to Complete (With Transfer Credits)


Time to Complete (No Transfer Credits)

Full Time Student
Part Time Student

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When you request a Customized Pathway Guide, you will receive a personalized PDF detailing the classes you can take at that will transfer directly toward your degree at Franklin University.

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Customized Pathway Generator

Our customized pathway guide allows you to see the classes you can still take at that will transfer directly toward your degree at Franklin University.

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The MyTransfer Credit results displayed reflect an UNOFFICIAL evaluation of your undergraduate transfer credits, certificates and training, transfer value and completion date by Franklin University and it may differ from your official evaluation, which will be completed upon receipt of your application for admission and all official transcripts. Our application for admission is available online through our main website: apply.franklin.edu.

See how many credits transfer into an Undergraduate Franklin Degree with MyTransfer Credit.

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Enter your completed courses and instantly find out how they will transfer using our database preloaded with 76,000 courses from 2,400 schools.

Custom Course Evaluation

If your course is not already in our database, just enter the course information, and we'll evaluate it within 10 days and send you a notification.

Add Certificates + Training

Enter any completed professional certificates or training to see how prior learning credit applies to your degree.

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Select the majors that interest you and you'll see which options save you the most time and money.

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Transfer More Credits

90% of students transfer credit to Franklin and the average student transfers in 89 credits.