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Research Project Request
Library research projects may include, but are not limited to, textbook replacement, literature searches or a compilation of information on companies, industries, markets, business competitors or topics to support grant applications or program or course development or design. Librarians cannot search for multimedia.
For textbook replacement, the library can check for library etextbooks or Open Educational Resources (OER) that students will be able to use without being charged. We can look for a specific book, or provide you with titles that are available for you to review and decide whether to use in your course. We can also search library databases, and Open Access databases for journal articles that can be used as a textbook replacement.
All research is expected to be related to the development/enrichment of a specific course or other university program or initiative.
Personal research projects will not be accepted, nor will research for non-affiliated patrons. Please see the Standards for Library Research Projects for additional information.