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Why Accreditation Matters When Choosing Your College Degree

Would you hide your money under a mattress and expect it to earn interest?

Of course not.

But that’s exactly what getting your degree from an unaccredited college or university is like: It may seem like a good idea, but it yields no return on your investment.

The truth is, accreditation matters very much.

Before we get into why, though, let’s talk about what accreditation is—and what it is not.

What accreditation is (and isn’t)

According to the U.S. Department of Education, “the goal of accreditation is to ensure that education provided by institutions of higher education meet acceptable levels of quality.”

In short, college accreditation assures quality based on a defined standard.

Accreditation is not, however, a guarantee that you’ll be able to transfer credits, achieve your dreams, find a great job or make lots of money. (Though some or all of these things may happen.)

What it does is ensure that the institution and/or program was reviewed for quality, and meets a set of nationally endorsed standards or guidelines. In turn, that makes it more likely you’ll be well prepared to enter into (or advance) in your profession.

Why accreditation matters

There are plenty of reasons why accreditation matters, but here are 8 of the biggest:

  1. Provides proof that the college or university meets established quality standards
  2. Helps establish eligibility for federal financial aid programs
  3. Improves employment opportunities
  4. Ensures continuous improvement for the benefit of students
  5. Assists in improving learning outcomes
  6. Fosters a student-centric learning environment
  7. Facilitates entry into certain licensure and certification programs
  8. Indicates an institutional commitment to educational best practices

If you're interested in finishing your college degree at an accredited university, or in getting more information about college accreditation in general, please get in touch with us today.

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