October 2019 Newsletter
The Chronicle
Over the past months, we have ramped up our efforts to keep you informed on what is happening at Franklin. The changes in communication, website, and the addition of events have been met with such positive feedback. We appreciate you taking the time to engage with you alma mater! As we move into fall there are a lot of exciting things happening at Franklin! We hope you enjoy this months edition!
-The Office of Community Relations Team
Alumni Spotlight
Alex Dontre doesn’t have what most people would call your typical day job. In fact, he usually works nights. As a drummer in the comedy metal band, Psychostick, Alex and his bandmates have been composing and performing their unique brand of music for more than 20 years. In promotion of their six albums, the group has performed over 1,200 shows in Europe, the continental U.S., and once on a cruise ship. Despite his busy schedule making music and sharing his music across the globe, Alex’s nocturnal tendencies also support his love of developing others as he serves as adjunct faculty within the College of Arts, Sciences & Technology at Franklin, in the Bachelor of Science in Psychology program.
While Alex’s path to Franklin isn’t unique among our students, his completion of three degrees is distinctive. Alex earned an A.A.S. in Finance in 2014 from Columbus State Community College (CSCC), which he completed online while touring. He then found the 3+1 program between Franklin and CSCC and transferred to Franklin to complete a double-major in Financial Management and Financial Planning in 2016. The flexibility of both CSCC’s and Franklin’s online classes allowed Alex to continue his career as a musician. He often found himself completing course work while driving from city to city, in venues while waiting to perform, or any place he could sneak in a few minutes of homework. He once found himself giving a final presentation at 2 a.m. next to a dumpster behind a venue in Chester, England, which is likely where his story diverts from the norm. In all, he completed more than 50 courses in six years between CSCC and Franklin, while performing 505 concerts on two continents.
With travel, courses, and personal time to balance, Alex remained a scholar student at Franklin. As a result, during his undergraduate studies, he was awarded the 1902 Leadership Circle Scholarship. Alex returned to Franklin to earn his M.S. in Business Psychology in 2017, and was awarded the Best Poster Runner-Up based on that work at the Franklin University Scholars Showcase in 2018. His poster theme allowed him to showcase his research on the effects of goal framing on performance. While most would find touring, earning a double major and a master’s degree, and teaching fulfilling enough, Alex also wrote a book. The book, which will be released in the next year, chronicles his travels with his band, including his educational journey at Franklin.
Alex is an avid reader of science books along with the occasional science fiction novel and enjoys many styles of music and films. The perpetual traveler, he divides his time between Ohio, Illinois, and Ontario.
Today, a college degree remains the greatest driver of socioeconomic mobility in America. While Franklin has been steadily removing barriers to higher education throughout our 115-year history, in June, we went even further. Along with the University’s new, lower tuition rate, additional sources of financial assistance were added to ensure our students’ educational dollars go further at Franklin.
Franklin to Offer Additional $26,000 in Scholarships This Year
The Office of Community Relations is proud to announce through its efforts with the Frasch Family, Battelle Corporation and through alumni and friends, that the University will increase scholarships nearly 10% this year.
We would like to thank the Joseph F. Frasch family and the Battelle leadership for their help in the revitalization of these two existing scholarships. In addition, our office would like to thank all who donated to the Make It Possible Fund, which will also be utilized to help students realize their dream of a college education.
1902 Leadership Circle Scholarship and Alumni Military Scholarship to be Awarded
The Office of Community Relations is proud to announce the recipients of this year’s 1902 Leadership Circle Scholarship and Alumni Military Scholarship. Both of these scholarships are funded by alumni, employees and friends of the University.
1902 Scholarship
Awarded annually, the 1902 Leadership Circle Scholarship is provided to undergraduate and graduate students who make a positive contribution to the economic and/or social good of their local communities by displaying drive, tenacity and an entrepreneurial spirit similar to that of the University’s namesake, Benjamin Franklin.
Recipients: Kyle Fix, Andrew Howard, Katrina Pearl, Sara Kercher and Marchay Sledge
Alumni Military Scholarship
Also award annually the Alumni Military Scholarship champions our military service members. Much like Benjamin Franklin, who said “… For it was on the shoulders of such service that the dreams of the framers of our Constitution were made a reality,” our alumni established this scholarship to honor today’s service members, veterans and family members who carry on that same tradition of service. Current military personnel of any branch, veterans, their spouses or dependents are eligible to apply for this new award.
Recipients: Michelle Talbert, Richard Blake, Jason Norris, Kyle Fix, Tolulope Adegunju, Brian York, Laura Sittler, and Vanessa Ariole
Huntington, Columbus State and Franklin Team Up for Exact Track
As current and prospective college students confront multiple barriers in pursuing college degrees, Huntington Bank, Columbus State Community College and Franklin University have announced an innovative, forward-looking workforce education program to reduce the burdens on students and increase the likelihood of their success.
