FINA 771 - FL II: Understandng Adv Corp Finance (4 Credit Hours)

Proficiency in the higher levels of corporate finance requires a comprehensive understanding of business finance and a well-developed set of skills for making and implementing sound decisions. In this course, which extends the study of corporate finance begun in FINA 730, you will examine a number of advanced subjects, including risk management, financial planning and dividend policies. The course focuses on the use of valuation techniques to analyze financial choices and develop financial policies that best support the organization's operating strategies. In addition, you will study the use of specialized financial instruments, such as convertible securities, warrants and derivatives, as you master the skills needed to construct a viable financial plan and effectively manage firm working capital. Prerequisite(s): Financial Leadership I: Exploring Financial Markets & Institutions (FINA 770).

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FINA 772 - Fl Iii:devlpng the Invstmnt Portfolio (4 Credit Hours)

The ability to successfully construct and manage an investment portfolio is critical to achieving success in the financial operations of today's businesses. In this course, you will build on the knowledge obtained in your previous financial leadership courses to complete and applied project involving the development of an investment portfolio. Through this project you will develop a thorough understanding of financial market efficiency and differing investment strategies. You will study how the behavior and psychology of investors affect the stock market, analyze and evaluate the performance of securities portfolios, and apply your understanding of diversification in a simulation exercise in which you will support your decisions with fundamental and technical analyses. Prerequisite(s): Financial Leadership II: Understanding Advanced Corporate Finance (FINA 771).

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FINA 773 - Global Finance (4 Credit Hours)

No longer are only mammoth corporations concerned with the complexities and nuances of multinational financial operations. Today the leaders of companies of even moderate size often must have at least a fundamental knowledge of the global financial environment. In this course, you will be introduced to the workings of international finance as it relates to business operations. You will gain an understanding of such international macroeconomic topics as the balance of payments and models of exchange rate determination, while at the same time focusing on institutional issues such as the choice of exchange rate regime and growth of offshore currency markets. You will examine business and investor decisions involving exchange rate risk management, cross-border investment strategies, and participation in international money and capital markets.

Course Prerequisites - MGMT 707

FLA 101 - Foreign Language Studies I (3 Credit Hours)

A survey of linguistic terminology and pracitice in linguistic analysis, with an historical survey of the history of English from its beginnings in 450 A.D. to modern times. Emphasis will be on morphology, syntax, semantics, and language variation.

FLA 102 - Foregin Language Studies II (3 Credit Hours)

This course is designed for students with more than one year's experience in the foreign language being offered. The focus will be on the expansion of grammatical concepts while providing more demanding content and continuing the approach of FLA 101. Emphasis will be on the productive skills, speaking and writing.

FPLN 300 - Principles of Financial Planning (4 Credit Hours)

An introduction to personal financial planning. Topics include the financial planning process, money management and investments, insurance needs, income tax planning, retirement planning and estate planning. Cases are used to illustrate important planning concepts, techniques and issues.

Course Prerequisites - PF 121 or PF 321, COMM 150 or SPCH 100, ENG 120

FPLN 410 - Financial Planning Internship (1 Credit Hours)

This course provides qualified students with an opportunity to receive academic credit for supervised professional training and experience in an actual work environment. This Internship is an ongoing seminar between the student, the faculty member and the employment supervisor. It involves an Internship Application and Learning Agreement, periodic meetings with the faculty representative, professional experience at a level equivalent to other senior-level courses and submission of material as established in the Internship Application and Learning Agreement. Participation cannot be guaranteed for all applicants.

Course Prerequisites - See Academic Advisor

FPLN 430 - Tax Planning (4 Credit Hours)

An introduction to federal income taxation and the role of the tax code in financial planning for individuals, businesses, and business owners. Topics include the tax environment, fundamentals of income tax planning, the measurement of taxable income, the taxation of business income, individual income taxation, and the tax compliance process.

Course Prerequisites - PF 121 or PF 321, COMM 150 or SPCH 100, ENG 120, FPLN 300

FPLN 440 - Risk Management & Insurance Planning (4 Credit Hours)

An introduction to the techniques and issues of risk management and insurance for businesses and individuals. Topics include legal principles in risk and insurance, insurance contracts, personal property and liability risk, life and health risks, social insurance, insurance companies and product markets, insurance pricing, insurance taxation, government regulation of insurance, and professional ethics and market conduct. Note, this course has proctored exam(s).

Course Prerequisites - PF 121 or PF 321, COMM 150 or SPCH 100, ENG 120, FPLN 300

FPLN 450 - Retirement Savings & Income Planning (4 Credit Hours)

An introduction to retirement planning concepts, procedures, and issues for individuals, businesses, and business owners. Topics include understanding and evaluating client retirement objectives, qualified and non-qualified retirement plans, tailoring retirement plans to client needs, funding retirement plans and investing plan assets, retirement planning for individual clients, post-retirement monetary needs, tax considerations in retirement planning, and retirement plan distributions. Note, this course has proctored exam(s).

Course Prerequisites - PF 121 or PF 321, COMM 150 or SPCH 100, ENG 120, FPLN 300