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Earn your DBA online in as few as 3 years

The Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) at Franklin University is a practical degree that enables both subject mastery and field application. That means you’ll be prepared to research and communicate complex issues as you solve organization-wide issues.

Hear What Our Doctoral Students Are Saying

Doctor of Business Administration Student + Executive Director, Dress for Success Columbus

“Earning my doctorate will help me hone my leadership skills and build my knowledge within my discipline, which is nonprofit management. I want to learn how to ask tough questions of myself, my leadership team and my staff to really make my organization an even stronger one than it is today.”

Doctor of Professional Studies-Instructional Design Leadership Student + Instructional Design Professional

"I can't stop my life as a parent with a full-time job to pursue academics. Franklin bridges that gap for me. I still have all my responsibilities but I'm challenged in a good way. And I can see myself graduating in a couple of years with a doctorate."

Doctor of Business Administration Student + Manager, Abbott Nutrition

“What drew me to Franklin’s program was the online coursework that enabled me to continue to work full time while progressing through the program. The flexibility allowed me to learn how I could improve my organization and implement changes in real time.”

Anh Thu
Doctor of Healthcare Administration Student + Project Director, Ohio Asian American Health Coalition

“I didn’t really have any hesitations. I knew right away that Franklin was the school for me. I knew that a doctorate in healthcare is what I wanted from the beginning to help make an impact on the community."

Doctor of Healthcare Administration Student + Instructional Assistant with Columbus City Schools

“The positive part is the faculty. They’re amazing teachers. I’ve been at other universities prior to this, but the faculty members at Franklin are what keep me coming.”

Get 360-Degree Support Throughout Your Doctoral Program

You’ll receive robust academic support from a variety of resources throughout your doctoral program. Together, our practice-minded faculty and your fellow doctoral students will support, mentor, encourage and keep you accountable to the program – and to yourself. 

Doctoral Faculty Advisor

Your faculty advisor guides your research interests and appropriate coursework selection.

1:1 Research Support

Convenient online access to Franklin’s librarians helps you maximize our robust research and library services.

Graduate Advisor

A graduate advisor regularly reviews academic progress, creates a personal education plan, ensures you are registered for courses each term, and connects you with other University departments and resources.

Academic Support Team

Our academic support services staff are available for paper review (prior to your dissertation courses), tutoring, and pertinent workshops such as APA (American Psychological Association) style and stress management.

Differentiate Yourself With An Applied Doctorate

Different than a theoretical, academia-focused doctor of philosophy (Ph.D.) degree, our applied doctorate degrees for the working professional prepares you to lead, innovate and transform. 

Franklin’s doctorates are professionally oriented degrees that enable you to apply doctoral-level thinking to complex problems in the real world. The cross-disciplinary programs also provide an avenue to expand your research, communication and decision-making competencies.

About Franklin University

Dedicated to Helping Ambitious Adults Succeed Since 1902

Get the support you need to achieve your goals at Franklin. Our streamlined processes and easy access to free academic support resources, minimize the obstacles standing between you and your degree. Accredited, nonprofit and wholly focused on adult learners for more than 120 years, Franklin makes it possible for you to earn an employer-respected degree 100% online.