The Exact Track 3+1 dual-degree business program launched in July with an inaugural group of 25 Huntington students whose educational costs with Columbus State and Franklin University are being paid up front by Huntington. The unique program provides a combination of education, support, and real-world experience, and its convenient workplace location helps eliminate some of the hurdles for students hoping to further their education.
Earlier this month, Huntington Chairman and CEO Steve Steinour joined Columbus State President David Harrison, Franklin University President David Decker, Ohio Lieutenant Governor Jon Husted and Ohio Business Roundtable CEO and Chair of the Governor’s Executive Workforce Board, Pat Tiberi, alongside Exact Track students to celebrate the program’s launch at The Huntington Gateway Center in Columbus’ Northland neighborhood.
“We are proud to partner with Columbus State and Franklin University to create a unique model that brings higher education directly into the workplace,” Steinour said. “Exact Track is on the cutting edge of workforce education solutions, and it enables Huntington to invest in the future of our colleagues so we can retain and promote top talent from within the bank.”
Exact Track classes are held weekday evenings at Huntington Gateway Center. The program combines eight semesters of Columbus State curriculum and six semesters of Franklin University curriculum, including summer terms, enabling participants to complete college in five years while working full time. Exact Track participants earn two degrees: an associate degree in Business Management from Columbus State and a bachelor’s in Business Administration with a minor in Management and Leadership from Franklin University.
“Pairing our workforce needs and workers’ skills is one of the most important things we can do to help people be successful in their personal goals while giving job creators the talent they need to grow,” said Lt. Governor Jon Husted. “The partnership Huntington has formed with Columbus State and Franklin University is a leading example of the type of employer engagement we need to strengthen our workforce and move our economy forward.”
“For the CEOs of the Ohio Business Roundtable, workforce and talent remain persistent challenges,” said Tiberi. “Ohio employers can no longer sit back and assume higher education is going to produce a workforce equipped with the specific skills businesses will need to fill their future in-demand jobs. With Exact Track, Huntington shows us that businesses can help meet their own future employment needs.”
Exact Track provides a predictable, manageable class schedule for professionals balancing career, college and other responsibilities. Knowing the exact sequence of courses, along with a consistent class time and location makes it easier to fit college into a busy schedule. An accelerated three-and-a-half-year program also is open to applicants from the general public at Columbus State’s Delaware campus. More information is available at www.cscc.edu/exacttrack.
“This type of corporate collaboration with higher education is the wave of the future when it comes to meeting the current and anticipated needs of Ohio’s workforce. We anticipate this will be a very successful program we will expand over time,” Steinour added.
New Master’s Programs Align with Industry Demand
Want to enter or advance in the technology field? Franklin is rolling out two new master’s programs that can help you boost your marketability and increase your professional options. Classes start in February 2020 and both programs can be completed in 16 months, 100% online.
The M.S. in Cybersecurity prepares you for a cybersecurity career at the operational, tactical or strategic level. The hands-on program helps you master relevant concepts, theories and techniques. Franklin’s master’s in cybersecurity also helps you sharpen soft skills like listening, communication and presentation that are highly valued in the workplace.
The M.S. in Information Technology helps you grow your technology skills while also broadening your perspective of technology’s role within specific industries. Because it blends both technical and non-technical courses, Franklin’s master’s in IT is a great path to get the training you need to make the leap to an IT role within your organization.
Now is the perfect time to commit to earning your master’s degree. If you enroll within the next two terms, Franklin cover the cost of your first master’s-level course. This $2,680 scholarship is applicable to any of Franklin’s 18 master’s programs for the spring 2020 and summer 2020 terms.
Alumni Return to Campus for LinkedIn Seminar
The Office of Community Relations welcomed nearly 30 alumni back to campus on Thursday, Oct. 3 for alumnus Jeff Young’s presentation LinkedIn: Ask The Expert. During the professional development session, Jeff spoke in depth about how to maximize your LinkedIn profile, tips and tricks, and answered questions from attendees.
Part II of the LinkedIn series will take place on Nov. 5, on Main Campus in Fisher Hall, from 5:30-7:00 p.m. During this session, Jeff will cover Maximizing LinkedIn Branding Channels, and focus on how to increase your personal brand.
You did not need to attend Part I to benefit from Part II. All are welcome and encouraged to take part.
To attend on Nov. 5, RSVP to aaron.cassady@franklin.edu by Nov. 1. Food and drinks will be provided.
Upcoming Events
- Nov. 5, 2019: LinkedIn Training - Part II
- Nov. 12, 2019: Franklin Career Fair
- Nov. 14, 2019: Franklin University Scholarship Reception
- Dec. 14, 2019: Coat Drive with Santa
- Jan. 25, 2020: Six Sigma White Belt Certification
Alumni Podcast
We continue to get great feedback on our alumni podcast. We have had many alumni reach out to tell us the content has helped them or reminded them of things that they want to improve or do in their career. In this month’s podcast we sat down with Jeff Young, The LinkedIn Guru.
Click here for our podcast page.
Upcoming Podcast Interviews:
- October: Jeff Young (’80), discussing “How to Use LinkedIn to its Full Potential”
- November: Phil Fankhauser (’68), Co-Founder and Principal, Epcon Communities, Inc. discussing “The Emotion of Sales”
- December: Wayne Miller sharing a fun look at “The History and Lesser-Known Franklin Facts”
Center for Career Development Month Tips
So you completely revamped your résumé and it looks AMAZING. Then, you then submitted that résumé to 75 different job posts, and got zero phone calls. What gives? Well, a lot gives.
Let’s start by asking: Who did you write your résumé for? Yourself? The hiring manager? The director for the position? Who or what should you have written it for? That’s right, WHAT! If you are applying to large or mid-size corporations you’re more than likely being stopped by the applicant tracking system (ATS) the company has in place.
An ATS is designed to pull out key words from résumés that match the criteria the company put in the job post. If your résumé doesn’t hit on those key words, it automatically throws your beautifully created résumé in the right into the electronic round file.
Application tracking systems were created in the early ’90s when the internet boom began to help employers filter through the résumés of 100s of applicants in order to find the right fit. If companies in the ’90s were getting hundreds of applications for one job, imagine today when a company may see thousands of applications for the same job. The ability for an individual to sort through and pick the 10 best candidates would take months, and that’s just for one position. Consider the ATS the front gate to a company; you’re knocking on the door, but unless you know the secret code, you aren’t getting in.
In truth, you should have many résumés. Target small companies with a résumé that is very well written and personalized to meet the needs of a small, hands-on company. Create another for a company that might be a little bigger, but still has the capabilities and the manpower to look at each individual résumé by hand. Finally, have one that is structured and built specifically for getting through the black hole aka the ATS. Each one of these documents is a living, breathing thing that needs to be updated and edited constantly to meet not only the ever-changing demands of your current position, but also the future needs of the company that you want to work for.
The biggest hurdle with the ATS is the wording. Having a résumé that is too complex, too formatted and too wordy will automatically get your résumé thrown into the trash, no matter how great of fit you would be for the company.
Did you know that, according to Top Résumé and CNBC, at least 75% of résumés are thrown out by the ATS. If you want to be part of the 25% that make it through, here are some helpful tips to get your résumé in human hands and scheduled for an interview.
Keep it simple:
- Keep your work history limited to 10-15 years. It is perfectly okay to list some of your experiences in a section titled other professional experiences.
- Don’t over format. Fancy fonts and colors are great, but you aren’t inviting us to a wedding, you want a job. Black and white are perfectly okay for a résumé, and a simple format will keep the ATS moving right through your résumé to those key words you found in the job post.
- When it comes to saving and formatting, PDF is always best. It’s simple and smaller than a word document. Most ATS can pick it up and it won’t lose any formatting you did. Keeping it in word, or another word processor can sometimes be difficult for an ATS to completely interpret and, at times, can cause your résumé to get out of sync.
- Two pages is too many pages. The one page résumé is still a great tool in your career toolbox. Statistics show that your résumé is in the hands of the hiring manager or another human for 6-10 seconds, once you get through that ATS. The top of your résumé is the most vital space you have in your job search, use it wisely.
Use the right words:
- Find those key words in the job post and make sure your résumé includes them. For even better results: Keep those key words in the first half of your résumé.
- Check your spelling and grammar. All too often we forget this vitally important step and it can get your résumé thrown out immediately. Even if the ATS doesn’t catch it, the hiring manger will.
- Remember I and me are never good on a résumé. Use your humble brag, how did it help the company. It’s a team game and we’re all in it together.
- Don’t just throw your responsibilities down and think you’re done, we want accomplishments. Accomplishments with quantitative figures are even better. Companies want to see numbers and results.
Know who or what you’re writing to:
- Your résumé isn’t about or for you. It’s about the company’s needs and how you can meet them.
Did You Know
The City of Columbus recently announced the closing of the downtown Columbus YMCA location at 40 W. Long St., after nearly 100 years at this location. Of course, many Franklin alumni remember taking classes at this location when Franklin was affiliated with the Y through the mid-1960s. But Did You Know that the original location of the YMCA in Columbus that housed Franklin was on 3rd Street in downtown.
Your Donation Matters
Franklin alumni have always been regarded as leaders in their fields, making innovative contributions to their work places and communities, with those contributions extending far beyond new ideas and achievements. Our alumni impact the future for current students and our alma mater. Help us uphold Franklin's promise as “The University of Opportunity” by providing even more opportunities and successes for future alumni by making a gift today.
Meet the Team Behind the Newsletter
How to Winterize a House for the Cold Weather
By following these tips from Nationwide on how to winterize a house, you can help avoid costly repairs this winter season.